thebookishmel's reviews
405 reviews

Such Good Work by Johannes Lichtman

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3.5-4 ARC received for review

This novel has taken me three months to read and its mostly because Jonas isn’t a love-able character and I really didn’t want to keep reading into his mind.

The first part before Sweden takes you through the mind of an addict. Jonas, the main character, is a teacher and recovering addict who traces back and forth through the present and the past. Although the writing style isn’t my favorite and the topic is difficult to go through, you really are able to see the complexity of everyday struggles.

Once in Malmö, we’re given a full description of why we should feel threatened and have our guards up as Jonas is there, but I had an overarching feeling that amongst the chaos, he’d find himself.

“Right back where I started but having accomplished one more day of life. There was no great excitement, but there was contentment. I rarely felt the need to escape my life or myself. It was the first time I could remember feeling this way.”

When he started seeing the refugees arriving, he wanted to help not out of the goodness of his heart, but for the gratification he’d receive. I’m not too sure if I’m supposed to like him or not because as of right now, I don’t. It’s really difficult to sympathize with him at times because he sits and tries so hard, and you want to acknowledge the fact that he’s done so well with his addiction. But the fact of the matter is that he’s still not fully there yet. He definitely understands that he’s doing that, and when looking at others and discussing immigration and refugee policy, he’s still very fond of how Sweden tries to help, and I think we can start to see a shift in his character at this point.

It’s really interesting to see how different cultures come into contact with one another, and especially interesting to see how American culture is depicted. I had a laugh when it talked about Trump’s presidency campaign and I like that it doesn’t feel historically written, it’s very much so in the present even if it’s within the last 5 years. Really well done in that respect!

Jonas clearly wants to do more than just a basic aid, he wants to really dig deep into their minds but he keeps being shut down and I think with good reason. He’s trying too hard to fix something when he hasn’t even fully fixed himself. Jonas even says:

“I wanted to correct the world. But I was angry with myself for feeling the need to be right more strongly than I felt empathy for the victims of the attacks. I longed for drugs.”

Coming back to LA, there’s a sense of peace that’s flooded over Jonas and I genuinely appreciated the calm that he’s finally received.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman, Maureen Johnson, Sarah Rees Brennan

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Welcome to the Shadowhunter Academy 4/5
The Lost Herondale 4/5 stars
The Whitechapel Fiend 5/5 stars
Nothing but Shadows 3.5/5 stars
The Evil We Love 3/5 stars
Pale Kings and Princes 3.5/5 stars
Bitter of Tongue 3/5 stars
The Fiery Trial 3/5 stars
Born to an Endless Night 5/5 stars
Angels Twice Descending 5/5 stars

I am SO glad I read this! Although some of these stories felt not necessarily "useless" to me, but it was stories that I just didn't have much of an emotional connection to and I think that with these stories especially, it banks on an emotional connection. For the stories that I loved, it was both in story concept but also in the fact that it toyed with my heart in ways I wasn't expecting. I loved being able to see different timelines and different family lines in a way that helped connect events from TID and TMI, as well as set up some of the plot for TDA! A great way to really bridge over the stories to help get invested!

George and Simon are everything. I think with this being Simon Lewis' crazy adventure following the events of TMI, he really did deserve someone as fantastic as George. Am I surprised with what Cassie did? NOT AT ALL. Am I still emotional as can be? Yes, absolutely. But once again, I'm so pleased with this set of stories and cannot wait to continue with the Shadowhunter world soon.
The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee

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I’m so conflicted with how to feel about this!! If it’s based on my expectations, its a 3 star, but overall a 3.5 star read. Definitely not what I was hoping for as a sequel to Gentleman’s Guide, however, Lady’s Guide was special in its own ways.

Being a historical fiction novel set in the 1700s, Felicity is allowed to be angry and irritated with the patriarchy that surrounds society (as most women are now, tysm). I loved seeing her yell at incompetent men and *scaring* them with the idea of studying menstruation so much so that I burst out LAUGHING. This story politically was on the forefront and made sure that readers knew what Felicity was fighting for and I’m all for it!

I think the reason I’m struggling to fully enjoy this is because of how wishy washy Felicity was sometimes, and how lacking this adventure felt. She just felt so confused and lacking when first meeting Johanna and Sim, and certain things felt too easy?? And the fact that the standard of adventure set from Gentleman’s Guide being so high didn’t help that the grand adventure/quest thing started so late in the book. I wasn’t connected to the characters as much either so meh.

Also, dragons??? What?? Was not expecting this at all but then again, historical fiction novel. But also the ending with them staying?? On this episode of English colonists strike again... *sips tea*

Overall, a quick read like Gentleman’s Guide, but I won’t be keeping physical copies of these.
The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily by David Levithan, Rachel Cohn

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This book was so meh compared to Book of Dares! I don’t know whats going on with me reading just not very good sequels right now but jeeeeeez this wasn’t anything compared to the first.

I found Lily so much more annoying in this one, the Christmas-y aspects of it were really not anything grand and there just wasn’t enough in it for me to be fully invested in the story at all.
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren

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Alright Christina Lauren, you’ve made my listening experience these past two days SO much fun!! I didnt realize how much I enjoyed the friends to lovers trope and Josh and Hazel were just too good for each other. From multiple bad double dates, to their chemistry, to the antics they’d get into, they really did swoop my heart away.

Like most others though, the last quarter of the book definitely threw me off. It came as a reAL shock and was kind of unnecessary?? I think the story couldve been wrapped up really well without it. But, overall really enjoyed this and it had me laughing and smiling a ton!
My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren

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THIS WAS A MESS BUT I ENJOYED IT SO MUCH. The whole catfishing thing was odd and there was just so much happening that I really couldn’t imagine this being any weirder in that sense.

I think seeing Millie’s growth was amazing as she tackled who she became because of her past and who she grew into! With Reid as a pushing force, she really challenges herself to become this better person and I appreciated that so much.

ABSOLUTELY LOVED the group dynamic too! This group of friends are just so funny and down to earth together. They really provided the comedic relief that this needed at times.
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

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This was a very interesting listen. Following the first book, we finally get to meet John Ambrose McClaren and he is such a sweet heart. There were definitely a lot of things I liked about this book! First and foremost, the familial bond between the Song sisters, and the family in general is so special to me. With Margot gone half the time, Kitty really steps up in her own sassy pants way and takes over and I really did love that. At times, she definitely was a bit much, but she's 10 what can you do?

The nursing/retirement home played such a huge role in Lara Jean's life and I really liked that this was her thing in this novel. It was really sweet to see her interaction with Stormy (and Alicia - bless their dynamic, they're so funny) as almost a motherly figure. Lara Jean really needed someone like that in her life. And overall, she is reacting the way any 16-17 year old girl would in her first real relationship. Like I said in my review of the first book, I said "LJ, chill out girl" knowing exactly what she's been going through. It really brings me back to high school and it makes me nostalgic while entertaining me all the same.

Personal thoughts - Peter K. did not deserve to be treated the way he did, and John Ambrose McClaren has stolen my heart just a hair. But alas... #TeamPeter :)
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

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I am very many emotions right now. I cannot believe I've finished this duology because I'm completely ruined emotionally. Like I am such a genuine mess that this was a thing and that the Dregs have really made me as emotional as I have been.

To start off with, Kaz is a complete and utter genius and I'm always in shock to see his schemes come together so flawlessly. He'll even have his own crew believing him, and especially when he has Inej believing him, thats how you know he's that damn good. Inej and his dynamic really is something so special, because there's so much mutual . trust and unspoken love between the two, that anytime they're together, I'm just ready for the ultimate duo.

I think one of my favorite parts of both Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom is seeing the growth and dynamics that come from every single person, but mostly from Nina and Inej. The two of them have such incredible growth with the boys in the crew motivating them to be who they are meant to be, taking every moment and every obstacle that comes their way and creating it as part of their growth. I also really appreciate that the 'romances' aren't so in your face but it's just little things that make your heart explode a little bit all the time.

ALSO all of the little King of Scars references and buildups towards it has been so much fun to pick at! I have a few predictions as to a few things that might be involved, but I'm so excited. AND EVEN MORE SO AT THE FACT THAT THE GRISHAVERSE AND SOC IS COMING TO NETFLIX AND I'M SO PUMPED!
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee

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My heart is so happy but so sad this book is over. I didn't know much about this book coming in, just that our main characters were off on a Grand Tour of Europe. That became so much more. I've never genuinely and whole-heartedly laughed out loud from a book before. There's so much fun banter and plot/character development throughout the entirety of the novel that I just couldn't stop reading! It's definitely a feel-good book and something I'll probably reread if I need a good laugh or two!
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

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2nd read:
Being one of the first books I've re-read in a long time, I was so incredibly pleased with this experience. Although I couldn't read it as fast as I would've liked solely because of my lack of time, being able to read as much as I did per day wasn't only because I could, but it was because the book is so beautifully crafted! It really is so addictive and pulls you in so quickly.

I think my favorite part was how I would visibly be shocked by certain things that happened in the book, even though I've read it already. But along with forgetting little bits, there are moments that I remembered as key to the plot, and was able to catch where shifts were, making me a lot more aware during my read.

I just really loved this book so much. I hope Gemina does it justice.
I’m so incredibly pleased by this book! It definitely starts off a little bit on the slower end in terms of the plot and action, but once it gets going, ITS GOING. It became so fast paced and addicting (hence why I managed to read nearly 400 pages in a day).

Not only was the read intoxicating, but it was so much more meaningful and profound than what I was thinking. To create a dystopia is one thing, but to have a machine with artificial intelligence and one 17/18 year old girl in the center of the main plot is another. Kaufam and Kristoff did an amazing job with creating the in depth dialogue that reflected on so much of the societies problems and really had you thinking.

Seriously, an incredible read. HIGHLY recommend!