Reading Wrap-Up

noisydeadlines finished reading 45 books, across 13,535 pages!

noisydeadlines embarked on exciting adventures, absorbed valuable insights, and unraveled intricate mysteries.

And most of the stories developed at a steady pace.

Books and pages read per month in 2021

Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2021. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 3 books, February - 3 books, March - 4 books, April - 3 books, May - 5 books, June - 4 books, July - 4 books, August - 2 books, September - 5 books, October - 4 books, November - 4 books, December - 4 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 352 pages, February - 1024 pages, March - 1779 pages, April - 647 pages, May - 1028 pages, June - 817 pages, July - 1402 pages, August - 1449 pages, September - 1728 pages, October - 1103 pages, November - 956 pages, December - 1489 pages.

🥳 🥳 🥳

noisydeadlines met their reading goal!


👏 👏 👏

noisydeadlines met their pages goal!


The genres noisydeadlines spent the most time with in 2021

Longest book
692 pages

The average length of the books noisydeadlines read was 362 pages and it took them around 12 days to finish each book!

2021's average rating was...


Looks like they know how to pick them!

2021 5reads

noisydeadlines's 2021 ratings


Some months were better than others...

Highest average rating

Turns out August wasn't noisydeadlines's favorite month, with an average rating of 3.5.

Most pages read
1728 pages

Other StoryGraph users and noisydeadlines's 2021 reads

Most shelved
35,840 users
noisydeadlines's rating: 3.0
Least shelved
36 users
noisydeadlines's rating: 4.5
Highest rated
noisydeadlines's rating: 5.0

noisydeadlines explored the works of 24 new authors, including John M. Ford, Maryanne Wolf, and Peter Clines!

26 of the books noisydeadlines read were part of a series.

noisydeadlines revisited a total of 2 books this year.


Compared to 2020...

Number of books

Decreased by 2%

Number of pages

Increased by 4%

noisydeadlines's personal 2021 reading experience

Charts generated from noisydeadlines's reviews



Components of noisydeadlines's highest-rated reads

Moods: dark, emotional, sad

Pace: fast

Book type: fiction

Genres: Biography, Contemporary, Graphic Novel

Story style: plot-driven

Characters: loveable, well-developed

2021 at a glance

Explore noisydeadlines's 2021 stats!