verysourcherry's reviews
172 reviews

The Binding by Curly_Kay

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Highest Bidder by Sara Cate

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Flat insta love, billionaire without a single brain cell. And the terrible ending?! Just noooo. 😭😭
Teach Me by K.A. Tucker

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A bit of a filler book, but I still like how little realistic it is and how the relationship is evolving. 
A Long Time Coming by Meghan Quinn

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How was this the weakest book?!?! I'm honestly not well, I had super high hopes as friends to lovers is my favourite tropes, but come on! It was all so forced, like no awkwardness after 10 years of friendship!? The way Breaker acted after Lisa's breakup was outrageous, that was not taking it slow, it did looked that as long as they added sex, hey that's the only difference between friends and a couple, right? And how he disrespected Lia when she wanted to talk about what was going on, what a douche, it did not fitted with his character at all... Their friendship at the beginning was lovely, that's the reason this book is getting any stars at all, but how the book developed made me like it less and less. 
So Not Meant to Be by Meghan Quinn

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Super cute and hot, not over dramatic. Liked the original story line but hated Lottie in this book, what a horny mess she was, it was disturbing. She's the reason this book lost 0.5 of a star. 

And no, no characters are perfect, but I think it's kind of the point, JP was trying his best and I loved all sides of him.