sophilozophy's reviews
840 reviews

Unwritten Rules by M.A. Stacie

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Elle and Jonah live in the same apartment building and only see each other when they go to their mailboxes. They don't interact with each other except for chase glances. With the help of Elle's cat and Jonah coming to her rescue, they start to explore their feeling and she finds out that he's the one that needs to be rescued.

I like Elle and the fact she isn't a pushover. She wouldn't/couldn't give up on Jonah, no matter how much he wanted her to. There is a lot more to her attraction to Jonah then just the physical and she showed that by staying there at times when most people would of run.

I really wanted to know, but was afraid to find out what dark secret compelled Jonah to live almost completely cut off from the rest of the world and feel he's not worthy of being loved. I was always on guard for which Jonah would appear on each page. Would it be the painfully shy Jonah, the very sexy and confident one or the angry and sarcastic version. All versions were him trying to keep Elle from getting too close.

The chemistry between Elle and Jonah was tangible from the start and only intensified. I hope, but don't know if I could be as strong as Elle was in those dark moments.

A very well written and intense love story with raw emotion and passion that will captivate you from the start.
A Mother's Gift by Lynne Spears, Britney Spears

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Way to predictable. I had the whole story figured out after a couple chapters and wasn't surprised once. It also felt... unoriginal when I was reading, like I've read or seen the movie before. Just wasn't for me.
Evernight by Claudia Gray

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Even after reading the synopsis and a few chapters I still didn't know where this book was heading, which I loved. Then that moment happened and everything fell into place. You get a sense very quickly that Evernight Academy isn't your typical boarding school and that there is something special about Bianca. Lucas has his own secrets and tries to stay away from Bianca for her own protection. Another twist makes an already complicated situation, just that more difficult for Bianca and Lucas.

I'd compare it to Romeo & Juliet, but hope their story doesn't end tragically.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

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The following book takes place between 11:56PM (GMT) and 11:24PM (GMT).

The last place Hadley wants to be is on her way to her father's wedding. Things haven't been the same between them since he left for England. She can't even say she knows him any more and now she has to fly across the Atlantic to see him and meet the fiancé and soon after, wife – for the first time. The day hasn't started out well and doesn't look like it's going to get any better until it does. Thanks to the difference four minutes makes.

I love everything about The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, even the usually long title. While I enjoy contemporaries, I'm sometimes left with the need for more in the story – like reality isn't enough. This book was one I was drawn to from the beginning and it's everything I wanted it to be and more. It's on my list of not only favourite contemporaries, but all-round favourites. It's proof that you don't always need supernatural events for a captivating read.

Everything happens within a short space of time, but the story never feels rushed. I love both of the characters, Hadley and Oliver. They're relatable and just fit naturally together. There is a deeper meaning to the story and things to learn, which I always enjoy.

It's a fun and fast-paced read that made me sigh dreamily and smiling the whole time I was reading it. I'll never look at the empty seat on a plane next to me or anybody and not think about the this story and the different possibilities again.
Between the Land and the Sea by Derrolyn Anderson

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Marina is going to live with her aunt and cousin while her dad, an expert in the field of agronomy goes to a dangerous country to help. Until now it's always just been the two of them living a vagabond lifestyle, but she quickly feels at home due to the attraction to the boy who has saved her twice and an explainable pulled to the sea. Marina and her cousin Cruz both share the tragedy of losing a parent as infants. The subject of her mother isn't something she can ask her father. In the past, he has always refused to answer any question and becomes so depressed that she's given up asking. Her need for answers is putting her in danger and forces her to make a decision that will effect the rest of her life.

This was my first book involving this particular mythical aquatic creatures and I enjoyed Derrolyn Anderson's take on the myth. All the sceneries, scents and colours were beautifully described. One thing that I'm so glad this book has in common with a few others I've read and really enjoy is how strong the secondary characters are. They have they're own distinct personalities. Sometimes I find myself forgetting or mixing up secondary charachters, which shows me how unimportant their role is and makes plots where they're spotlighted something I wouldn't really enjoy because they're not important to me. That wasn't the case here.

There was a lot more action and mystery then I anticipated, plus the love story wasn't as straightforward (they see each other and immediately fall in love) as they tend to be. While Marina's story is the main focus, it isn' the only one. It's a very unique story and I look forward to reading what Derrolyn Anderson has in store for the characters next.
Possession by Elana Johnson

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The world this book is set in is split into two different societies. The Goodgrounds (Goodies) and the Badlands (Baddies). The Goodies are controlled by Thinkers (also called Greenies) through the daily transmissions they listen to and are the people who decide what their jobs will be as well as who they'll be matched with. There is a rule for everything from public displays of affection, even something as innocent as a father holding his daughter's hand, to being an individual and standing out.

Vi gets imprisoned and thrown into a cell with a guy named Jag. One of the reasons she's imprisoned is because she was alone with a boy, so I found it strange that the people who enforce the rules put them in a small cell together. The security was very lax for a prison. I've been to a actually prison, not in prison, just to one (I think my school was trying to scare us into never doing anything to end up there). Every door you walk through is opened with a key and automatically locks before you're able to open the next door, so the way they escape was very unrealistic to me. I knew they would, but not how easy it would be, especially in a futuristic world with so much technology.

There is an instant attraction for Vi to Jag, despite proclaiming her love a couple hours earlier to Zenn, her best friend and match. Her relationship with Jag, which I didn't think was built on anything substantial kept changing. They're in love one minute, can't trust each other the next, can't be without the other, then they don't want anything to do with the other – it was too confusing. There was no real context why Vi stopped listening to her transmission and is now rebelling. I kept thinking, wouldn't the transmission have a message telling the listeners to continuing listening?

No matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn't get into the story and connect with any of the characters. There were too many holes in the plot. I kept flipping back to see if I'd missed something and realizing I didn't – it just wasn't there.

There were repeated statements like, a good person can't be bad and there is no darkness in light, which I just don't agree with. Someone good can do bad things and aren't shadows the darkness that can only exist in light?

I really wanted to love Possession since I adore the cover and had been anticipating it since I first came across it. It ends with a cliffhanger, but since the next book is a companion set in the same world and told by two different narrators, we might be left hanging.
Her Best Friend by Sarah Mayberry

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Amy has loved Quinn since she was fourteen years old. However Liz and Quinn seemed to find love in one another long before Amy could do anything about her feelings and one thing leads to another. Before long Liz and Quinn are married and living in Sydney. Six years have gone by and Amy is about to fulfill her life long dream. She has tried her best to move on and forget about Quinn, even pushes him out of her life thinking it would be easier. Circumstances occur that bring Quinn back into her life.

I can't tell you how frustrating it was at times to read, but in a good way. Both Amy and Quinn were likeable characters. I read it from start to finish because I just had to know how it ends. The problems that occur, although annoying (again in a good way), makes the story realistic. This isn't a "girl tells boy she loves him, boy reciprocates and they instantly live happily ever after" story. And that's a good thing.
Frostbite by Richelle Mead

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The sexual tension that was more than evident between Dimitri and Rose in [b:Vampire Academy|18660669|Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1)|Richelle Mead||335933] goes up a few gears in this instalment. Rose has it bad for Dimitri and pines for him throughout the novel. But Dimitri is still her mentor, which is another way of saying off-limits and much older than her. Starting something with him would put her already diminishing chances of becoming Lissa's guardian at serious risk and ruin Dimitri's reputation as well. Is it even possible at seventeen that Rose loves Dimitri in a "for life" kind of way? Dimitri has made it clear that nothing can or will ever happen between them. Then he receives a very tempting offer from a very attractive royal, which devastates Rose and makes her act out. Dimitri accepting such an offer, however, will mean turning his back on Rose forever as her mentor, co-worker and any small possibility as more.

So will he or won't he?
Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead

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Rose is entering the final stages of her guardian training and before she can graduate, she is required to undergo six weeks of field experience. After spending two years of her life guarding Lissa from real attacks, Rose thinks that this will be easy, but the Academy gives her a unpleasant surprise. Something weird is going on with her and she's too afraid of what everyone will think if she tells them and what it might mean. She finds herself confronted with new challenges that have nothing to do with guarding and protecting the life of a royal, which is where all of her attention should be. Then there's Dimitri *sigh*. Even though she’s tried, Rose just can’t shake her feelings for him. It’s a cruel twist of fate, but Dimitri and Rose know that guardian/guardian relationships are strictly forbidden. Will they walk away from their guardian destinies to be with each other, or will they continue trying not to act on their feelings?
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

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Rose and Lissa have been on the run, trying to evade the very people who were supposed to keep them safe. But St. Vladamir's Academy didn’t seem safe two years ago when all these weird things starting happening and when Guardians capture the two runaways, they don’t feel any safer. Rose is sassy, feisty and fiercely loyal. She’s quick to fly off the handle and has a bit of a reputation as a player. Lissa is her best friend with whom she shares an unusual special bond with that they themselves don't understand. Somber, conscientious Dimitri, who is 7 years her senior becomes her trainer and since Rose is a wild child, you can imagine the dynamic. The plot revolves around the increasingly dire threats to Lissa and the development of Lissa’s own powers, some of which are quite dangerous and extraordinary even for a Moroi and draw the attention of some unsavoury characters.