Reading Wrap-Up

djwudi finished reading 74 books, across 23,761 pages!

First book
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

Snow Crash

Last book
Fool Moon by Jim Butcher

Fool Moon

djwudi's 2023 StoryGraph

A mood map of djwudi's reading

Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down


djwudi embarked on exciting adventures, dived into complex ideas, and pondered thought-provoking themes.

And most of the stories developed at a steady pace.

Books and pages read per month in 2023

Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2023. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 10 books, February - 6 books, March - 3 books, April - 4 books, May - 5 books, June - 2 books, July - 4 books, August - 9 books, September - 11 books, October - 7 books, November - 5 books, December - 8 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 2711 pages, February - 1846 pages, March - 1529 pages, April - 1513 pages, May - 1821 pages, June - 1136 pages, July - 1672 pages, August - 2400 pages, September - 2994 pages, October - 2014 pages, November - 1784 pages, December - 2341 pages.

🥳 🥳 🥳

djwudi met their reading goal!


The genres djwudi spent the most time with in 2023

Longest book
709 pages
Shortest book
111 pages

The average length of the books djwudi read was 322 pages and it took them around 5 days to finish each book!

Least time spent
1 day
Most time spent
27 days

The authors djwudi spent the most time with in 2023


2023's average rating was...


2023 5reads

djwudi's 2023 ratings


Some months were better than others...

Highest average rating

Turns out December wasn't djwudi's favorite month, with an average rating of 2.86.

Most pages read
2994 pages

Other StoryGraph users and djwudi's 2023 reads

Most shelved
101,609 users
djwudi's rating: 4.0

djwudi explored the works of 63 new authors, including David Stern, Rebecca Campbell, and Michael Schuster!

60 of the books djwudi read were part of a series.

djwudi revisited a total of 7 books this year.

djwudi finished all of the books they picked up this year — no DNFs!

djwudi read 63 books from their own shelves this year!

🎉djwudi successfully completed 1 reading challenge!🎉

2023 at a glance

Explore djwudi's 2023 stats!