wendythegeekgoddess's reviews
403 reviews

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

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Spencer, Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Alison were the best of friends until one night Alison goes missing, the years go by and the four remaining girls slowly fade away from one another until a sudden unexpected event bring the girls back together. Suddenly the girls are receiving messages by someone who calls herself A, telling them secrets that only the girls have told Alison about. Who is A? Is Alison back?

The reason why I rated this book 3 stars is because I watched the show before reading the book so the book was very slow paced for me and just covered the first episodes of season 1. My suggestion? read the books before you watch the show.

Recommended for: Girls who love a good mystery but at the same time love girly books.
For ages 13 and up because of some sensual speaking.

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Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin

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Darcy and Rachel have always been best friends, Darcy always outshining Rachel. Until one night, Rachel wakes up next to Dex, Darcy's fiancee and then everything turns into chaos. Rachel and Dex find themselves caught up in an affair and no matter how hard they try to stop, they find themselves constantly going back to each other. Will it ever stop? Will Darcy ever find out? What will become of the wedding?

This book started very face paced and thrilling but after a while it started to turn into sort of a drag and some of the characters started to become very annoying, although the story starts to pick up a little towards the end, even though, I wouldn't recommend it.

Age: Probably 17 and over just because it is an adult novel

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Size 12 Is Not Fat by Meg Cabot

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Heather Wells is an ex pop star who got dumped, was laughed at for trying something new in her music career, her mom runs off with her money, and has put on some weight. After dropping her music career, Heather begins to work at a "residence hall" for college. When a student loses her head, literally, Heather tries to save the day!

The story is interesting and I couldn't help but get hooked on it quickly, but it was very predictable, and I quickly knew who the murderer was going to be, also the ending could have been better. Recommended for people who like Chick books, and love mystery in their lives. Rating: 15 and over just because of the violence.

People who like this will like: Queen of Babble by: Meg Cabot, Pop Princess By: Rachel Cohn
Size 14 Is Not Fat Either by Meg Cabot

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When former pop star Heather Well witnesses yet another murder in he residence hall which is now beginning to be called "death dorm", she tries to find out who and why the killer did it, putting more pressure on her already stressed life (with an ex con father who has suddenly appeared in her doorstep, trying not to fall more in love with the private detective who owns the house she is living at who also happens to be her ex fiancee's brother, and her ex fiancee constantly wanting to communicate with her), whats a big girl with a big heart got to do?

This book started off a bit slow but the action started increasing little by little. The reason why I rated it three stars is (other other than its slow beginning) is that Heather's ex fiancee, Jordan Cartwright, could not be anymore annoying!!! Also, the killer was pretty predictable so it didn't really give me that sense of mystery wondering who it really was. I wouldn't really recommend this one unless you've already begun the series and your just dying to know (like I was) of what would become of Heather and Cooper (have to wait till the 3rd and last book to finally find out).

If you liked this, you'll like: Big Boned, Queen of Babble, Guitar Girl
Big Boned by Meg Cabot

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Heather Wells is at it again when her freeloading ex-con father is finally moving out, her burning love for her landlord and (sometimes) partner Cooper Cartwright still takes effect event though she is a completely different relationship, and her boss is murdered in his office. With lots of suspects as to who did it (lets just say her boss wasn't the most loveable person), Heather can't help but try to find out who did it.

This book makes up for the previous one (not TO much Jorden, so the story wasn't ruined), it's funny, enjoyable, and the characters are so entertaining, its a very stunning conclusion to the Heather Wells conclusion. Recommended to girls who love chick literature with a bit of mystery. Rating: 15 and over because of sensual references and foul language.

If you liked this, you'll like: Queen of Babble By: Meg Cabot, Boy Meets Girl By: Meg Cabot
Queen of Babble in the Big City by Meg Cabot

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When Lizzie Nichols moves to the big city of NY with her boyfriend Jean Luke, she finds a job at a local law firm and another job (which she is not getting paid for) at a Wedding Gown restoration shop and is soon being sent to restore a local celebrities dress.

This story is fast paced, entertaining, a different kind of chick flick. I loved it! The reason why I took off one star is because sometimes LIzzie's big mouth would get me a little irritated. Recommended to: Girls that loved the first queen of babble, enjoyed the Heather Wells series, or/and that love chick lit. Rating: 17 and over because of sensual scenes and foul language.

If you liked this, you'll love: Queen of Babble gets hitched By: Meg Cabot, Confessions of a shopaholic By: Sophie Kinsella, The secret lives of dresses By: Erin McKean
Queen of Babble by Meg Cabot

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Lizzie Nichols is an american girl with a big heart, big dreams, and most of all, a big mouth. Lizzie is convinced that she is in love with her boyfriend whom she's only seen once and is flying off to britain to see him. Once there, he doesn't turn out to be the man she thought he'd be and decided to take a ride to France, where her friend, Shari is staying. When in France, Lizzie uses her big mouth that gets her into trouble, once again.

Funny, Entertaining, a great summer read!!! I was hooked from the start! The character's are so entertaining and interesting. Recommended for: Gals that want a nice summer read. Rating: 16 and over because of sensual content.

If you liked this, you'll like: Size 12 is not fat, Something Borrowed
Talpig rózsaszínben by Meg Cabot

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Its 14 year old Mia's 15th birthday and so far her grandmother has gotten a busboy fired for something that wasn't his fault causing one of the largest protests in New York history, her boyfriend Michael doesn't want to go to the prom, her mom is on her last months of pregnancy so she is being very moody' and her father wants her to spend the whole summer in Genovia.

Fast pace, this tale will have everyone laughing and really getting into Mia's thoughts. I rated it 5 stars because it had me flipping page after page that I finished it in 2 days, it was interesting from the beginning and not for 1 second did I feel bored. Recommended for any teenage girl who wishes to go to prom.

If you like this, you'll love: Princess in training (the princess diaries volume VI) By: Meg Cabot, All American girl by: Meg Cabot
Queen of Babble Gets Hitched by Meg Cabot

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Lizzie Nicolas is at it again, but this time she is to be wed to her first real love Jean Luke. But with a girl with a big mouth nothing is ever going to be as easy as it seems.

I enjoyed the ending of the series, it had a beautiful love story to it and it gives hope when you flip the last page, it inspired me that maybe reaching a dream can be possible. Recommended for those who love romance. Rating: 15 & over because of foul language and sexual content.

If you like this, you'll love: Something Borrowed By: Emily Giffin, "Size 12 is not fat" By: Meg Cabot, "She went all the way" By: Meg Cabot
To Catch a Pirate by Jade Parker

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Annalisa Townsend has always been curious about how life at sea is, so she decides to go abroad with her father. Along the way to their destination, the ship becomes a target for pirates and the ship is set on fire. Annalisa meets a pirate who chooses to exchange a kiss for her freedom. After that, her father falls into trouble for being accused of piracy so its up to Annalisa to save him, and her journey begins with capturing the pirate that not only stole a kiss, but stole her heart.

This book was amazing! It captivated me from the very first pages. Like the title, this book captures its readers and sends them into a wonderful told love story. This book had everything one could hope for in a book: Action, Adventure, Thrills, and most of all, Romance. At the end of each and every chapter, it leaves you at a cliff hanger and you can't help but to keep reading, wondering what is going to happen next. I am surprised that this book did not have that much hype, but then again a stand alone book hardly ever gets hype. This was a beautiful, different kind of pirate tale that tells of a perfect love story without lacking the action that your average pirate tales contain. Strongly recommend it to those that are drawn to tales of pirates (like I am), or for those that love a good romance novel and for those that love reading tales of independent women that are their own hero. Rating: 13 and over since I found it in the young adult section of the store.

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