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Reading Wrap-Up
kiesa finished reading 107 books, across 29,982 pages!
kiesa's 2023 StoryGraph
A mood map of kiesa's reading
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
kiesa embarked on exciting adventures, unraveled intricate mysteries, and enjoyed some lighthearted fun.
And most of the stories developed at a steady pace.
Books and pages read per month in 2023
Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2023. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 12 books, February - 10 books, March - 12 books, April - 10 books, May - 6 books, June - 8 books, July - 10 books, August - 10 books, September - 7 books, October - 6 books, November - 8 books, December - 8 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 2923 pages, February - 2765 pages, March - 3240 pages, April - 2591 pages, May - 2172 pages, June - 2520 pages, July - 3237 pages, August - 2362 pages, September - 2034 pages, October - 1125 pages, November - 2622 pages, December - 2391 pages.The genres kiesa spent the most time with in 2023
22 hours, 20 minutes
70 pages
The average length of the books kiesa read was 291 pages and it took them around 1 day to finish each book!
1 day
2 days
The authors kiesa spent the most time with in 2023
Some months were better than others...
3240 pages
Other StoryGraph users and kiesa's 2023 reads
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kiesa explored the works of 62 new authors, including Julia Seales, Diane Dorrans Saeks, and Robert Ludlum!
56 of the books kiesa read were part of a series.
kiesa revisited a total of 6 books this year.
kiesa read 33 books from their own shelves this year!
Compared to 2022...
Number of books
Number of pages
Components of the books kiesa gravitates towards
Moods: adventurous, mysterious, lighthearted
Pace: medium
Book type: fiction
Genres: Fantasy, Mystery, Science Fiction
2023 at a glance
Explore kiesa's 2023 stats!