teddybeer's reviews
129 reviews

Golden Son by Pierce Brown

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With 115 000 reviews already I can't really bring anything new to the table. So, I'll just say this is an easy 5-star book. Excellent pacing, awesome action, adult themes and nail-biting drama throughout. Excellent work Pierce Brown. I Look forward towards book number 3

“I will die. You will die. We will all die and the universe will carry on without care. All that we have is that shout into the wind - how we live. How we go. And how we stand before we fall.”
All Systems Red by Martha Wells

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Even with all the hype this was a very good read. A pessimistic AI that doesnt like people, great premisse and delivery.

I'll give it 4.5 stars, the ending was a bit rushed and out of character, which is a bit of a bummer
Empire of Booze by Henry Jeffreys

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Interesting read about the English empire and the different kinds of booze throughout that era, but it felt a bit uneven to me. Too many chapters about wine
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

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Excellent book with one of the best magic systems I’ve seen, strongly recommend this one if you like fantasy