spacey_ghost's reviews
196 reviews

Heart, Haunt, Havoc by Freydís Moon

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Editing this review in light of current events— this author has been race faking along with a whole list of other horrible behaviors under different pen names/identities this entire time and I no longer will be supporting their work moving forward
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker

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So into the queernormative world and magical elements and so cool to see a deaf protagonist!!! Not at all what I was expecting based on the cover and that sort of hindered my read of this. Also was a bit put off by how often the secondary characters felt the end to point out how they knew how the two main characters were so into each other, especially coming from some of the adult characters, but that might be just me.
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers

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I want to run off into the woods to find my purpose in life and make tea with a robot friend ;-;
The Tea Dragon Society by K. O'Neill

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The art style is so adorable! Minette and the Hibiscus dragon have my full heart! Will be checking out the rest of the series!!
Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones

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Mongrels is so fantastic. It doesn’t hold anything back, giving you every disgusting and gorey detail that you could ask for in a werewolf book and so much more! I was right in the protagonist’s shoes, begging to hear any little piece of lore that I could 🙏 The writing is so impeccable and I almost want to go back and reread this all over again to catch all the details I have missed.
Once Upon an Eid: Stories of Hope and Joy by 15 Muslim Voices by S.K. Ali, Aisha Saeed

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So happy that I found this book just in time for Ramadan! I feel this is such a good experience to read and to learn about all the different aspects of this holiday and how some families celebrate differently than others. Middle grade but I feel people of all ages can enjoy this!

If I had to pick a fav story, I’d have to go with either “Do’nut Break Tradition” or “Not Only an Only” ☝️though really they all are really solid. Also love how there was a good mix of short stories, poetry, and illustrations sprinkled throughout!
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

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Before the Coffee Gets Cold is one of those books I knew I was going to love instantly. It’s been on my radar for a hot minute so really excited I finally got around to reading this!!

I don’t know if this would count as a “cozy fantasy” book but that’s exactly the vibe for me. Just a very delightful book to read. Very simple yet captivating premise. Each of the chapters is episodic, centering on one relationship/one regular in this cafe, and I feel this is the best way to read this: one chapter at a time with your special beverage of choice. As you learn more about the people and baristas in this cafe with each chapter, I did figure out how this was going to end and it was both so emotional and so satisfying seeing everything come together 🤧

Can’t wait to visit Funiculi Funicula again in the sequels (and to see if they’ll also make me cry 😅)
Hooky Volume 3 by Míriam Bonastre Tur

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Disappointing end to a series. Very quick and sudden resolution to all the conflict. Fun to see everyone's time skip outfits and designs! But that's about all the good things. There's a weird miscommunication between William/Monica/and Damien that felt very forced for the drama given I thought they all knew exactly what they were getting into well in advanced
in the marriage between William and Monica???? Mostly on William's end.

Also Dani spends most of the volume possessed/in a coma-like state and we don't get to spend any time with her at all. I feel this is a very common trope when it comes to powerful woman in media, not as much these days but still, and I hated having to watch all the male characters have to rush in and save her.

Wish there was a fourth volume to help expand and smooth out some of this ending.
EYETOOTH by Mars Adler

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Very nice sort of vampire transformation story???? The writing as always from Mars Adler is excellent and that surgery scene really did the job in freaking me out. My only negative is the age gap between the main romance. I understand immortals are involved but even physically between them the gap is a bit large for me.
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa

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I am convinced at this point that Gabe Cole Novoa can do no wrong. This needs to be on more people’s queer pirate book lists. It’s got everything: a nonbinary lead who can wield magic; Latine pirates in the Caribbean taking action against oppressors; literal deals with the devil…I had such a blast!

The writing is so rich, really sucks you into this world! I love how Mar’s identity as a nonbinary person blended together with their magia. I love Mar and Bas’ chemistry and how would bounce off each other. And Dami is such a standout character with their shapeshifting! Can’t wait to read more of them in The Diablo’s Curse 🙏

Between this and picking up Pirates of Aletharia, I may be stumbling into my Pirate Era™️ myself 😅