terrivansteen's reviews
38 reviews

Bonded by Intrugue by T.M. Goodkey

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This is the second book in the duology and I’m so sad it’s over. 
Everything that I loved in the first book was amped up in this book and it was fantastic. There was even more suspense, even more action and even more romance. 

We got to see some more of the characters develop and their relationships develop. The relationship between Garrick and Milori is my absolute favourite. The witty banter and the play fighting between them is just hilarious. 

I couldn’t recommend this duology more!! 
A Spy's Fateful Bond by T.M. Goodkey

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I loved this book so much! It has everything that I as a reader could hope for. 

It has characters that you just fall in love with instantly. Emilia is just loveable from the get go! Timas and Milori have such a good relationship and the banter between them makes for such a good read, it literally had me laughing out loud! 

TM Goodkey builds a world that is so easy to get absorbed into and it sucks you right in! 
This books has suspense and action and romance. What more could you possibly want! 
Bound to the Fae by Hailey Gonzales

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I struggled with whether to give this book 3 or 4 stars. As you can see I ended up giving it 4 and that’s because I absolutely loved the story. The essence of the story keeps you hooked throughout and definitely leaves you wanting more, especially with that cliffhanger at the end!! 

The thing I struggled with the most is that it just needs a really good edit. The book could have easily been about 50 pages shorter if it was edited better, there was so so much repetition and so much info that we just didn’t need. We could have done with more world building instead. There was also an awful lot spelling and grammar mistakes and try as I might they just really pull me out of the story. 

I would still love to read book 2 though! 
A Voice in the Tower by C.H. Lyn

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This is the second book in the Old Tales Series. This one is a Rapunzel retelling. I really enjoyed this book, I liked the first one but this one was even better. 
It was another fast paced, easy read with plenty of action to keep you entertained. 

I look forward to seeing what other retelling we are going to get in the series and I would love to learn more about the sea witch, she is a fantastic character! 
Song of the Deep by C.H. Lyn

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This is the first retelling I’ve ever read. I’m not sure I would have connected it to the little mermaid if I didn’t already know but I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing. 

It was a fast book that was easy to read. It has a really great surprise at the end too! 
Stealing Summer by Jess Bryson

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I have to admit that I don’t think I’m the target audience for this book. I’m in my mid thirties and this book definitely seems like it’s aimed at a much younger audience, like high-school/teen kind of audience.  

We’ve got a sports romance, love triangle, brothers best friend easy read book. Perfect for a summer read. Friendship is a big factor in the book and it’s written really well and you can really feel the friendship. The romance and romantic relationships however aren’t written as well. They seem to happen quite out of nowhere and aren’t very much substance to them. 

It was overall a very enjoyable book with a fantastic cliffhanger at the end!! 
Spells & Spice & Everything Nice by Jessica Rosenberg

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I feel like I’ve been waiting my for this book for so long but it was definitely worth the wait! I really resonate with Juliette and the struggles she goes through with her anxiety and it’s such a joy to watch her grow and learn more about it and work on herself. In this book we really see her almost embrace her anxiety and learn to work with it. We also get to see her ask for help from her friends the brewhahas which not easy for her and by the end of the book she’s finally starting to listen to herself about what she wants and needs which made me just want to give her a big hug! 

I have no idea what’s in store for Juliette, Cassie or the town of Portney but I am eager to find out more. I will eagerly read any book that Jessica Rosenberg creates, my first ever favourite author!! 
Eldmoor: Origins of Blaze by J. P. Feather

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I really loved the concept of this book. Very hunger games-esque but also had dragons. Unfortunately it just didn’t really come through for me. 

The premise is good and the idea and general plot are great but there are a lot of plot holes and things that were skipped over when they really should have been explained. It definitely seems like it needs more editing especially considering the author mixes up names at one point. One of the characters is segsually assaulted and almost r@ped and it’s just brushed over which I wasn’t a fan of. 

I won’t be reading book 2 but a friend is going to when it comes out so I am looking to hearing how the story develops from her. 
Sips About to Go Down by Audrey Vaughn

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If you are looking for an easy to read, fast paced summer read, this book is just what you need!! 
You’ve got small town, you’ve got enemies/rivals to lovers, you’ve got adorable pets, what more could you ask for!!! 

We have a slightly jaded and very guarded female main character Rose with the laid back, cheeky Wes. They have absolutely incredible banter between the 2 of them which is quite possibly my favourite part! We get to see Rose slowly lowering the walls she’s built around herself as Wes slowly but surely shows her what a great guy he is. 

Now for the spice!!! Oooh it was good spice. Really easy to read with no icks. A lovely amount of detail without it being too much and a lot of focus on female pleasure! They also use protection which I love to see in books. 

Definitely recommend this one!! 
Paging Dr. Hart - Spicy by Melissa Dymond

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This books was a surprise win for me. I was expecting to enjoy it but I definitely wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did! We have the ice queen Tiffany, a fantastic black cat of a female main character and Ethan her golden retriever coworker/lover/boyfriend. 

I really liked that we got to see the story unfold from both present day Tiffany and younger Tiffany. That was a really great way of telling the story. 

It has drama and suspense and romance and fantastic spice (if you read the spicy version).

Highly recommend!