verumsolum's reviews
2704 reviews

The Grey Wolf by Louise Penny

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I am really glad to read Louise Penny’s books, even as they sometimes head in directions I wouldn’t have chosen … but the books are too good to give up! I don’t feel like I can say much about a novel like this, for fear of spoiling it for other readers. What I will say is the forewarn you: while this is a complete book and resolves its major mystery, I found the final chapter a bit … cliffhanger-y in setting us up for another linked mystery yet to be solved. But that is a very minor flaw in an otherwise breathtakingly-good book
Dome 6 by Gail Carriger

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I am really glad that I read this series. I was a little wary of all the divinity talk as I started the series, a little unsure I'd like where the author took it, but… having reached its end, I am pretty happy with it. I especially love that it ended without the divinity being
all-powerful or all-knowing: the divinity make mistakes and we see them making decisions with less knowledge than they would prefer
. I also ended it with a sense of
all's well that ends well, as Phex and Missit and Kagee end up with futures that fit them, even if they may not have been what they'd wanted earlier

I also kind of wish that I could live with Asterism for more pages to see what happens next for them, and the desire to live longer with characters is something I really appreciate from an author (even when they don't have more story for those characters to share with their readers).
The Cipher by Isabella Maldonado

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This was a really good book. I really care for Guerrera and who she has become and it would be interesting to watch what happens next, after the struggles of this book and the opportunity presented afterward. Only one thing gives me pause: I found this a difficult book to get through, stressful at times. I suspect a lot of that is because
of seeing this case through Guerrera's point of view and her having to overcome the horrific memories of her past
. I have a sneaking suspicion that, in other books, I won't have that issue, but it will give me slight pause before picking up book 2 of the series.
Princess Jellyfish, Volume 7 by Akiko Higashimura

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Another strong volume. I do feel slightly annoyed by how one character is treated, but I don’t know how fair that annoyance is. So I’ve lowered this volume’s star rating, because it’s affected my enjoyment, but I’m being vague because I don’t know if cultural differences are tainting my perceptions (or even just a desire to see more of myself in that character, when that isn’t who that character might be intended to be)
Take Back Magic by Casey Blair

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This was a very good start to a series: I care very much about our main character and her story and what it means for her world… and I definitely want to know what will happen next. 
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo

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I enjoyed the book, though not as much as the first book. To me, the first book felt like it had added elements to the real world… And this one felt less real-world to me. I think Darlington's situation in this book meant his voice wasn't heard as much and this book missed some of the interplay between the two characters which felt like a large part of the first book. Still a good book, but not as spectacular, in my opinion.
Augur Magazine Issue 7.2 by Frankie Hagg

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Office Maxi by Aaron Frale

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This was a pleasant book. I enjoyed tagging along with Maxi as she found her way in the company. But… it all felt surface-level to me: the rolling out of the plot didn't seem to connect with me as much emotionally as I prefer in my reading. A pleasant way to spend a few hours reading, but… I'm not disappointed to turn to another book now that this one is finished