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Reading Wrap-Up
darby3 finished reading 44 books, across 18,567 pages!
darby3's 2022 StoryGraph
A mood map of darby3's reading
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
darby3 pondered thought-provoking themes, embarked on exciting adventures, and delved into dark and intense narratives.
And most of the stories developed at a steady pace.
Books and pages read per month in 2022
Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2022. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 2 books, February - 6 books, March - 4 books, April - 3 books, May - 2 books, June - 5 books, July - 6 books, August - 2 books, September - 3 books, October - 4 books, November - 2 books, December - 5 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 1512 pages, February - 1734 pages, March - 1923 pages, April - 1607 pages, May - 1162 pages, June - 1708 pages, July - 2225 pages, August - 1649 pages, September - 1073 pages, October - 1725 pages, November - 992 pages, December - 1257 pages.The genres darby3 spent the most time with in 2022
992 pages
150 pages
The average length of the books darby3 read was 421 pages and it took them around 16 days to finish each book!
2 days
129 days
The authors darby3 spent the most time with in 2022
2022's average rating was...
Looks like they know how to pick them!
2022 5
darby3's 2022 ratings
Some months were better than others...
Turns out December wasn't darby3's favorite month, with an average rating of 2.0.
2225 pages
Other StoryGraph users and darby3's 2022 reads
116,000 users
24 users
darby3 explored the works of 27 new authors, including Claire Boyle, Jon Fosse, and Ottessa Moshfegh!
19 of the books darby3 read were part of a series.
darby3 revisited a total of 3 books this year.
darby3 decided not to finish 1 of the books they picked up this year.
darby3 read 37 books from their own shelves this year!
Compared to 2021...
Number of books
Number of pages
darby3's mood map compared to their friends...
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
darby3's personal 2022 reading experience
Charts generated from darby3's reviews
Components of darby3's highest-rated reads
Moods: emotional, tense, mysterious
Pace: medium
Book type: fiction
Genres: Classics, Contemporary, Mystery
2022 at a glance
Explore darby3's 2022 stats!