spaceodin's reviews
238 reviews

It's So Magic by Lynda Barry

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Maybe my fave of Ernie Pook’s Comeeks so far, but I’m a sucker for more Marlys, my favorite little weirdo. 

“There’s people who will hit you if they find out you are queer. My uncle John has a scar on his forehead from it. The police said ‘forget it’. Personally I like queers!!! So far I only know two queers and I am looking for more queers!!! So if you see me please say hi don’t be snobbish!!! Also if you know other queers tell them ‘Marlys says hi’. Say ‘right on from Marlys’ and do the power sign. And if you see my Uncle John and Bill please say I miss them and come back soon.
Love Truely,
⭐️ Marlys ⭐️ “
Spinning by Tillie Walden

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