spaceodin's reviews
238 reviews

Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
Not for me. Pretty snoozy for the subject matter.
Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls: Stories by Alissa Nutting

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I was loving this collection until the next to last story, the unfortunately named “She-Man”, starring the only trans character of the bunch. I was annoyed by some pretty basic ignorance throughout - estrogen doesn’t change your voice! - but by the end, it was pure garbage. Yet another story about a trans sex worker who, upon having her “deception”  discovered,  is beaten to death by her lover and white supremecists.  This was inexcusably lazy, in a collection that thrives on women being in otherworldly and surreal situations, that the only scenario a trans woman could possibly be in is murdered.

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Fagin the Jew by Will Eisner

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Can writers atone for writing stereotypes, even if they’re well-intentioned stereotypes? Can we discern intention from writers who are long dead, whose stories have been adapted endlessly?