thebookishmel's reviews
405 reviews

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

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Reread 2/7/2019: HAHA - reading my review for my first read is so funny to see how my opinions have changed and what has stayed the same. I love rereading man. OKAY, things that have stayed the same: Love Alina's character growth and her interaction with other characters in the story. Some parts definitely felt drawn out, but it helps with understanding the immense amount of grief that Alina and the crew go through. Still don't like the Apparat, he makes me inexplicably uncomfortable, with good reason. I stay loving Nikolai, although I do think that even while he's a charmer, he's still very political and if you ship Alina/Nikolai, that would be my only like mmm no.

Things that have changed: From book 1-3, I understand Mal's character a lot more. He reacts the way any man would, and is just as changed as Alina at the end of the novel. Leigh does a FANTASTIC job of playing with your heart strings, and ESPECIALLY does it with Mal and Alina's story. I don't mind shipping them, or not shipping them; regardless, my heart hurts.

Overall though, a gutting finale to the trilogy that started my love for it all.
hello, my name is emotional, how are ya?

will update with a proper review once i sleep on my thoughts —

Alright, it's the next morning, I think I'm pretty solid on my thoughts.

So the initial start of the book was SO great because it tied in the previous book and created the premise for book 3 so well. I still DO NOT like the Apparat, he's easily my least favorite character.
I think because it's such a character driven series, my feelings for the characters have changed throughout each of the books.

Book 1, I hated Mal, loved the Darkling. Book 2, really didn't like Mal, and still LOVED the Darkling. Book 3, I can actually handle Mal, and my heart hurt for the Darkling. And those are just the two main male characters that played the most importance in Alina's life and decisions.

But my favorite male character is Nikolai and he needs to be protected at all costs. I love him.

Like most others that have read the series, I think the ending was a little underwhelming, but it was easily my favorite of the 3 in the Grisha Verse. Alina's character arc really grew with her strength growing, but she still had that same innocence in her that she had in book 1, so I really enjoyed that fact. I also loved that the Darkling's words haunted her throughout every move she made, and it took so much out of her to really get through and understand what she had to do.

Speaking of the Darkling - I think he could've had some redemption or some other end to his own story. It was very he's the bad guy so we're just gonna end it now. I think him and Alina would've grown really well together (and yes I know he was manipulative but hear me out). I think by the end, the Darkling lost so much hope and my heart really did hurt for him (PHENOMENAL JOB ON BARDUGO'S SIDE FOR THAT WOW). I wanted him to have some happier ending or some improvement in his character, but I guess that's the importance of his ending in the novel.

Overall, my favorite book of the trilogy. Really, really pleased with it.
Five Feet Apart by Tobias Iaconis, Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott

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4.5-5 stars

I am SO pleased with this book and even more excited for the movie now!! I know I’m going to be a HOT mess when I see the movie and I’m perfectly okay with that. I really love how Stella and Will grew throughout the entirety of the novel. It definitely is a quick read/listen, bUT SO WORTH IT. Stella is someone who’s very “by-the-book” whereas Will is someone who hasn’t necessarily given up hope, but is just tired of the constant mess of CF. Rachael does a fantastic job of writing their frustration to really reflect just how their lives are this constant state of treatments, and hospitals, BUT also this desire as teens to really be able to live.

I think it’s really powerful that in one of my updates, I said that I had conflicting thoughts as someone who was attached to the character, but also as someone who wanted to be objective and wish for the best possible outcome. I also love that there was the last chapter felt open ended, because I didn’t want a cleaned up conclusion to their story. I wanted room for wondering and it was everything I could’ve asked for and more.

The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

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First of all, I did a terrible job of updating when I made progress. BUT, consuming PJ as an audiobook is a whole experience on its own. I definitely think that the continuation in the series isn't the strongest, and my nostalgic effect on this series isn't as much of a cloud anymore. I definitely don't think the narrator was the best, I didn't enjoy the voices he attempted and sometimes, it would really throw me off. BUT, Rick Riordan still manages to bring me into a world, fully invested and in love with the characters. The endings of both The Lightening Thief and of The Sea of Monsters really were done so well, and they're the perfect cliffhangers. Still love this series and super excited to keep reading!
Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno

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4.5 stars

tw: rape (closer towards the end of the novel)

WOW okay, this is SUCH an interesting book! Definitely shorter than what I was expecting, but executed so well for the length it’s in. The atmosphere of By-the-Sea is so well done to make sure readers really feel and understand what kind of a world we’re entering! I really have to give it to Katrina Leno for coming up with a story like this one. I’ve never been so in awe as to how a plot line progresses and just how whimsical the ENTIRE thing is.

Until it gets serious. Then we really get to see strong women, strong familial bonds, and a real sense of courage amongst Mary and Georgina. I love the casual slip in certain questions that weren’t asked, really sent a great message but also showed some greater opinions.

The open ended aspect of it was good, but I wish there was just a little more defining locations. And the ending wrapped up a little TOO perfectly for my liking while still being really open. Overall, though, this was SO much fun, and such a quick read!
For Always by Shannon O'Connor

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This took me longer than I was expecting, and longer than most poetry collection is due. O’Connor writes with such raw emotion, and really dives deep into what each poem is about, and each feeling. There were moments where I genuinely had to stop reading because my heart hurt at reading the words, and I felt the pain that she did. That’s a very powerful thing to be able to do with poetry, and with words and stories in general, and I haven’t read too many collections that are able to genuinely make my heart pound the way this one did. and it’s very easy for the “healing” aspect of it to be about someone else fixing you, and although it did get a little bit cheesy towards the end, I think it ended on a very high note. It really exceeded my expectations for this collection.
The Path Keeper by N. J. Simmonds

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This book was a mess. It had so much potential to be something SO cool. But alas, it was a mess.
Full review up on my blog.
The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary

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this was SO good holy crap full review tomorrow!

ALRIGHT, this book was really so fantastic in all aspects! We meet Tiffy and Leon who will be sharing a flat (and a bed), both coming in and out at different times, never actually meeting each other in terms of their initial contract. Of course, with this being a beautiful romance novel, they're bound to meet eventually, and they meet in QUITE LITERALLY the best way I would've imagined them to. Throughout the flat, they talk through post-it notes and I thought that was SO fun because it started as a little accidental labeling, but it turned into full force conversations. If Beth O'Leary would ever want to do this (considering the book isn't out yet), I'd love to get a little book with all of their post-it notes in it, in order, just marking how their relationship develops.

I continued to love this book because I felt invested in the side characters along with the main two. I think their stories, although not entirely developed because it's not about them, but their influence on both Tiffy and Leon is huge. With Richie's development, the character growth is SO incredibly done, and the influence that Richie's story has on both Leon and Tiffy is clearly present.

Now there's a definite trigger warning for emotional abuse, and an incredibly unhealthy relationship. Despite it being a trigger, I definitely think it was handled SO well, and through the character we can see just how they grows even more so.

This entire novel just presents so much growth individually and within a relationship, and it's really so beautiful to see how it develops. I cannot wait to read the finished copy and see all parts fleshed out!
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

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4.0-4.5 rating

Now this novel was not what I was expecting it to be at all. I went in COMPLETELY blind, to the point where I didn’t even read the dust jacket because I wanted the FULL experience for myself. The first half was so slow, but I feel like I’ll appreciate the set up more later on in a reread. The second half definitely got WILD and quite frankly was not what I was expecting at all.

Leigh is phenomenal at opening new doors to new strengths in so many different ways, so I definitely appreciate that. I love the level of attachment I have to the characters and the impact they create on each other. That being said, as much as I love Nina and her character arc, her POV felt entirely useless.

In the Six of Crows duology, Leigh does an incredible job at having multiple POVs that all connect at some point. Nikolai, Zoya, and Isaak all connect - which makes sense, they’re in the same plot line. Nina’s POV felt so detached and far away from the other three POVs that I feel like it hindered more than helped King of Scars overall.

Regardless of my all over the place thoughts, still really enjoyed being back in this world, and cannot wait for book 2!