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Reading Wrap-Up
lucian_childs finished reading 58 books, across 13,653 pages and 8.28 hours!
lucian_childs's 2023 StoryGraph
A mood map of lucian_childs's reading
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
lucian_childs engaged in introspective musings, traversed landscapes of the heart, and grappled with profound concepts.
The narratives flowed at a comfortable, engaging tempo.
Books, pages, and minutes per month in 2023
Line chart showing books, pages read, and minutes listened to each month in 2023. The data for books read per month are as follows: January - 5 books, February - 4 books, March - 5 books, April - 5 books, May - 5 books, June - 3 books, July - 3 books, August - 0 books, September - 4 books, October - 2 books, November - 6 books, December - 16 books. The data for pages read per month are as follows: January - 1377 pages, February - 685 pages, March - 812 pages, April - 1372 pages, May - 1479 pages, June - 749 pages, July - 768 pages, August - 0 pages, September - 1021 pages, October - 608 pages, November - 1771 pages, December - 3011 pages. The data for minutes listened per month are as follows: January - 0 minutes, February - 497 minutes, March - 0 minutes, April - 0 minutes, May - 0 minutes, June - 0 minutes, July - 0 minutes, August - 0 minutes, September - 0 minutes, October - 0 minutes, November - 0 minutes, December - 0 minutes.The genres lucian_childs spent the most time with in 2023
451 pages
88 pages
The average length of the books lucian_childs read was 244 pages!
The authors lucian_childs spent the most time with in 2023
2023's average rating was...
Looks like they know how to pick them!
2023 5
lucian_childs's 2023 ratings
Some months were better than others...
Turns out February wasn't lucian_childs's favorite month, with an average rating of 3.75.
3011 pages
Other StoryGraph users and lucian_childs's 2023 reads
68,346 users
lucian_childs's rating: 5.0
1 user
lucian_childs's rating: 5.0
lucian_childs's rating: 5.0
lucian_childs explored the works of 47 new authors, including Douglas Stuart, Andrew Sean Greer, and Christopher Isherwood!
8 of the books lucian_childs read were part of a series.
Compared to 2022...
Number of books
Number of pages
Number of hours
Components of lucian_childs's highest-rated reads
Moods: informative, tense, sad
Pace: medium
Book type: nonfiction
Genres: Art, Essays, History
2023 at a glance
Explore lucian_childs's 2023 stats!