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Reading Wrap-Up
nickfourtimes finished reading 29 books, across 10,806 pages!
nickfourtimes's 2023 StoryGraph
A mood map of nickfourtimes's reading
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
nickfourtimes engaged in introspective musings, grappled with profound concepts, and uncovered a wealth of knowledge.
The narratives flowed at a comfortable, engaging tempo.
Books and pages read per month in 2023
Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2023. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 3 books, February - 5 books, March - 3 books, April - 3 books, May - 3 books, June - 4 books, July - 1 book, August - 0 books, September - 3 books, October - 2 books, November - 1 book, December - 1 book. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 1272 pages, February - 1111 pages, March - 1009 pages, April - 903 pages, May - 1117 pages, June - 910 pages, July - 354 pages, August - 605 pages, September - 1348 pages, October - 788 pages, November - 705 pages, December - 684 pages.🥳 🥳 🥳
nickfourtimes met their reading goal!
The genres nickfourtimes spent the most time with in 2023
1313 pages
78 pages
The average length of the books nickfourtimes read was 361 pages and it took them around 20 days to finish each book!
2 days
91 days
The authors nickfourtimes spent the most time with in 2023
2023's average rating was...
2023 5
nickfourtimes's 2023 ratings
Some months were better than others...
Turns out July wasn't nickfourtimes's favorite month, with an average rating of 2.0.
1348 pages
Other StoryGraph users and nickfourtimes's 2023 reads
18,722 users
nickfourtimes's rating: 4.0
74 users
nickfourtimes's rating: 4.0
nickfourtimes's rating: 5.0
nickfourtimes explored the works of 27 new authors, including John Savage, Derek Yu, and Charles Dickens!
11 of the books nickfourtimes read were part of a series.
nickfourtimes decided to go back down memory lane once with 1 reread this year.
nickfourtimes read 4 books from their own shelves this year!
Compared to 2022...
Number of books
Number of pages
nickfourtimes's mood map compared to their friends...
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
nickfourtimes's personal 2023 reading experience
Charts generated from nickfourtimes's reviews
Components of nickfourtimes's highest-rated reads
Moods: emotional, inspiring, relaxing
Pace: fast
Book type: nonfiction
Genres: Classics, Crime, Design
Story style: character-driven
Characters: loveable, flawed, diverse, well-developed
2023 at a glance
Explore nickfourtimes's 2023 stats!