stateofiction's reviews
558 reviews

The Poisons We Drink by Bethany Baptiste

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Enjoyment wise, this was a 4, but there were a couple things that I just couldn't get over that dropped it down to a 3.5.

- maybe this was me, but I really didn't get the magic system. I did not understand the rules and why certain people could do things but then others couldn't, but they also still could? idk. how did the deviation actually get in Venus? like I know but I don't know. and Presley??? what about them?

- sometimes the chapters would end super abruptly. like it still felt mid-scene, and it didn't help that a lot of times these end chapter pages would still fill the entire page. like I would turn the page expecting more but then we switched chapters and I was like okay?

overall though I do recommend this. the importance of family was a very strong theme which made it so easy to care about these characters. and it was FUNNY. like some incredibly serious information was given to Venus and she literally responded "say sike right now". I just love fantasy stand alones.
Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

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I think if anyone else wrote this book I would've hated it. the miscommunication for half the book was frustrating, hence the 4 star, but yet I was still kicking my feet more than I was rolling my eyes?? is Abby Jimenez a wizard?
Some Girls Do by Jennifer Dugan

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If i had a nickel for every time i read a sapphic YA rom-com where one of the girls hits the other with a car, i’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi

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this wasn't everything I wanted it to be, but it was still very fun and the writing is so hilarious that it makes me want to read more from a man
The Romance Recipe by Ruby Barrett

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not my first pride book of pride month being a dud.....

let's start with the good:
- I actually really liked the writing for the most part. it was clean, funny, and (mostly) polished
- oh you thought there was going to be more?

the bad: 
- were there actually two characters here? because they certainly felt the same! they had the same personality, the same goals, the same way of speaking, the same way of thinking, and I literally never knew who I was reading from.

my personal preference violated:
- they both had pre-established crushes on each other before the book even started. where was the tension? why am I supposed to care at this point?
- they started hooking up less than 100 pages into the story. again, where is the tension?
That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf by Kimberly Lemming

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saving the day by forcibly explaining omegaverse to a god demon to the point where it lets you take it out of its misery is the best thing I've ever read
Twisted Love by Ana Huang

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3.5 for enjoyment but oh my god would I get a restraining order against Alex if I were Ava
Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez

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any book that doesn't encourage you to forgive toxic family members in the end is a 5 star in my book
Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark

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ngl at the beginning of this book I was NOT vibing. Callum was soooooo icky and every time we were in his pov I had 911 on the phone with me. but as we got more and more into it, I got more and more into it to the point where for a second there I was willing to forget all that. definitely not forgetting all that now but still had a great time
Worst Wingman Ever by Abby Jimenez

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This was my first Abby Jimenez and even though this wasn’t a full length novel, i fully get the hype. This was so cute and funny, and even in 60 pages their chemistry was insane