zsyree's reviews
29 reviews

From Here to Eternity by A.L. Jackson

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This book was so beautiful. I was immediately drawn to River and Charleigh and the chemistry was and tension was amazing. I love the depth in their characters, and the secondary characters in this book were so fun to watch. Love how River was so soft with Charleigh especially the moment he realized what she has gone through with the past and how Charleigh was accepting of River the moment she found out what he does. Definitely a 5 Star Read! 
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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My first Emily Henry book and definitely not my last. I love how complex the story is, especially how it tackled emotional abuse experienced by both the MMC and FMC. Myles and Daphne are both so broken but I love how they came together in this book and how they opened up to one another about what they were going through. My only wish was that this was written in dual POV but it still doesn't take away the fact that this book deserves 5 Stars. 
Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez

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I don't understand why I've put off reading this book for so long. Wow! As of writing this review, Part of Your World is definitely one of the top books I've read so far this year. I felt for Daniel the entire book and I love how unselfish he was towards Alexis. I was bawling my eyes out the entire time I was reading this and until now I still can't stop thinking about it. This book is definitely a keeper. 
Her Baseborn Bridegroom by Alice Coldbreath

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I am a bit disappointed giving this book 4 Stars because I love medieval historical romance and the idea of the story and the characters especially Linnet. I just wished AC developed Mason's character more and focused more on the romance between the two of them. But I love the groveling and how Mason turned out in the end though and how affectionate he was to Linnet. 
The Widow Vanishes by Grace Callaway

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Don't know why the author had to cut the sexy scene during the first few chapters. It was so frustrating! I noticed her writing style involves a lot of tell instead of show. I hope the other books are better. I might give her another try but if these patters are recurring, I might drop this series and author entirely on my TBR. 
The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway

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This book was slightly disappointing. The first half was very strong and there was a lot of chemistry and sizzling tension between Emma and Alaric and a good mystery story as a side plot. However, the second part focused more on the side plot than building the romance between the MMC and FMC. It lost me by that time and I found myself not as engaged in knowing what happened to the romance. The ending was also overly dramatic and I felt was done so to quickly tie the loose ends. 
Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley

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I am a sucker for a good second chance romance trope in books and this is one of my all-time favorites. I love Mac and Isabella together and the fact that both of them remain faithful to one another even if they were legally separated. The protectiveness of Mac's brother towards Isabella was adorable. It was beautiful to witness their reconciliation and I know this book is one that I will obsess with forever and never get tired of re-reading. 
Flawless by Elsie Silver

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Small-town romance, grumpy hero, found family are all my jam. I just discovered Elsie Silver with this book, and I seriously love how she writes romance and intimate scenes. The way she wrote Rhett's POV especially during the final arc and when Rhett discovered how much he loves Summer had me crying and swooning. Excited to read about the other books in this series.

The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

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Both Zarah and Rowan were boring. I just didn't connect with the characters and the chemistry was just meh. I found more chemistry in the Declan and Iris scene than the two main leads. The book was unnecessarily long. I powered through the last twenty-four chapters hoping the story would pick up, but I just found it so ridiculous. And my biggest gripe was that Asher just let Rowan deal with Zarah's past issue with her ex. It just didn't sit well with me. I was hoping for a confrontation between Zarah and her ex about what he did to her but nah, the author just used the moment to flex Rowan's power tripping and his money. 
Throne of Vengeance by Rina Kent

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Love this conclusion of the Throne Duet. I love Kyle here more than the first book. I know he has had some questionable actions but it was born out of his fear of losing Rai and the trauma he had from his childhood. My favorite part was when they Kyle discovered his wife's treachery. Kyle and Rai were both willing to give up each other to keep the other safe and happy. So satisfied with this ending especially with the epilogues. RK is definitely one of my favorite authors this year. Can't wait to read her entire backlist.