sunshine_ghost's reviews
450 reviews

A Sorceress of His Own by Dianne Duvall

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I can see why people would like this, but it wasn't for me.
Sabriel by Garth Nix

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Reread this for the fourth or fifth time. I’ll never not love this epic little novel.
Winter's Redemption by Mary Stone

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Very little redeeming of Winter’s character occurred here. She was throughly unpleasant throughout the novel with no improvement or growth. Which is fine but so much was focussed on character development and character dynamics/tension with Aiden and Noah that it detracted from the main story which was fairly flat anyway but more interesting. I really enjoyed the first two novels in this series and for some reason believed this series to be a trilogy but I just noticed there’s 9 books in the series! Wow. Will leave it here for now.
The Nightmare Room by Chris Sorensen

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I saw all the five star reviews for this and jumped in enthusiastically... only to feel let down. Peter is an absolutely nothing of a protagonist. He is a husk of a character that kind of plods along from scene to scene. The spooks were spooky however and the story panned out in an unexpected way so still a net positive over all.
In the Shadow of Spindrift House by Mira Grant

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It’s a Scooby Doo cast thrown into what appears to be a scooby-doo style mystery but turns into a dismal Lovecraftian horror. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy that style of horror but this novella just didn’t know what it wanted to be and so was entirely unsatisfying on both counts. A big miss.