sugurudilf's reviews
42 reviews

Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher

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I'm not that big of a fan of autobiographies but I wanted to read more non fiction this year. 

Needless to say this was a fucking wild ride.
Opposites Attract by Camilla Isley

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fun but very wattpad. 

Vivian was quite childish and didn't have much character growth. Romantic, I don't trust easy, hates men because they betrayed her - all valid, but it's been 15/16 years and your daughter is more mature than you. give her a break and listen out to other people. Anyway, Teagan was my favorite, glad she got Luke as the step dad.
Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise by Thích Nhất Hạnh

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I think I skipped a chapter or something but overall it was much like any other self help book. Borderline religious pedagogy? Perhaps. a great book to disassociate while commuting? absolutely since I can't say I remember much.
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

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objectively, this book was insane but I did really like the writing style. I listened to the audiobook which was really nice but had me go through loads of silent wtfff???? moments while commuting. overall, it was great albeit concerning.
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

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Took me a long time to finish and I didn't even realize when it did. Her writing ability is amazing. I'm not much into autobiographies but she made it sound so appealing. My heart goes to her for going through all this. I'm happy for her.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

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I've heard so many people talk about this book and I finally understand why. 
The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene

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This was so funny and amusing. I found it insightful but then again I think seduction is temporary compared to love. It keeps things entertaining but much like every other non-fiction books, I will forget most of the content and just remember how absurd I thought the content was to be published in a book format. I do believe the examples and stories makes it a lengthy collection and thus worthy of 4 stars. Would recommend it to whoever is interested in reality TV shows or analyzing personalities.
The Leftover Woman by Jean Kwok

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As soon as I thought I was getting bored, the plot became so interesting. The story was somewhat generic and shallow, as in, it was easy to figure out, but it was good to see some surprising shifts in it. Like all this time, I was wondering how the two stories of the women would get together and it surprised me how it did. it was a fun commute story although I understand not everyone will think that of a mystery.
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

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in short, it was boring. 

if I were to add more, it's quite American. It's a life, no, a dream, written like the modernity of America. Still black and white, like history books, pouring nostalgia over a time that wasn't even that far behind. It's bland. There's far better out there, even in terms of vibes. 

The only good bits are the last third, but to get there you need herculean interest in the mundane, banal, and all the frogs in a well who think they own the world.
The Star by H.G. Wells

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Seemed like something I would have to read in school.