sunshine_ghost's reviews
450 reviews

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett, Terry

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I love a good apocalypse novel, especially if they are lighthearted and funny in the most absurd way. This was so much fun.
22/11/1963 by Stephen King

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Everything I love about Stephen King. Better than I expected.
Crashing the A-List by Summer Heacock

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3.5 stars. This was well written and the characters really well formed. The premise was interesting (with Clara's temp job), though I have to wonder why she just didn't move into freelance editing. But, eh, an interesting premise often needs to ignore a little bit of reality for interest's sake.

The whole "celebrity and mere mortal manufacture fake relationship and, surprise surprise, catch the feels" is often overdone (or relies too heavily on tropes and wish-fulfillment), but this read as fresh and fun and, best of all, funny. CiCi seemed to have no life beyond Clara, which I find super annoying in stories like these, but I could overlook it for the most part because she was a suitably quirky best friend with funny dialog.

It didn't take long to work out who Caspian Tiddleswich was based upon *cough*Benedict*cough*Cumberbatch*cough* and while the actor doesn't particularly stoke my fire, I happily went along for the ride in this story. But, real talk, the love interest's name. Urgh. Caspian is fine, it's a great name in fact, but Tiddleswich? Really? I couldn't get past it. It's so hilariously horrible. It dragged me out of the story every time I read it so abruptly it was like being yanked off stage with a cane.

I like that Clara really didn't accept his shit, and I definitely got the feeling it was more for reader's benefit than the character's, but I've read a lot of terrible romance where seemingly "strong" and "independent" heroines put up with a lots of questionable shit from their beau for the sake of love. VOM. So it was refreshing (cathartic?) that she took him to task for his failings and even then didn't fall straight into his arms straight after.

I'll definitely check out this author's other novel!