whimsicalwoodlandwanderer's reviews
130 reviews

Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

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Words can't describe how much I loved this book! It was beyond what I had expected, I'm gonna go read Made You Up by Francesca Zappia. I need to read more :D
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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My brain feels muzzy. A good kind of muzzy. But muzzy. Muzzy with emotions probably.

While I enjoyed this book, I wouldn't go as far to say that it's my favourite book ever. But I feel like it's building up to creating my favourite book ever... if that makes sense.

Overall, I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to continuing the series.
A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas

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4.5 Stars!
While I adored this book and it's fluffyness.... the sneak peak at the end...... no....... hurts the heart......
A+ for feels!
Again Cinnabun Queen Rhysand and company, Cinnabuns Azriel and Cassian, were on perfect form. They damn well need some hugs and love though..... they live in a dark world, filled with horrible things... Like evil Jurian shooting Cinnabun Azriel.... not okay folks.... not okay.
Geekerella by Ashley Poston

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This book was literally one of the cutest things I have ever read. 

I love that there were some things in this story that links into the original story of  Cinderella but they were modernised. (e.g. The pumpkin carriage that Cinderella is supposed to ride away in, is instead The Magic Pumpkin which is a Vegan Treats food truck)

The two main characters, Elle and Darien, were the smollest cinnamon rolls to ever grace this Earth. They were both so geeky and adorable (even though they are the same age as me and I would never say this to their face but shhhhhhhh) and I ship them so bad. 

I laughed at some parts and cried at some parts (the part where Elle gets home and Chloe is in her room got me bad. I cried quite a bit).

Towards the end I was also pretty angry at two of the characters *cough* Chloe and Catherine *cough* *cough* If there was an award for worst family members in existence, then these two would definitely be runners up.

I usually don't tend to enjoy dual POV books, but this one was done really well and I enjoyed both POVs'. I liked seeing Elle get more excited about going to a Con, and see Darien acting and dealing with Hollywood life and what not.

Overall, I'd give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars!
I highly recommend this book if you want to read a fluffy fandom love story! It's super-duper cute!!

My feelings are still a little mushy... #noregrets
Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

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4 Stars.
Trigger Warnings for this book: Self-Harm.

This book has a special place in my heart. For two reasons:

1) Amazing Representation. The OCD was written so well in this book, I related so hard and it kinda made me happy to know that what I think about a situation there are other people who think some-what similar things. The Agoraphobia in this book was also well written (based on what I do know of agoraphobia). Another well written topic which rarely comes up in these books is the overwhelming need to have control over situations, which is usually denied by most mental illnesses. Just over all everything was so well written.

2) This book was funny. I mean I laughed out loud and spit water on my carpet kinda funny. (It missed the book don't worry ;) My swerving skills are on point). There were so many things in this book that made me smile, and I like it when books give me emotions???

And Luke was pretty darn cute. Trying to be Norahs' friend even though she was hiding from him most of the time at the beginning. These characters were such beans.

The writing of this book was amazing though! I read in one sitting, couldn't get out of it!
Will definitely be looking out for more books by this author! <3