Incredibly entertaining and immersive book! This book is inspired by the Roman Empire and I loved how there so many elements that were faithful to that. One of which is the characters names. It seems small, but it was a huge thing to help me “live” in the world. There is amazing world building and the setting is beautiful and expansive. When discussing the theme of empire and what the effects of it are, there are no pulled punches. We see all the gritty realities of a world where power is concentrated and others are forced to bow to it. I love the FMC and MMC. They are both so fiercely loyal and strong and human. Their slow burn smolders and had me screaming KISS ALREADY multiple times, which means it was done right. The yearning! The final chapters were chaotic and felt like an information overload but overall a great book! Already excited for book 2!
I really liked this book. The setting is gritty but ethereal at the same time. The tension between the characters is awesome and I had a favorite halfway through the book. The magic system was so interesting! I love the idea of this ancient magical grimoire calling to Lore and helping her against her enemies.
Lore herself has a special place in my heart. Her wisdom and bravery are inspiring AND anxiety inducing cause she is reckless. Honestly though I loved it.
It was a bit hard to follow at times and I did forsee the end of the book but it was done so well. I am excited for book 2!
I had no idea this book existed until I saw it recommended on social media, and I’m glad I learned of it. This is an uncomfortable book. We meet the child in a prison with 39 other women. As the book goes on, we see this child, who has no memory of the world before grow and learn and challenge the situation the other women have seemed to have accepted. It makes you question what exactly makes a person a person. Sure she has other women who she has relationships with, but she is still other because of her lack of their experiences. Her worldview is formed by the narrow history they share with her, but mostly from her experience outside of the prison walls. Even with the years she has with them, her growth is limited, and this ‘never enough’ mindset mixed with a truthfully misplaced sense of superiority makes her quite frustrating. It’s a lesson in what happens when community is lost, loneliness rules, and culture is erased, which is a very important lesson right about now.
Overall a solid and engaging book. There a many POVs that weave in and out that makes it feel like you’re watching a documentary. The main characters are written well and cover the whole spectrum of experiences and emotions. Mixing the story of Salome with both Vera and Nancy’s experience is old school Hollywood worked and made the book so interesting.
I understand and appreciate the importance of a book like this. It is a real, and therefore unhappy look into the life of a poor young girl who has been absolutely done wrong. It just wasn’t for me.
I don’t know if I have the words the explain how much this book impacted me. Which is ironic since this book revolves around a retired English teacher pulling meaning and almost divining what to do from words she knows. This book is so deep and touches on topics from migration, climate change, mental health, grief, and knowing yourself. I found myself relating to Antonia. This book is true, poetic, literature and I’m glad I read it.
Super entertaining and solid fantasy. Interesting world building and magic systems with lots of room for growth in future books. I love the main character and every other character in the book feels really fleshed out. I can’t wait for book 2!
Such a poignant, important story that resonates so much with Tejanos. The influence of vaquero culture, border and race relations, and pop culture of chicanos who straddle both worlds. Seeing two women who the world has not been kind to make decisions, for better or worse to be their authentic selves, despite the judgement of others made me reflect on what I had in common with them. This book also lead me down a rabbit hole of research. Lastly, I love the homage to Selena. 5 stars.