spacey_ghost's reviews
196 reviews

Saint Juniper's Folly by Alex Crespo

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I’ve been so back and forth as to what to rate this. 3 stars? 4 stars? Is this my first 3.5???? This was a overall a solid read! Everything you could ask for in a gay lil haunted house book. Like I’ve said before, I love multiple POVs!!! I loved seeing them work together to try and get Jaime out of this damn house 👏 I was really drawn to Taylor’s POV the most with her trying to connect with her magic and in turn, her departed mother’s heritage. And her and Jaime’s friendship is really something special too with how they connect over their different backgrounds…and in other ways that I won’t spoil 🤫

As for the negatives: The pacing was a bit off for me? A bit too fast. This is supposed to have taken place in the span of a couple of months and instead felt more like weeks. While Jaime and Theo are very cute together and I was rooting for them since the beginning, the overall pacing did make their relationship feel very rushed and I can’t help but wonder if they’ll stay together in the future 😅 And Anna certainly felt like a character that was going to have more relevance in the plot and instead kinda went nowhere and I wish we had gotten more of her.

All and all, still a very enjoyable read! I’d jump into this world again to see what else Jaime, Theo, and Taylor are up to.
Herald of the Witch's Mark by Kellen Graves

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I cannot praise it enough and here I am to scream about it more to the heavens now that I FINALLY finished Book 3 🥳🥳🥳

Herald of the Witch’s Mark is bigger and better than ever! Probably the best writing and character development out of the three so far!! So fun to get to see Saffron now navigating through high fey society, having his lil Hot Boy Summer, while simultaneously unraveling his newfound powers. Also introducing a new set of characters that I have immediately claimed as my children and I’ll protect with all my heart and soul 🙏

The writing especially shines when it comes to depicting Saffron’s trauma after the events of Book 2. So heartbreaking to see our boy Saffron really Going Through It 🤧 Very realistic to see how trauma can sit with you, even after the danger has passed, and how to cope with that moving forward 🙏

So many twists and turns that really sneak up on you towards the end! So much more I could scream about! Cannot wait for books 4 (and 5-8 😅) to be out in the world!! In the meantime, I will be manifesting good things for Saffron, Cylvan, and *especially* for all their friends after that ending 😬🙏
Molt by H.S. Wolfe

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The things I never thought I'd read with my own two eyes and yet I devour every second of these two! Can't wait to see what comes up next for Echo and Ender!!!
The Deep & Dark Blue by Niki Smith

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Cool plot and magic system! Zero other thoughts, just had a plain good time with this one!!
A Song of Salvation by Alechia Dow

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 This was a really powerful book! This is a YA scifi book full of reborn gods, fighting colonization, and strong found family vibes set within a very unique queernormative solar system/world. It’s also told in multiple POVs and I personally love it when you get to read the thoughts of everyone within the found family. Ruben might have to be my favorite. He brings such a fun energy to the trio and is the glue that holds everyone together! Reading this made me wish I had access to books like this as a teen and I’m so glad this series exists now for teens this day and age to enjoy!

Admittedly, I didn’t realize that Alechia Dow’s books were connected in the same universe so technically I read this out of order 😅 Still, I found that it’s perfectly satisfying as a stand-alone and I am excited to read the others and get to be back in this world in the future! 
Brightly Woven: The Graphic Novel by Alexandra Bracken, Leigh Dragoon

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Lots of potential with the fabric based magic system, found myself mostly skimming through it
Lore Olympus: Volume One by Rachel Smythe

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 75%.
Neat art style and interesting to see a new modern take on the whole Hades/Persphone myth, didn't grab my full attention which is a shame because I've had this recommended to me by a lot of people
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden

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Would spend forever in this world  discovering new planets and artifacts
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
I like the concept but it feels more like a bunch of unfinished drafts sewn together which is sad because I liked The Night Circus