the_midnight_librarian's reviews
302 reviews

Heartless by Marissa Meyer

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I haven't read all of the Lunar Chronicles, yet, but I liked them enough that when I heard about this book I was eager to pick it up. It didn't disappoint and I actually found Meyer's writing a bit more sophisticated in Heartless. However I felt there were a couple of spots that left me wanting more, because I felt as though they weren't as climatic to me as they had been to the protagonist, which left me with a bit of a disconnect. The Protagonist herself, I connected with off and on. Overall I connected with her really well, but there were occasions where I found her annoying and irritable.
Overall and enjoyable read, I found myself rooting for her dreams to come true with the sad realization that somehow someway....they wouldn't, but at the same time hoped she wasn't the one to fall into that fate. It's definitely changed my perspective on the Queen of Hearts, and I feel heartbroken for her.
Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley

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So for most of this book I wasn't feeling it, maybe it was the type of dog, or I thought there was too much inner monologue or too many flash backs, I get that they were there to help set up the rest of the story and the connection between Ted and Lily, but it started to drag. I was super confused by the fishing expedition and kept thinking how it tied into everything. But the 3/4 mark, where it turns out it was a dream and he makes the decision to take away Lily's pain...That snuck up on me, and made me sob so hard. At that point I felt the book picked up in interest, in connectivity between the main character and myself, all the way to the end, in which I was really happy it was good all things considering.
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera

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3.5 out of 5. The concept is interesting but I'm finding it hard not to blame D.C. for the death's themselves. It seems like a lot of deaths would have been avoided otherwise. But I get it, and I get that's how Rufus and Mateo end up being able to meet.
I listened to this on Audible, which made it difficult to understand who was talking when. As the voices switched with perspectives it became a bit difficult at times to follow. I also found it a little slow at times.
I found Rufus's vocabulary irritating but otherwise his character endearing, he has that older protective brother quality. Mateo I found irritating in how he was so afraid of everything, but I loved how he wasn't fearful of giving everyone else a chance. His innocence was adorable, and the two of them together was too. I love the slow build up of there relationship. I loved how I couldn't guess what was going to happen to them, how they were going to die. And it was heartbreaking when it finally happened. I just wanted to protect them both.
Everything All at Once by Katrina Leno

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4.5/5 stars. I don't like the cover, I feel like that could have been executed better. Ultimately loved the book. I found it refreshing that there was little to no turmoil between family and friends, everyone got along really well and the communication between then was adorable. The subject of anxiety is also refreshing especially when it comes to asking for help. The twist....lost me. It definitely wasn't what I expected but I found it out of the blue despite it fitting with the underlying theme...if that makes sense. It was just a bit much. Over all loved it though, could not get enough of it.
Dark Life by Kat Falls

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I loved this book, it was thrilling, adventurous and made it hard to breath at times. I love the ocean and it scares the hell out of me. Ty's escapades made my chest tight and I didn't want to miss a second. Otherwise I thought the dark gifts were a bit dramatic for first generation under the water. I could forgive Ty's and Hewitt's but Zoe's seemed a bit far fetched. Also, for being tough, I hated how much Gemma was kidnapped or used as a shield. Also was kind of hoping for no romance, very very little of it but it was still just kind of a "really?" Moment.