thebrandyrivers's reviews
92 reviews

Open Heart, Open Mind by Clara Hughes

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Overall Clara's autobiography was gripping and I found myself relating to her struggles. I was surprised at how interesting and accessible her descriptions of cycling and speed skating, however I rated this 3 stars as it was underwhelming compared to other autobiographies and memoirs I have read.
The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now by Meg Jay

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This book is a great read for those in their twenties who feel lost and depressed and don't know why. Jay stomps the notion the popular notion that your twenties don't matter and that life starts in your thirties, and explains the ways in which our generation need to start taking charge of our lives. Without being too self-helpy or academic, "The Defining Decade" was able to provide sound psychological advice on problems twenty somethings face, and it has definitely given me (a 23 year old) insight on certain things I never thought about before.
Kanye West Owes Me $300: And Other True Stories from a White Rapper Who Almost Made It Big by Jensen Karp

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If you're a huge fan of 90s/early 2000s rap (or even today's rap scene), you will love this book. Karp's anecdotal chapters work for this kind of auto biography, though I do wish we were able to get a better sense of his mental state throughout the book rather than over half way through. However, it is a very funny and enjoyable read.