vanessarreads's reviews
82 reviews

A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson

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The more I read this book, the more I loved it! I wish it was a little longer or had a second part. I’m curious to know about Dracula’s exes. I’m also curious to know about the other vamps in existence. I want to know what came of their lives after they went their separate ways. I’m nosy! 😂

Also, Alexi got on the Titanic?!!!!!! 😫 I need to know if he survived! Omg!
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson

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The more I read this book, the more I loved it! I wish it was a little longer or had a second part. I’m curious to know about Dracula’s exes. I’m also curious to know about the other vamps in existence. I want to know what came of their lives after they went their separate ways. I’m nosy! 😂

Also, Alexi got on the Titanic?!!!!!! 😫 I need to know if he survived! Omg!
Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper

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Let me start by saying: I don’t like fully reading the synopsis of books, I usually skim or read the first two sentences. I feel like most of them give away the story or just spoil it all together for me. I like going into stories not really knowing what’s about to happen. 

This was a good read for me. I loved the romance and I loved the magic even more. I was flying through the story in the beginning but the story fell off to me because I pretty much predicted what was going to happen. For the lack of a better term, it started to become “corny”? to me. 

This is me projecting (as usual) but because I enjoy more “darker” stories when it comes to witchy/fantasy stories, I wanted more violence and anger. More sneaky plots etc. The revenge plot wasn’t juicy enough for me. And I noticed towards the end no one was even really checking for the ex like that. It’s my fault for going into the story expecting that but I wanted more…pain and violence.
Bunny by Mona Awad

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What in the entire fuck just happened?
Bunny by Mona Awad

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What in the entire fuck just happened?
Quarantine and Chill by Kenya Wright

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I really enjoyed the romance in this book. However the author lost me with Amber’s storyline. I always love a good “get rid of the toxic ex” romance trope but I feel like Amber’s storyline wasn’t executed properly. Maybe I’m projecting my own feelings but I just feel like the fact she stalked, threatened to shoot and then violently killed herself just to be tossed to the side so the main couple can be together in peace was a bit much for me. I also feel like it was a little irresponsible. Maybe as reader I would’ve felt better if she actually went home and got the help that she needed. Lastly, it further adds to the stigma that is already against people who are struggling with addiction and the ups and downs of their mental health. Good story but that particular part was a cringe for me.
Crush by Tracy Wolff

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I really am enjoying this series. This book was full of action and I think the character development was great. Grace had me concerned in the first book, chile. But she got the hang of it this time around. It was so easy to get on Team Hudson too, idk if that’s a good or bad thing lmao! I wish I could’ve gotten a little more detail about Lia’s death, her background and what exactly was the relationship between her and Hudson. I also wanted a more details about Grace’s parents and why they’re death was necessary. Also I don’t know if I missed it but why did Macy and Cam break up? And I understand there’s a lot going on but dang, how is everyone doing in school? 😂🤣😭 I wish I could get a little more into what they’re classes are all about. Lastly, Uncle Finn is absolutely useless!! He’s just letting his daughter and niece get their asses handed to them on a daily basis? 😂🤣 I’m moving on to Covet, which is bitter sweet cause I’m loving this journey.
Crush by Tracy Wolff

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I really am enjoying this series. This book was full of action and I think the character development was great. Grace had me concerned in the first book, chile. But she got the hang of it this time around. It was so easy to get on Team Hudson too, idk if that’s a good or bad thing lmao! I wish I could’ve gotten a little more detail about Lia’s death, her background and what exactly was the relationship between her and Hudson. I also wanted a more details about Grace’s parents and why they’re death was necessary. Also I don’t know if I missed it but why did Macy and Cam break up? And I understand there’s a lot going on but dang, how is everyone doing in school? 😂🤣😭 I wish I could get a little more into what they’re classes are all about. Lastly, Uncle Finn is absolutely useless!! He’s just letting his daughter and niece get their asses handed to them on a daily basis? 😂🤣 I’m moving on to Covet, which is bitter sweet cause I’m loving this journey.
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

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As a big sister myself and the “strong and smart” one of the friend group, I related to Korede a lot. I saw trends of not having healthy boundaries with her family, especially her sister while feeling obligated to always protecting her sister. Ayoola was a character that frustrated me lol I felt myself projecting a lot while reading this. She was hella inconsiderate, reactive and didn’t care because she always knew her sister would come and clean up her messes. Whew! 

I enjoyed the story but it wasn’t what I expected. I guess I wanted more a thriller type of story. Something a bit more darker than this. I really wanted both Korede and Ayoola to learn their lesson in the end. I really wanted Korede to have a chance to get that heaviness off of her chest. And I wanted Ayoola to see the error in her ways, she was so careless towards her sister and I don’t think she understood the gravity of her actions. And that frustrated me as a reader lol. However, given the relationship she had with her father and him punishing her for her beauty, I can see why Ayoola became the type of killer she was.
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

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As a big sister myself and the “strong and smart” one of the friend group, I related to Korede a lot. I saw trends of not having healthy boundaries with her family, especially her sister while feeling obligated to always protecting her sister. Ayoola was a character that frustrated me lol I felt myself projecting a lot while reading this. She was hella inconsiderate, reactive and didn’t care because she always knew her sister would come and clean up her messes. Whew! 

I enjoyed the story but it wasn’t what I expected. I guess I wanted more a thriller type of story. Something a bit more darker than this. I really wanted both Korede and Ayoola to learn their lesson in the end. I really wanted Korede to have a chance to get that heaviness off of her chest. And I wanted Ayoola to see the error in her ways, she was so careless towards her sister and I don’t think she understood the gravity of her actions. And that frustrated me as a reader lol. However, given the relationship she had with her father and him punishing her for her beauty, I can see why Ayoola became the type of killer she was.