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Flash. Tom 1. Cała naprzód by Francis Manapul

tmwebb3's review against another edition

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Though the art was outstanding, some of the best I've seen in the New 52. Story was good, liked Patty but not Manual so much. Liked how it introduced Captain Cold and Grodd without huge origins.

chapterswithkyle's review against another edition

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I am a huge fan of the TV show, and so I thought I would give the comics a go to learn more about one of my favorite DC Comics superheroes. I was not disappointed, as the artwork and plot was stunning and it played in my head just like the TV show. I would have given it a 5 star rating, however, I did put this down for a while, and only picked it back up today because the season 2 finale is tonight and I thought it would help me get in the spirit for it. Definitely will continue with this comic/graphic novel series, as well as pick up other comics and graphic novels. I highly recommend this to everyone.

P.S. This kinda helped me start to get out of my reading slump. I feel better about my book choices and am looking forward to now reading again.

ericbuscemi's review against another edition

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A resounding meh. I picked this up because I wanted to know more about The Flash ahead of his spin-off show coming to television this fall. Despite the #1 on the cover, this latest reboot is not the story you are looking for if you are not terribly familiar with the character.
And let's be honest, while he and his red tights are familiar, he is not Batman or Superman, so they could have done a lot more than totally skipping his origin and giving just one very brief paragraph (top right corner of the picture below) explaining how his powers come from the "Speed Force" and showing how he can now change into his costume using some sort of magic ring.
One highlight was the art, which was gorgeous, and the story, while bland, wasn't bad, it just wasn't what I was looking for. I'll scout around elsewhere for a different iteration of his origin and some "must read" story lines.

imjustadow's review against another edition

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boy howdy i do not remember how buck wild they went out the gate with the flash in the new 52. good shit

farmieeeee's review against another edition

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really really enjoyed the art in this but pity the story didnt draw me in hope that the artwork in the next few volumes remain amazing and the plot gets more interesting

helpfulsnowman's review against another edition

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Oof. What a letdown.

After reading issue one of all the new relaunched DC 52 titles, I came away very excited about the Flash. The first issue was paced, had a good cliffhanger, and ultimately made it seem like we'd be getting some detective-y stuff along with the speedster business.

Aaaand not so much.

The whole DC relaunch has been pretty disappointing, personally. I'm not saying that there aren't good books coming out. I'm just not sure that there is a larger number of good books coming out, or more importantly that I've enjoyed DC comics more in the last year than I had in years previous.

The Flash here is a great example of one of the big problems I have with DC comics in general.

I think DC can be really good, and when they let go of the past in some ways it can create some really exciting results. I very much enjoyed some of the Wally West Flash stories from the 90's. And the Death of Superman was probably one of the most interesting Superman books I ever read. Hell, I was even into Kyle Rayner, the often-maligned Green Lantern who took over for a while.

So a relaunch like this really should have flipped my cookie, I think. But fuck me if it didn't let down in a big way.

I mean, why am I reading a complete Flash relaunch where in the first few issues we discover that one of the ideas that's going to carry over is the Cosmic Treadmill? The fact that the words "Cosmic Treadmill" got through once should tell us enough, but twice? Was anyone clambering for that? Really sweating it out after they heard about the relaunch, thinking, "Oh fuck, oohhhhhh fuck, they better not get rid of the Cosmic Treadmill! How else would they access the multiverse through the act of running if not with the Cosmic Treadmill?"

I guess what's disappointing to me about this book and some of the others is that the relaunch was a great opportunity to do some fun, different things with characters and stories without the shackles of continuity. But, instead we sort of just redid a lot of the same stuff again. We read the same stories with updated art. We got Cosmic Treadmill.

typesetjez's review against another edition

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It took a few issues to (pardon the pun) pick up speed, but after that I was really into it. It ended with a bit of a cliffhanger, but thankfully the next volume comes out later this month (and I already have a hold placed at the library). After that, I can get back to reading it monthly. The New 52 really threw me off and overall, I'm not a fan of their new lineups, but I don't mind it for Flash. It seems kind of silly to reboot it less than a year after Flash: Rebirth (which was far superior, imho), but it doesn't feel as abrupt as the other titles because of it. One thing I love about Flash that carried over into the new series is how he interacts with the Rogues, how he knows their names and calls them by them, because he's on a first name basis, and he's willing to step up to help them out in times of crisis. His Rogues are kind of his frenemies, if I can borrow that term, and I don't know any other superhero who has that kind of relationship with their adversaries.

otherashley's review against another edition

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Pretty good story, but the art really stood out for me. Absolutely loved it.

ruthelibrarian's review against another edition

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As a part of the New 52, the Flash is receiving some long needed attention. Rather than start where the Flash left off, we are introduced to Barry Allen, the original Flash. Longtime fans of the series may find this disappointing as Wally West, the Flash as seen in the cartoon television shows, is considered to be the favorite Flash in the series.

In terms of the plot, this is not an origin story. Those who are looking to get into the Flash will find a hard time understanding what is going on. Villains are introduced suddenly with little explanation as to who they are. Barry Allen himself has little personality other than his speed and sense of justice. The narrative is also somewhat wonky as the story is sometimes told asynchronous which can leave first time comic book readers confused.

All in all, there is potential in this graphic novel series as the art is top notch and at least Mob Rule, a villain(s), was interesting enough.

sailorthemoon's review against another edition

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Well, I'm clearly not a fan of comics, but this was definitely a page-turner for me. However, it could be just because of the lack of words. But the art is in the best tradition of DC comics.

I happened to read this book by a pure chance, and I'm glad that I did. It was a new experience for me.