teensyfry's reviews
531 reviews

Agony Hill by Sarah Stewart Taylor

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This was an interesting book, in a good way. I felt like it kept me guessing, and you really do get to know a cast of characters. While you don't know them in depth, I think that helps with the intrigue. I think the book tied up nicely, and I would read another story set in the same town/area, but I am not sure it would have the same effect.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC!
Namaste and Code All Day by Ally Williams

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Gabi and Zeke developed a relationship through Zeke walking Gabi home. While I enjoyed the story, it did seem to just happen, and maybe that's because I don't really remember reading the previous book where some setup with related characters happened. I think I would have appreciated more set up, but again, maybe that would have been resolved with a re-read of book 1 before this book. I would say that this is fairly lighthearted, however, there is one flashback that results in the trigger warning of the book. The author does note that that chapter can be skipped, which is a nice touch in my opinion.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a review