sunshine_ghost's reviews
450 reviews

The Kiss Thief by L.J. Shen

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This book is a steaming mess. Dnf
Alpha & Omega by Patricia Briggs

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The prose was flat. I didn't like how Anna's sexual trauma was glossed over. It felt like it was used purely as a plot device to make us feel sorry for her. Very icky. Poor old Anna needs a big bad man to save her? Also ick. Anyway, other than that I didn't like constantly changing POV, maybe I would've settled into it more but this story was too short for that. Despite all that, I did really like Charles, for his diversity and unusual perspective. I'll try the next book in this series... Hopefully not as underwhelming as this novella.
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

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Extremely easy to read and extremely interesting. I tore through this is one day. I've read a few books about mythologies and this was by far the easiest to access and most absorbing.
Spider Woman's Daughter by Anne Hillerman

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A decent first effort. A little predictable at parts, but the scenes where they visited Leaphorn were very touching and heartfelt. 2.5 stars.
Coyote Alibi by Jena Burges, Dennis Burges

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4.5 stars. I thoroughly enjoyed this. I hope there's a second one to follow soon in this series!
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

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I am really struggling to decide whether I liked this or not, let alone what star rating to give it.