wynnz's reviews
213 reviews

The Trials of Koli by M.R. Carey

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Second book of the trilogy, much of the same, a bit sparse in the old action department, but engaging enough, but only just. Two books in may as well finish the story off. Hope the time and effort invested will pay off, with a big old tar-a moment, we’ll see.
The Fall of Koli by M.R. Carey

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As the two stars designate, it was OK. Nothing to write home about, but here I am writing about it, nothing special, a continuation of the previous two books and it’s conclusion. All of the books are of the same vein, Koli and his companions continue on their journey through the lush, green cannibalistic environment. It felt a bit flat to me, neither exciting or dull, but somewhere in-between, maybe of the comfortable, feel good ilk.
Pelquin's Comet by Ian Whates

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A fairly good book, well written strong characters a reasonable story to follow, some good action sequences, some intrigue and mystery thrown in, all in all an enjoyable read.
The Ion Raider by Ian Whates

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A continuation of the previous book, not as good as the first. A bit on the slow side, until the end when it starts getting slightly better, setting it up for the next instalment, and I should imagine the grand finale. Drake and Mudball going their separate ways in a spectacular fashion, and delving into the past of the other crew members, bringing us up to date. I liked it, but unfortunately not enough to give it a higher rating.
Dark Angels Rising by Ian Whates

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Dark Angels 3 and final book of the trilogy, went out with a whimper rather than a bang. A bit meh! Some good fight scenes dotted throughout the book, but not enough to keep a heightened sense of excitement and suspense, for the remainder of the book. So in conclusion I thought it was ok, but only just.
Rare Earth by Kurt Allan

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What can I say about this book, not the best, but by no means the worst I’ve read. A no-brainer type of book. A small amount of suspense, intrigue and action that kept me engaged, a bit slow to start, with a slight build up to a not so climatic finish. Why in the world would a man with one useless arm go into space, to go and investigate some strange goings-on is beyond me, but hi-ho hi-ho it’s off to work we go, with a shovel and spade and a hand grenade hi-ho.
Waiting in the Sky by Keith A. Pearson

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Well this was an emotional roller coaster. I don’t know why explaining literally every movement and every thought process is so appealing and compelling, and at some level quite amusing in a quirky sort of way, but its certainly engrossing. Simon’s mysophobia is so debilitating in so many ways its hard to comprehend, thus the awkward encounters and exchanges he has with ordinary people. It was like reading Sheldon Cooper’s script from “The Big Bang Theory”. I thoroughly enjoyed it for some unfathomable reason, a little action, well one punch, a modicum of mystery and virtually no suspense, but thoroughly and completely captivating. I will definitely look out for more books by this author.
Lost in Time by A.G. Riddle

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A bit of Bear Grylls meets the Triassic epoch, with a dash of Back to the Future, with a pinch of Quantum Leap, and a little splash of Sherlock Holmes, what’s not to like, a delicious smorgasbord of a story. I must admit, I did quite enjoy this book, with all its mishmash of genres. I think the story held together quite well, it was engaging and entertaining. Something different to a degree, obviously not earth shattering, but still very enjoyable. A good solid 4 stars.
Hello World by Peter Cawdron

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The proverbial melting pot, a Bertie Bassett allsorts of short stories, with just about everything thrown in, something that will suite some, but not all, I’m sure, just like the sweets, what fun you’ll have trying them all out. Groaning with pleasure at some or spitting some out with displeasure.
Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton

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I really wanted to enjoy this book, I’d read the blurb, it caught my eye, it peaked my interest, but unfortunately I couldn’t for the life of me get into it. I couldn’t empathise nor sympathise with the main characters, the story, I felt had no direction, and no destination. A crow and a dog breaking into houses and releasing domesticated pets, is not something you can expand on, to any great degree. There were some amusing one liners in the book, but it wasn’t enough. Sadly as I continued reading, I became less and less interested in the ending, and in the end I couldn’t wait to finish it.