spacey_ghost's reviews
196 reviews

The Gifts That Bind Us by Caroline O'Donoghue

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Why did I take so long to pick this one up?!! I finished the first book maybe two years ago???? Thankfully, this was a real easy one to jump back into! All the favs are back! I missed them so and they are bigger and better than ever! Such a great sequel, much stronger than the first!! Very Practical Magic vibes!!!

TOTALLY did not expect Aaron to become part of the witchy found family!! This is a pleasent surprise, I love it when an ally is indisposed and one of the antagonists ends up coming along right in time to take their place, whether they want to or not and becomes like the new weirdly adopted member of the team \o/ so sad we had to be without Roe for so long, he's my fav and I adore him and Maeve's love for him!

I am very excited to see what has been cooked up in the third book. It might be a bit before I can pick it up because I’m still on a small book buying ban...hopefully it won’t take like years to get back to this time, I must move on and will keep Maeve, Fiona, Roe, and Lilly in my heart til then! 
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I just do not have the patience to read a straight romance right now
Lockjaw by Matteo L. Cerilli

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Lockjaw was so up my alley! It’s a new queer ya horror set in your stereotypical small town where nothing goes wrong and there’s definitely no monsters hiding in plain sight. A story about and for those lost and forgotten, purposely left behind by society and craving to take their rightful revenge. Told in multiple POVs seamlessly intertwined together (two of them being trans characters!!) where even the town itself feels like a character all on it’s own speaking directly to the reader!

I was fully blown away by this book! Cerilli does such an excellent job with layering in all of the foreshadowing together and just the general inherent offputting vibes of Bridlington. I often pride myself in being able to see things coming ahead of time when I read and the way how this left me guessing at every turn 😳 At one point, I fully had to stop and take the rest of the day to completely process exactly what had just happened 😅 Definitely one that warrants multiple rereads!!

Lockjaw quickly became one of the top books of the year for me and I hope y’all pick this one up if you are looking for a new raw summertime horror to read this season! 
Blood & Flowers by Mars Adler

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 48%.
Waiting on the new edition to come out before I finish this one!
The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton

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Originally got this as an ARC and I'm so thankful!! A sapphic historical fantasy/heist billed as “Moulin Rouge meets Holly Black”??? Of course I had to pick this up! And this cover? Probably one of my favorites— I’d love to own this as a poster or something 🙏 So stunning!

Now as for the story itself, this was a fun lil lighthearted ride! Definitely one to read more for the romance than the action itself. I love Sybil and Esme’s relationship and their dynamic as a whole. They are so perfect for each other, even when Sybil gets them into loads of trouble 🤭 The stakes themselves aren’t particularly high. It feels like problems get solved almost right away without any sort of suspense though that being said, I still had an overall good time.