
Lampi di tenebre by Lesley Livingston

postitsandpens's review against another edition

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Meh. 2.5 stars for this one, I think. I'm not going to write a full review for this one, so let me just sum up my thoughts.

Don't you hate it when the sequel doesn't live up to its predecessor? Sigh.

SpoilerI hate the trope used to cause drama between Kelley and Sonny. I hate that they pulled the whole "I'm going to make a decision for you - I'm going to LIE to you - because I love you and want to keep you safe" thing. Like Sonny doesn't matter. Like what he WANTS doesn't matter. Like he can't be trusted to make his own choices, like he doesn't deserve to know the truth. While I liked Kelley for the most part, the way she treated Sonny in this book just made me really angry.

And I don't like that Kelley just willingly goes along with whatever Fennrys says, and sort of willfully trusts him, even though there are definitely things that are Not Okay. This isn't exactly a love triangle, but it's not NOT a love triangle either, and I'm just not digging it.

I loved the first book - LOVED it - but not this one. This one I'm not even sure I liked overall, and the addition of that trope at the end just confirmed it. I'm still going to read the last one, because I need to know how things end up, but. Going to temper my expectations a bit before I do so.


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allisonw9909's review against another edition

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Because I can't help myself sometimes I cheated and skipped to the last few pages to see how things were going to turn out after I was halfway through... Not a good idea. I didn't like how it was going to end so I put it down like it was going to stop it from happening or something. Once I finished the book I liked how it ended, somewhat. Sonny had to believe her in order to save him. He was a danger to himself if he knew he was the Green Man and becuase she loved him she had to convince him that she no longer did. It broke my heart, but I understood. Things better be fixed in the next book...

bookgirl4ever's review against another edition

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Kelley awaits Sonny's return from the Faerie world, where he is hunting the down the last of the hunters. Meanwhile, Kelley is trying to make sense of her new magic as leprechauns have taken an interest in her clover charm.

Loved it! Can't wait for the next one.

melodious16's review against another edition

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it was okay I wasn't happy with it

blumenstadtkind's review against another edition

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No, no, no, no, nooooo...!

This book can´t be over already *sigh*

Oh dear Lesley Livingston,

How could you end this book like this! Now I can´t wait for the third installment in the series and it´s making me anxious...

Besides that I really loved Darklight. I can´t quite put it into words but it definitely was a thrilling ride with lots of love, lies, friendship, betrayal... fairies, leprechauns and ogres...

Thanks for such a wonderful sequel, i really enjoyed it. But i can´t believe we have to wait until January now....

kristid's review against another edition

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Three words; Sonny is MINE! or impressive, exciting &captivating

I was even more impressed with Darklight than it's predecessor Wondrous Strange. Livingston was able to weave an unpredictable and entertaining plot, with all the characters that I had grown to love in Wondrous Strange. Not to mention characters that were re-introduced like... Fennrys. Where did this delicious dish come from! I'll have seconds please!

I loved the elements of the Otherworld, Livingston has a beautiful writing style that makes you feel like you are there with the character, just awesomely captivating descriptions without being overly detailed.

This is definitely a series that you will want to read in order. There are a lot of references to the previous novel and there are some character histories that wouldn't be clear had you not read the first novel. As with most novels in the middle of a series there are some questions left unanswered but there are some huge revelations as well.

I love Livingston's story telling ability. There is something in the way that she tells a story that is addicting. Awesome fae series. I can't wait to read the next novel!

penandpencil's review against another edition

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This series is hard for me to wrap my head around, I don’t love these books, and had to push myself to finish this one, but they are certainly not terrible. There are some great moments, they are well written, and I always like supporting Canadian authors. I feel that the main problem is that the characterizations fall short, I just can’t find myself rooting for Kelley, she has very little in the way of personality and makes stupid errors in judgment on a regular basis. Secondary characters like Mabh, Fenn, and Bob are much more interesting.

The twist regarding Sonny’s heritage was totally predictable yet her explanations were confusing as hell.

The end of this book frustrated me, although it did help me clarify what bothers me about these “new moon” relationship scenarios. I understand that without conflict there is no story, but the drama here seems forced. One partner takes themselves away from the relationship for the good of the other, when all that is required would be for them to actually, you know, communicate with one another. Contrived conflict is my new pet peeve.

Ultimately, if I was not getting these at the library I don’t think I would bother with so many other great things out there to read.

thisismenow's review against another edition

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Wow, what an incredible sequel! I had a hard time staying away from this book. I just wanted to forget the real world and all of it's obligations and see what would happen next.

Sometimes books in a series make me wary because they can start off so strong and then go downhill very fast. I'm so glad that wasn't the case with Darklight.

I think in many ways I enjoyed this book more than the first, and I'm so glad that Tempestuous is already out because I cannot wait to sink my teeth into that book and find out what will become of Kelley and Sonny after the events at the end of this book.

asma_aj's review against another edition

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After the events on Halloween, not a single day goes by when Kelley wonders how Sonny is doing in the Otherworld. Though she misses him, Kelley is busy with the theater's new production, but her roommate is offering enticing nights of dance as distractions. But Kelley's exposure to the Fae proves to be more dangerous when two leprechauns are out for blood. Even though this bout of disaster brings Sonny back to her world, Kelley discovers there's more to the changeling's kidnapping -and hers- than meets the eye.

I can't believe it took me 2 weeks to finish this, even though it IS a quick read, and every bit as exciting as the first. Actually, probably more. I just love the minor characters. Livingston gives every character their chance to glow and grow on the reader; Puck, for example, or Fennrys Wolf (*le sigh*). Although it doesn't answer many questions of what's going on, the plot is fast-paced. Kelley and Sonny themselves haven't changed much, but I love how complicated their feelings are. It makes it more raw.

The one thing I thought was a disappointment was that there wasn't enough build up for the big twist (but it was a shock, I'll tell you that!). Then again, it did well as an element plot surprise, and the way it was revealed, I appreciate that Livingston for not making it an "info-dump". She is an awesome writer.

And the ending... Even though I've been exposed to this bit of spoiler on the blogsphere, actually reading it does not help. Again, I thank my compulsive buying for getting the final book.

jacquelinec's review against another edition

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Darklight is better than book one, mostly because the romance between Sonny and Kelley is more believable. The faerie intrigue is, again, top notch. **Slight spoiler** My problem with the book - I hate when heroes and heroines martyr their relationships for the perceived health of the person they love. It never seems like they consider any alternative solution to their situations. Kelley could have put more though into that final decision, in my opinion.