
Jack & Coke by Lani Lynn Vale

diloretobeth89's review against another edition

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Loved it
Mig is being led around by his ex wife. But all he wants is his pretty little neighbor Annie. What happens when someone tries to sabotage her?

hijinx_abound's review

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Mig has had a rough year. He was roofied at a club party, which w a s awful enough but then his rapist ends up pregnant. She finds out he's an "heir" and insists that the marry. He wants to be there for his child so he marries the girl. And he's got the hots for his neighbor.
Annie has had a thing for her neighbor since she was a teenager. But he's now married and about to have a child and she trying to get out from under her druggie ex.
There is a lot going in this book. Mug alone has quite the backstory. His childhood was unconventional. He works for the DEA and is a member if the Uncertain Saints.
There are some things that get brushed aside like Annie being labeled a homewrecker and losing business. There were some discrepancies but nothing that took away from the story. one small pet peeve is how characters visit pro p me in prison to make a threat or have a big dramatic scene with another character. You have to be approved to visit a correctional facility. You don't just show up and get to see whomever you want.

whatcha_listening_to's review

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5 Jack & Coke Stars

I am sucked in. I have stars in my eyes. This series is awesome!

I am going to sound like a gushy mick gush’ersin!! I <3 Mig!
I loved book 1 and I am all crazy over book 2. How did I not know about this series.. Ok anywayssssa back to the book.

Mig is one heck of a man, not only does he do what he thinks is best even if it’s at the expense of his own happiness. But he is strong, fearsome, and loyal.
He just digs his way into your heart and you can’t help but want to heal him. And make it all better. But he is too manly for that. Haha I can’t even tell you how much I like this character.

Annie is a character I thought only got stronger over the course of the book. She became the kind of women Mig needed. She wasn't ever a weak kind of women but I loved the spunk she has and how she doesn't take any gruff from anyone including Mig. I love that every female character in this series can stand on her own. She doesn't NEED a man but hey it’s nice to have one around right. ;)

I swooned, I had a tear it didn't leave my eye but I was left with a huge smile on my face. These are my kind of HEA’s.

Again, same narration as book 1 so already knew I was a fan but I liked that it didn't sound like the same book. Sometimes I find if it’s the same narrator/s in a series with different characters the books bleed together. But I am so happy that was NOT the case. I am so jumping on to book 3!

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*

bookaddict1975's review

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*Audio Review*

Oh this couple was a train wreck waiting to happen but instead of crashing they collided perfectly. I love that he is DEA and that they have known each other awhile. The chemistry was off the charts and when Mig first spoke of his pregnant wife my heart sank wondering what was going to happen to her so that he could end up with Annie. I never expected this but it was the best out come I could have wanted. That ending melted my heart!! Can't wait for book 3 to start.

The narration was great again, they are a great choice for this series!

wovhen's review

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The ending rubbed me the wrong way

gypsystar's review

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This. Book.

Just gross.

All of it.

The hero is taped. He then marries his rapist because when she raped him she got pregnant. She’s then a complete bitch. Who mistreats and cheats on him. So he finally ditches the rapist. Who’s still pregnant with his kid.

He gets together with h. Almost. He ends up staying away from her “for her own good”. Such fucking bullshit.

Then they do get together. However every time the rapist says jump he leaps like a fool. Bull shit. Annie deserved better.

This book is trash.

bookmarkbelles's review

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emilyhei's review

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Mig met the woman that stole his heart when she moved in next door, problem was he was married to a woman he hated but wanted to due right by the child she was carrying. Annie knew Mig was special but she hated the fact that he was married and she would never have a relationship with a married man.

Mig decides he can't stay with his wife and has a plan to catch her at her own game. Balancing Annie though and making she doesn't get hurt is his top priority though.

Had a few surprises that blew my mind. There is no cheating in the story. I cried in this one, I felt for Mig and Annie and he does things to keep Annie protected that has your heartbreaking. Fantastic series so far.

becbeach's review against another edition

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3rd read through and still feel very much the same about this book. This book drags and the plot isn't cohesive at all. This one just didn't click with me. I found myself constantly checking to see how much book was left. I didn't like the premise of why Mig would marry someone he KNEW had roofied then raped him. I didn't enjoy the interactions with Annie and the various attacks. I didn't like the stupidity that was displayed over and over, like for instance expecting Annie to wait on his ex-wife while she was on bed rest.

No one that's who. This book made no sense and other than their sexual chemistry their romantic connection seemed like absolutely nothing when all was said and done. Just a very bad book all the way around.

** Original review ** Why? Why would anyone do what Mig did? Why wasn't that woman prosecuted and all rights to the child taken away? He's a freaking law enforcement member as well as former military. I don't think anyone could accept the idea of him marrying and then living with someone in that situation. Just no.

Then we have Annie who was married during the time she apparently continued to lust after Mig because she says that over and over again at the beginning. Why did she marry someone she wasn't attracted to and didn't plan to make it work with. Just so not into this story at all. Too much mental cheating going on for my taste. This book dragged ALOT too. Lots of random strange events that didn't tie to other things.

The 2x4 to the head and her subsequent recovery. Something that could have easily killed her just kind of glossed over except for some minor after effects. (head shaking in confusion) Then we have Annie giving a sensual massage as some kind of punishment to Mig on a client while Mig watches and instead of just walking away he stands there and watches then later proceeds to beat the man up for letting her do that? What?

Then we get to about 70% of the book where suddenly we get these reveals. How he's been watching and lusting after her even before she was married. How she has been watching him and he knew it. About how Mig helped Annie get her Mustang, a car we hadn't heard or seen anything about before this. She drives a piece of shit and claims not to have the money for anything better but she has a Mustang garaged that she only gets out occasionally.

So get this, Mig and his fellow MC bros drive their motorcycles pretty much every day. They talk about this in the book how they don't like to drive their various law enforcement provided vehicles. I'm not a motorcycle expert but I'm pretty sure if the weather is nice enough to drive the bikes it's certainly nice enough to drive a sports car.

Then we get to Vitaly (Mig's) past. The implication is he has nothing to do with his father because he's abused growing up. But later, suddenly his dad had done good by him because it made him the man he was today. WTF.

Next problem, the interactions of the sisters at the volleyball game and later at their parents home. Annie blasting someone with a volleyball in the face is pretty much assault, which is never addressed. I understand she was protecting her man from the nasty woman but still that seemed a bit much. Then at her parents home, I'm sorry but I would have been ashamed to act so extremely childish that way in front of my man at the first meeting with my parents.

And finally, the talk about losing business at Annie's salon was just so much bullshit after we were told she had a cool 3 million coming her way from her ex-spouses insurance policy. I know I wouldn't even worry about a little shitty hair/massage salon if I had that in the bank. Just unbelievable how so much of the details in this book were unfinished or didn't add up.

I have loved most of the books I've read of Ms. Vale's especially the KPD SWAT series. Even the first book of this series I liked but this one was hard to finish and definitely not an H/h pair I would care to revisit. At this point the sister's book doesn't interest me either. She seems flighty and about as stupid as an overeducated woman without any common sense can get. The amount of profanity in this book was quite heavy even for her books. Sex scenes were long and drawn out but not anything special in relation to her other books.

And for mankinds sake, are all these men hung like horses? Can't they be normal or just a bit big, not all John Holmes el grande size. We don't hear about all the women being double DD's or vagina's so deep they could sink a ship in it. Just not one of her best, at least not for me.

Only saving grace is the little bonus chapter on Channing and Loki at the end showing love can last through the years and trials and tribulations the children and spouses of policemen go through daily.

arickman's review

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I listened to the audio version. This story didn't work for me, I was like WTF.