terhangus's reviews
140 reviews

I Wait By the Door for Blue 52 to Come Home by Beyza Ozer

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Cremation is forbidden but where else would I go? No darkness from the ground will put me to rest. Allah lütfen let me lift this body to the moon, The skyscrapers poke holes into the night & before I close my eyes. [...] I turn the sun off; she leaves without trying to convince me otherwise. Allah, how do I grow now?

4.5!! a very close 5. i've been following beyza for a long time & their words are making me cry so soon after eid? goodbye. everything here i feel so viscerally.
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams

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my image of thor in here is distressingly mcu's thor instead of anything else
Bloodsport by Yves Olade

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wow! ok!!!!!! U Really Did That!!! "we had more martyrs than / we knew what to do with, / so we made more of them." so human, so raw, so brutal & i'm loving it. really like looking to an abyss & seeing your own reflection.
Orang-Orang Bloomington by Budi Darma

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it's unnerving how he can make the narrator's voices so logical and calm when their actions say otherwise
All Summer Longing by Reyna N.A.

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all you need to know about this is that it's beautiful, raw, & striking, & i wrote my favorite sentences & lines in my journal, so in a way they'll be immortal to me forever (and isn't that the most wonderful thing about it)

some of my favorite lines: "my brother rots in the blue TV light" / "every town is an echo. i'm not so stupid." / "FOR THE RECORD THE HEAT NEVER BREAKS / NOT LIKE BONES OR BAD NEWS" / & even more

but my favorite, which i'm honestly considering to be the epigraph to urban loneliness, is: "[...] but this is the kind of heat you can suffer / through and survive." jakarta mood. oh very, very jakarta mood.
Bone Map: Poems by Sara Eliza Johnson

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i've been wanting to read this collection since 2015 & i can't believe i finally got the chance to do so, with it being flipped over by my own hands. i must say that while there were lines & poems that really tugged on my gut, i felt as if the imagery wasn't for me? i can see how gorgeous they are, though - it just wasn't my taste. it didn't grab me they way it would grab another. and that's completely fine - i'm happy with the poems that i will keep in my chest forever.

(i was sent an autographed copy by the poet herself for my birthday & this book will forever be yet another reminder of how unbearably kind humans are)

favorites: märchen / me tangere / rapture / parable of the flood / archipelago: the paradise of birds / instructions for wintering on the ice field / how the world was made (absolute favorite)
Misa Arwah & puisi-puisi lainnya by Dea Anugrah

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seperti ujung benai sehelai / mudah luput dari lubang jarum, / adakalanya sebuah puisi / tak bisa menggenggam jiwamu. ngak bisa setop senyum waktu baca 'kepada pembaca', karena walaupun iya, ada puisi didalam ini yang hanya nge-poke dan ada yang tidak mau ingin coba sama sekali, kebanyakan tidak. ngak bisa stop nge-bracket bait demi bait dan underlining sama muterin pensil di kata-kata yang aku gk ngerti, dan aku suka. aku suka terjun ke dunia ini. it's worth reading it. i kinda feel like a new person.

favorites: tentang percakapan, sebab matahari tak pernah bisa menghapus kesedihan, setiap kali mataku terpejam (!!! lain adalah kata yang kekal terima kasih tuhan aku ada disini), di tepi kali serayu, sebelum hari terakhir, alas tidur (!!!), mungkin akan ada, ad ignorantium, di sini di tempat ini, kepada pembaca (!!!). iya, banyak.
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra

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oh boy did this book tug me here and there all the time. i relate, so much, to all the characters here; fleshed out so good their heartbreak and joys and anger all felt like i could hold them in me. natasha is just so. i am just. i don't know. i'm just gonna weep here and sob