strongestavenger's reviews
35 reviews

Winter by Marissa Meyer

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I loved it, I adore the characters the whole series was amazing. The only things I would change is Dr. Erland/Darnel not dying and I don’t want Cinder to abolish the monarchy but other than that I’m in love
Stars Above by Marissa Meyer

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I didn’t love all the stories and I didn’t read them all but it’s still cool for people who like short stories. And I’m definitely not reading Something Old Something New because I’ve come to realize I hate epilogues
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

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Oh my god.... I was not expecting that and all the tears that came with it
I mean Cal was supposed to be the “bad guy” not Maven, never Maven. I started to dislike Cal, I loved Maven and Mare together but it was all a trick, which makes me wonder how much of it is him and how much is Elara? I find it funny that I wanted Cal and Mare and then I didn’t and then was upset when I thought they would pursue it but didn’t and now I guess I have no choice to ship them. ALSO I FUCKING KNEW SHADE WASNT DEAD! When she first found out I was like “no way” “they couldn’t have” and I was fucking right. Well this book was crazy and the next one seems crazier