thebookishmel's reviews
405 reviews

Sadie by Courtney Summers

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definite TW for rape, murder, pedophilia

Sadie took me for one hell of a rollercoaster ride. Being told in a dual perspective, we follow Sadie as she’s searching for her sister’s killer, as well as the podcast as he’s searching for Sadie.

I listened to this on audiobook, and let me tell you that this is definitely the way to do it mostly for the podcast format. It makes it a lot easier to distinguish certain voices/characters better, and because there’s so many people involved, having it be a full cast did help tremendously for my understanding.

Overall, this is a really difficult book to consume in any format. If you can’t handle the intensity of what’s going on, or are easily triggered, definitely stay away from this because we really get to see the raw emotion that comes from Sadie in the search for her sister. And I think the audio format intensifies that because of how its read (a bonus!).

I think the reason why I’m docking it a star is because certain parts felt a bit dragged on and I lost focus, but also because the ending fell short for me. I do think that Summers did this with the intention of keeping it a little more open ended and not perfectly wrapping it up for the reader. But with that comes the fact that there’s this lack of closure for everyone involved. Stylistically, I get it. But as a reader, I want to know what happened in the end.

Intense novel, but so good.
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

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I am overwhelmed with nostalgia!! Oh my gosh did I miss Percy and his antics. HE’S SO SASSY, and is such a dynamic character that I loved reading when I was in middle school, and absolutely loved reading now, nearly 8 years later!

I think Riordan has a phenomenal way of creating growth in characters without making it seem so out of their norm. Percy learns so much, but is still so true to his little 12 year old mind.

It definitely made me laugh that literally 8 years later, the ending still came to me as a surprise ?? It was pretty obvious now that I think about it, but the fact that I was surprised at the age I am tells you something about his writing. I just have so much love for this book and this series that I can’t wait to keep reading!
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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This book took me for one hell of a ride. Evelyn Hugo is one of the most dynamic, yet stubborn characters I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. Jenkin’s writing really has a way of making your heart shatter in so many ways. There are times where you don’t want to sympathize with her, you want her to own up to everything she’s done. Then there are times where your heart aches for her on another level, the intense attachment for the people in Evelyn’s life and those she’s lost really proves how incredible Jenkin’s writing is. I found myself wanting to scream at Evelyn for not following her heart and leaving just about everything she knew behind for her happiness. The last 20 pages or so really made me feel all sorts of way because I was trying to understand the hurt the same way Monique was. I haven’t been so emotionally attached to a book in such a long time that this really surprised me. I know just how many people have raved about this book, and giving it all the praise in the world is definitely warranted. It’s made its way to one of my favorite books of all time.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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ONE HUNDRED PERCENT A 5/5 STAR READ. This is the kind of 5 star read that makes me question the rest of the 5 star reads I've marked. There's so much complexity in this novel and so much that happens that both balances the story with the characters, but also enhances it to make it an epic adventure to say the least.

Let's talk about characters who are equally as damaged and broken, but through that make such a fantastic crew. Kaz is one of the most incredible characters I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He's so smart, and cunning, but also he's such so damaged, such a softy and has such a heart. I really adore him and he really deserves the best taste of revenge he can get. Inej is phenomenal as a balancing force to Kaz and such an incredible addition to this group with her skillset, but also with who she is an individual - SO strong and so full of ambition and grit.

Nina... OH NINA. She's so incredibly sassy and I cannot express how many times I genuinely had to pause reading and really soak in the SASS SHE WAS SPITTIN. Plus her and Matthias make my heart hurt in so many ways. Matthias is a big, brooding, yellow tulip. That is all on that subject matter.

Wylan and Jesper I want to group together only because I loved seeing them together so much. I really want to see more of them and I feel like although they play a role in the Dregs, they were still really underrepresented. BUT LOVE THEM.

AND THIS ENTIRE STORY. The entire heist. This crew is such a phenomenal set of people that its so incredible. It really is like a symphony to see how well they work together. Was I surprised that its a total cliff hanger? No! Am I even REmoTEly prepared for Crooked Kingdom? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Thank you Leigh Bardugo for getting me invested in a set of characters that have me all levels of messed up and I cannot wait to have my heart broken and mended in CK.
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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OH MY GOD was this book so fantastic. As I said when I first started reading this, I knew that I was going to love it because it was like the rom-com, trashy romance novel that I needed to read. Guilty pleasure is for sure a hate-to-love romance, and thats exactly what this was. I know that I can reread this whenever I need a little pick me up or if I'm in a reading slump. I think my favorite part hands down was seeing Lucy really gain some steam and stand up for herself and for Josh. I cannot express just how much I love this without getting too spoiler-y. I just need people to read this and squeal as much as I did, and really feel the mushy gushy that I did. Definitely will be picking up more of Sally Thorne's novels!
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

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For being a novel that so hyped and so loved, this first installment in the series really didn’t feel like much at all. It felt like it was a prequel that, albeit was necessary, but didn’t make my heart pound and head rush as I tried to figure things out. The pacing at the start of the novel definitely threw me off because it felt too quick and as if I was missing something the entire time. It could be part of the purpose, but if I didn’t binge the next 150-170 pages or so, I would’ve felt so lost. It definitely wasn’t as good as I thought it was going to be, but I don’t think it was overhyped either. It definitely created a dystopian world that’s really interesting and has a lot of room to grow. I usually hope for some sort of emotional attachment, but there wasn’t much there for me. I definitely do sympathize for the characters though, so that was well done on that aspect. The biggest thing that still throws me off the superhero aspect of the story? I genuinely do not see that from the first installment at all. Overall though, fairly entertaining and I will be continuing with the story.
Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi

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**Spoilers for Shatter Me**
Now this was definitely an interesting novella. Told by the perspective of Warner, someone who you’re supposed to not like at all, Mafi does a fantastic job of diving deeper into his mind. I still don’t like him though. I think he’s possessive and really don’t understand how he could love her. And if in the sequel there’s some sort of Stockholm Syndrome and she falls for him, I might lose my mind. That is all. Excited to keep reading though!
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

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Reread 1/30/2019: 4 star to a 4.5 star
Wow am I still so captured by Leigh Bardugo’s writing style. I’m so in love with Alina’s character arc in this first installment and really seeing her vulnerability through her growth is such an insane development that matters SO much. I still love the Darkling as a villain, he’s manipulative, and vindictive, and willing to do whatever he needs to get what he wants. He makes you think he’s good, allowing you to sympathize with him, fall in love with him even, and UGH ITS JUST SO GOOD. Having read the entire series and the Six of Crows duology, the kefta system and rankings system makes a lot more sense so no longer an issue for me. ONTO THE NEXT

First Read:
When I started this, I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did. I think part of it was knowing just about nothing in terms of the plot line and the overall world. The only thing I did know was that its set in the same world as Six of Crows and I thought it would be good to read the Grishaverse before going into SoC.

There's something so special about Alina that I just really love. Her background gives her this fragile yet so incredibly strong persona. The conflict she has within herself and in trusting others she meets is so well done and so important to herself as a character. She has this initial trust in these new people, something so naive, but you can really see her dynamic change once her trust is broken. Its really compelling to see the emotion that comes out of her to see the story unfold before her.

I think my biggest problem with the book was not the plain old Jane turned into someone important trope, I can deal with that. It was just so incredibly difficult for me to keep up with all of ranking systems and colors of the keftas. Maybe that was just me and my lack of close attention to it, but it would've made it easier to understand their importance if it was reinforced more as to who these people are and why they're important to the rankings.
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

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Reread 2/2/2019:
ALRIGHT, 2018 Mel has it all wrong because this is definitely a 4-4.5 star read! I'm so surprised with myself to see that I was so bored in such an important time to really relish on the story and character developments. Nikolai stays a favorite, but I have some changed opinions on Mal and Alina, both together and individually.

Mal reacts the way anyone would when you see the one you love changing before your eyes. His actions are a little rash at times, yes, but I don't hate him for it. I can see how broken he is. Alina's character is obviously going through some HUGE changes, and so her reactions are totally warranted! She's going through both an internal struggle with understanding who she is/what she's becoming, and who she needs to be for Ravka.

Leigh has done it again, and although the final scene at Nikolai's birthday was noted in my first review, the scene in the chapel at the end was done SO powerfully! She takes the symbolism of the church and turns into something new and dark, but still gives Alina a sort of reverence with how she behaves [not to get too spoilery :)]. Loved this the second time around for sure.

3.5-4 (i literally switched my rating 4 times as i was writing this review :))

Oooookay I have been back and forth on my review of this book. This was such a difficult sequel for me to get through which is so odd! Normally I’m ready to jump back into the world and continue the story, but I had no desire to continue.

When looking back at my progress updates, the boredom was real because so many moments in this book were just so slow for me. I was definitely disappointed to see the Darkling so little! He’s easily one of my favorite characters because he is so maniacal and this series NEEDS that.

I continue to dislike Mal. That is all on that subject.

STURMHOND/NIKOLAI IS MY EVERYTHING. I think I love his character more than the Darkling. He is literally such a dynamic character. He has a leader in him, he’s often comedic relief, and I prefer him over anyone else. His banter shows his strength so clearly and effortlessly, and he really has an amazing mindset. He’s so patient but also is so restless for doing whats right and what he loves.

The final scene at Nikolai’s birthday party with the argument with Vasily was done SO well! It built up the tension to the explosion perfectly and I could just feel the action rising. Seriously, so, SO good!

Overall, I did have a hard time getting through anything Alina would say. I loved her character in Shadow and Bone but she just got so annoying, and her and Mal are so toxic together it actually drove me crazy. But there were other characters, especially the one’s who came with Sturmhond like Tolya and Tamar that really gave me hope for a good character arc.
Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry

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Alright! After sitting on this for a day, I think this is definitely a 4.5-5 star read.

I loved how much Michael challenged everyone and how much everyone challenged him. I loved seeing the growth in the dynamics between all the characters, it really was "a divine comedy". It helps explore themes that haven't otherwise been explored in most YA, and I really appreciate the fact that this story takes place in junior year of high school going into senior year. it helps create a different age group and make it a little bit more relatable with going to parties and experimenting with drugs and alcohol as most high school kids do at 17/18. I loved seeing just how funny this book was but still making a really profound effort to talk about certain topics that aren’t talked about.

Some prime moments definitely made me laugh and just enjoy the characters a lot more, but also seeing the characters challenge each other make my heart SO full to their growth together and as individuals. Really enjoyed this book, and will definitely reread at some point this year!