
Aimee and the Heartthrob by Ophelia London

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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This was another one where I debated on the rating. I liked it, but I have a lot of trouble relating to a character who writes fanfiction about boy bands, especially when she personally knows one of the members and he's the star of her daydreams put in words. It's one thing to day dream about a crush it's quite another to write down said fantasies and share them with the world.

I've been in the mood for light fluff pieces lately which is how I think I managed to stumble upon a whole genre of books with characters eerily similar to One Direction. Or at least that's the band that comes to mind for me because that's the one that's currently got a lot of songs on the radio with five guys who all sing. That said it might not be a good comparison since I haven't been a preteen for a while and therefore don't stalk top 40 artists online. But anyway having stumbled upon pretty much a whole genre of new adult and young adult romance devoted to the boy band, this title has a lot of similarities to other of this type some kind of adorable, others distracting.

Like the last one of these books I read I thought the many many passages of lyrics were distracting. This one doesn't have as many as the last I read, but there are still a lot more than I think was necessary. Yes I get that the hero is a musician but I don't need to know the words to every song they've ever fictionally written.

Other than the stuff mentioned about the man thing that stuck with me were the flashbacks and emotional range and experience of the characters. These two don't read like they're sixteen and seventeen. And if they've only known each other five years and two of them didn't speak at all plus at least one she was fan fiction crushing on her friend turned popstar then everything else that happened had to have occurred within a two year range and somehow made enough of an emotional impact to be adversely affecting Aimee now. Throw in the prior relationship history of both characters and the timeline just doesn't work. Maybe if these characters were in their 20s now and all that stuff was spread out a bit more plus they'd both had time to have the sort of relationships they've supposedly had then sure, but at 16 and 17 the background stories of both characters aren't really believable and without that it kind of throws off the premise of the whole story.

That said the story was cute and I enjoyed reading it. Fans of boy band teen romances will probably adore the novel.

emiliebookworld's review against another edition

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Just give me all the cute and adorable romances because I will read them all. Seriously, I will read them ALL. Whenever I hear about a new one, it automatically gets added to my TBR (which probably explains why my TBR is so big) and that’s what happened with Ophelia London’s Aimee and the Heartthrob. And it definitely delivered on the cute and adorable fronts.

Miles Carlisle is part of the biggest boy band on the scene. And to fans, he’s known as the heartthrob of the band. Between his good looks and the British accent, Miles is every girl’s fantasy. Including Aimee Bingham’s. But Aimee was in love with Miles long before he shot to fame with Seconds to Juliet. She’s been in love with him since her brother brought him home and introduced him as his best friend. But after Aimee found out Miles made fun of her for always tagging along, she decided it was time to get over Miles. Fast forward two years and Aimee is forced to spend three weeks on tour with Miles and his band. Aimee is determined to show Miles that she doesn’t care about him anymore. But that would be easier to do if Miles didn’t seem interested all of a sudden. If anything is going to happen between them, though, Miles and Aimee will both have to learn to give away their trust again, even if they were burned in the past.

Have I mentioned that I love cute and adorable romance stories? Because I do. I really, really do. But if you’ve been following me or my blog for any length of time you probably know that already and don’t need to hear me say it again. But I just can’t say it enough. Cute and adorable romances are where it’s at. So Entangled’s new Teen Crush imprint? I am ALL over that. And that happens to include Ophelia London’s Aimee and the Heartthrob. When I read the synopsis for this book, I knew it was something I had to read. I mean it’s about a boy who’s in a boy band and a girl who happens to be his best friend’s younger sister. This had all the makings of an “Emilie book.” And it totally was! I sped through Aimee and the Heartthrob. The romance between Miles and Aimee was just adorable and I couldn’t get enough of it. And not gonna lie, I was totally loving the boy band aspect of the story as well. I mean how could I not? Boy bands are the best. And I want more of the boys in the band, and I am totally getting my wish in the form of another book in this series, but written by a different author. And I am definitely looking forward to it.

As I was reading, I couldn’t help but compare myself to Aimee (and vice versa). I wasn’t a teenager that long ago, but if I were still a teen today, I would totally be her, or I like to think that I would be quite similar. Except maybe minus the part where my older brother is best friends with someone in a boy band (because my brother is younger, and as far as I know he isn’t friends with anyone particularly famous, much less someone in a boy band). All that is to say that I really enjoyed Aimee as a character. She was a girl who wasn’t afraid to say what she thought and stand up for herself. But at the same time, she had her insecurities and I really liked seeing that side of her mixed in her with more confident side. And Miles. Well. He’s British. He’s in a boy band. And he’s a sweetheart. Do I really need to say more? But for real, I loved Miles. Despite his fame, he still came across as pretty grounded, even if he needed Aimee to keep his ego in check every so often. Put Aimee and Miles together and you get a very happy Emilie. I loved seeing these two together. They were just so cute and adorable (I need to find new words to use, I know). I was really rooting for them the whole time I was reading and i was so happy with their story came together.

In case you couldn’t tell I totally enjoyed Ophelia London’s Aimee and the Heartthrob. It was exactly the cute and adorable (I swear it’s the last time I use these words) romance I was in the mood for when I picked it up. And I can’t wait to find out more about the band in the next book in the Backstage Pass series.

katelynmccarty's review against another edition

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I added this to my reading list years ago when I was at the height of my boyband obsession. I finally said let me sit down and read this and it was great at parts. I really related to Aimee being a blogger and writing fanfiction and being a super fan.

Yet the writing at times was making me cringe during their teenage romantic scenes. I don’t know I wanted to love it but it was making me want to skim the page until it was over. It was too young for me I think. I should have read this when I was a teenager myself.

The ending also seemed insanely unrealistic to me and I just couldn’t connect with it.

mystikai's review against another edition

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I really liked both Aimee and Miles, they were described so well that I got a clear image of both of them in my head. Being in a boy band must be cool but as Miles is still a teenager I can see it becoming tough too. There were strict rules by his manager that had to be obeyed like staying single as it will make the fans go wild. He also had to be very careful what he got up to in public as paparazzi were everywhere just waiting for a story.

Aimee is like me although she is a lot younger, I could relate to her as she is a blogger and reviews books. She isn’t a naive teenager though, her heart has been broken and she will not let that happen again.

Miles and Aimee getting together is forbidden, heck Miles’ best friend is Aimees brother and it would kill their friendship. But temptation is too much to resist. Can they make it? Will Nick be okay with them and what will the manager do?

Aimee and the Heartthrob was very well written, the story was fast paced and flowed very well. I really enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading more books from Ophelia London

leaslibraryy's review against another edition

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Der Schreibstil lässt sich angenehm und schnell lesen und im Großen und Ganzen ist es ein tolles Buch für zwischendurch. Besonders gut hat mir der humorvolle Touch gefallen, der das Lesen wirklich nochmals schöner gestaltet und Abwechslung mit sich bringt.

Im Buch lassen sich zudem sehr viele Klischees finden. Es ist sehr vorhersehbar, aber dennoch wollte ich immer weiter lesen. Und anders als erwartet haben mich die Klischees gar nicht so gestört, weil sie einfach gut zum Buch gepasst haben. Allgemein hatte ich den Eindruck, dass alles stimmig war. Auch die vielen Rockstarelemente, wie die Auftritte oder Interviews wurden authentisch umgesetzt.

Kommen wir nun aber mal zu den Charakteren. Aimee ist ein sehr selbstbewusstes, aber auch freches und verantwortungsbewusstes Mädchen. Sie war mir sehr sympathisch und ich konnte ihr Handeln immer nachvollziehen. Besonders toll fand ich natürlich ihre Hobbys, da sie ebenfalls bloggt und Rezensionen schreibt und früher sogar Fanfictions geschrieben hat, die noch eine größere Rolle in der Handlung spielen werden.

Da das Buch auch aus der Perspektive von Miles geschrieben ist, erfährt man ebenso etwas über ihn, den männlichen Protagonisten. Auch seine Gedanken konnte ich immer gut nachvollziehen und ich mochte einfach seine gesamte Art. Er konnte seine Fehler einsehen und es war erfrischend, dass er als Rockstar mal nicht als Badboy dargestellt wurde.

Leider erfährt man nicht wirklich viel über die anderen Nebencharaktere wie die anderen Bandmitglieder. Das finde ich etwas schade, allerdings kann ich es auch nachvollziehen, da das Buch der erste Band einer Reihe ist und die anderen Bände jeweils die Geschichte eines anderen Bandmitglieds erzählen.

Wie schon angesprochen ist die Geschichte sehr klischeeüberladen. Genau so würde ich auch die Beziehung zwischen Aimee und Miles beschreiben. Es gibt wirklich sehr sehr viele romantische, süße und meistens auch kitschige Momente. Allerdings wurde sie trotzdem gut ausgebaut. Für mich war nichts zu überstürzt und ich konnte die Gefühle der beiden nachvollziehen.

Eine zuckersüße Liebesgeschichte mit tollen Rockstarelementen. Der Schreibstil ist wirklich toll und auch die Charaktere sind sympathisch. Trotzdem empfehle ich die Geschichte nur an diejenigen, die ein sehr romantisches Buch erwarten und Klischees in Büchern mögen. Das Buch erinnert mich etwas an eine sehr gut gemachte Fanfiction und ich denke, mein 14-jähriges-Ich hätte dem Buch 5 Sterne gegeben. Mir war jedoch vieles etwas zu kitschig und demnach auch unrealistisch, weswegen ich einen Stern abziehe. Dennoch ist es ein gutes und gelungenes Buch.

4/5 Sterne!

randomly_kait's review against another edition

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You can check out this review and others over on my Blog at Randomly Kait

I've been in sort of a reading slump lately, and that's just been really sad for me. So one day, during my dinner break at work, I picked up my phone and started reading this book that I had downloaded forever ago and then promptly for got about... And I loved it. Not that it really surprised me. This book falls right in with What I Love, with the Boy Band and what not.

There aren't a lot of stories out there about Boy Bands {at least, I don't think so... I could be wrong} and I thought it was cool that this one didn't glaze over anything and try to make it seem like everything was peachy all the time {because really, how believable would that be?} and I also liked the relationship that the boys had. They fought and got on each others nerves, but they still loved each other like brothers.

Miles. Oh swoon. I think that it's the British accent that makes him seem so fantastic. And Aimee was adorable too... Although sometimes it was hard to remember that she was 16 because of the way she talked sometimes. I mean, I totes know that it's lowkey cool to talk like that now.... But it really makes the person sound way young.

Though this book was a little predictable at times, it was a fun, cute, quick read, and I would recommend it to anyone who's looking for something that's not overly serious and heavy.

the_cover_contessa's review against another edition

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I want to thank Entangled for providing me with a copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way altered my opinion or review.

I have to say that I really enjoyed this book. There's just something about a sappy romance that gets me every time. I was expecting it, though not at the level it was presented, and it made me happy to have it once I was engaged with the book.

Interestingly enough, this book is told in third person dual point of view. I am not usually a fan of third person. I don't think it's necessary in a love story, to be honest, but it kind of worked for this book. I still would have liked to really been in Aimee and Miles head more while reading this and I think this distracted me a bit. It took away from my ability to really connect with the characters on a deeper level. Don't get me wrong, I really liked them both, I just didn't feel all the emotions I needed to feel to have my heart wrenched by this book as it should have been.

Aimee is an interesting character. She's smart and savvy, yet she radiates this innocence that I can see being totally attractive to guys. When she's forced into a situation, she doesn't let it become awkward, but seems to actually take it in stride. So after not having seen Miles for two years, and believing her crush was finished, she jumps right into being friends with him. Of course the fine line of her wanting him still exists, even if she tries her hardest to deny it.

I really like Miles. He's presented to the world as this heartthrob who likes to play the field. But in real life, he's just a teenage guy trying to find his way in the world while being shoved in the public eye. You can see he struggles to maintain his image. Because the heartthrob and player are just not what he is about. But he's never more aware of that struggle as much as he is when he's around Aimee. For her, he wants to be the romantic, the down to earth guy she would want to date. And he will do anything to prove it to her.

Of course a teen romance wouldn't be a teen romance without some misunderstanding and drama. What I really loved about how London chose to do this is that she didn't drag it out. Sure, we get a bit where the two have their own thoughts about what happened between them. But it is closer to the end of the book, and lasts a very short time. This really made the book more endearing to me.

I will say that I got a bit annoyed in the first 25% of the book as Aimee totally and completely swooned over Miles, while trying her hardest not to do so. She kept mentioning how she definitely wasn't crushing on him, and how he couldn't possibly like her. And even after he admits to her that he enjoys spending time with her and basically tells her he wants to be with her, she doesn't seem to see it. It was like she had these blinders on, which I couldn't understand because it's not like Miles was keeping it from her!

Overall, I really enjoyed the writing in this book. I will say the first half was a bit slow for me, but then it picked up and I couldn't put it down (didn't want to, really). All I wanted to do was see how things would work out between these two star struck lovers in the end. And London did not disappoint. I'm not good with books that leave open endings, especially with love stories. Thankfully, London tied it up nicely, with just the right amount of understanding between the two characters at the end.

If you're looking for something to read along the lines of Jennifer E. Smith or Kasie West, this ones for you!

mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this sweet romance! Aimee has been in love with her brothers best friend for 5 years. Aimee knew Miles before he was famous and now he is a successful boy band member. Aimee and Miles haven't seen each other in a few years and in those years, Aimee has had a growth spurt and has changed from the tag-along little sister to a beautiful woman and Miles notices. The problem is that Miles promised his friend that Aimee is off-limits. The connection between Miles and Aimee was really sweet. I liked the whole boy band aspect of this story (confession: I was a die hard 'N Sync fan in my younger days) and really liked that most of this story took place when Miles group was on tour. I really enjoyed this story and recommend it to anyone who likes a clean, young adult romance.

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

sheenaweber's review

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cute read

merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 This was absolutely adorable.

Aimee has had a crush on Miles Carlisle since she was a kid. But after learning from her brother that Miles used to make fun of her for following them around, she stopped him cold turkey. But it's kind of hard to avoid someone who is:

a. her brother's best friend, and
b. a member of the hottest boy band on the music scene - Seconds to Juliet

When her brother gets an internship to help S2J on the road, he jumps at it, and because of unforeseen circumstances, Aimee is brought along for the ride.

Miles hasn't seen Aimee in a few years. so it's no surprise that he doesn't recognize her when he first sees her. But once he does, it doesn't matter anyway because best friends' little sisters are off limits. Especially to guys like him who aren't looking for relationships after having previously been burned...twice.

Band books are one of my weaknesses. I love them. Throw in the fact that Miles is British and insert swoon here. Old crushes are rekindled, secrets are revealed, and older brothers are out for blood. Drama, music, and romance. If those sound like things you enjoy, then I'm sure you would gobble this up.

I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.