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Reading Wrap-Up
alyssa_rbf finished reading 195 books, across 65,093 pages!
alyssa_rbf's 2023 StoryGraph
A mood map of alyssa_rbf's reading
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
alyssa_rbf indulged in cheerful amusements, traversed landscapes of the heart, and chuckled through witty escapades.
The narratives flowed at a comfortable, engaging tempo.
Books and pages read per month in 2023
Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2023. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 10 books, February - 10 books, March - 20 books, April - 15 books, May - 12 books, June - 17 books, July - 20 books, August - 17 books, September - 17 books, October - 16 books, November - 17 books, December - 21 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 3686 pages, February - 3951 pages, March - 5353 pages, April - 4532 pages, May - 3651 pages, June - 5535 pages, July - 6100 pages, August - 5497 pages, September - 6815 pages, October - 6698 pages, November - 5649 pages, December - 6522 pages.🥳 🥳 🥳
alyssa_rbf met their reading goal!
The genres alyssa_rbf spent the most time with in 2023
698 pages
80 pages
The average length of the books alyssa_rbf read was 341 pages and it took them around 1 day to finish each book!
1 day
2 days
The authors alyssa_rbf spent the most time with in 2023
2023's average rating was...
2023 5
alyssa_rbf's 2023 ratings
Some months were better than others...
Turns out June wasn't alyssa_rbf's favorite month, with an average rating of 2.84.
6815 pages
Other StoryGraph users and alyssa_rbf's 2023 reads
396,113 users
alyssa_rbf's rating: 4.0
7 users
alyssa_rbf's rating: 3.0
alyssa_rbf's rating: 4.0
alyssa_rbf explored the works of 59 new authors, including Brighton Walsh, Stephanie Archer, and Sophie Cousens!
137 of the books alyssa_rbf read were part of a series.
alyssa_rbf revisited a total of 14 books this year.
alyssa_rbf decided not to finish 1 of the books they picked up this year.
alyssa_rbf read 78 books from their own shelves this year!
Components of alyssa_rbf's highest-rated reads
2023 at a glance
Explore alyssa_rbf's 2023 stats!