
Stand by A.L. Jackson

linzreadz13's review against another edition

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I can’t believe this was the end of the Sunder boys series.I am so happy that it was Zee’s story. It fit so well to end the series and it was so heartfelt and so emotional, just like I felt while reading this book knowing it was the end. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire story and couldn’t read it fast enough. I had to know how it was going to end.

After his brother died, Zee replaced him in the band and has been the quiet one. He has been living his turmoil in quiet and we come to realize he has had just as much trouble as his bandmates. Reading his story completely tore my heart apart. I fell completely in love with Zee and wanted him to get his HEA.

Alexis comes in to Zee’s life in a completely unexpected way. She fights to survive and grabs life by the horns. Zee saves her on a night when things could have gone horribly wrong and they immediately are connected. They must work together and overcome personal battles, open old wounds, and deal with their baggage in order to heal.

It’s not unknown that I have not been a fan of the rockstar trope. However, with authors like AL Jackson, I’m becoming more and more of a fan of them. If you haven’t read this series, pick it up! I started towards the end and was amazed to find that I was not lost at all. (Yes, they are standalones in series but sometimes you still have the chance of lost details.) I am going back to read from the beginning and I’m sure I will re-read the one’s I’ve already read. AMAZING!

Grateful to have received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

totis's review against another edition

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My favorite in this series.

lindsayjane05's review

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I LOVE THESE BOOKS! Please please write a series about their kids all grown up! ❤️

sass_sass's review against another edition

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Bittersweet Conclusion to the Series

This is the story of Zee, the drummer for Sunder. He's the good boy whom acts as a mother hen to the other guys. Always a giver, never feeling worthy of anything just for him. Another book filled with misplaced guilt and sadness, but also filled with love and family and sweetness.

I've learned a couple of things after reading these books:

1. If your friends feel like family and have your back, don't keep secrets from them. Burdens are meant to be shared.

2. When times get tough, your true friends will always be there for you.

3. When someone comes into your life and you feel the feels you've never had before, hold onto them! They've been thrust into your life for a reason!

4. Don't give up on love. Don't feel unworthy of love, even if you've made mistakes in the past.

5. Broken people are transformative. They can become something new.

6. Being broken doesn't mean that you don't have value. Your experiences only increase your worth.

7. Judge less. Understand more. Open more. Love more.

So, all in all this series was a good read. This book was a good read on its own and wrapped things up nicely. I'm not sure I recommend a binge fest like I did, because the storylines are kind of similar, but I'd definitely read it again. Loved it!

mamabookwyrm's review

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I didn’t think that A.L. Jackson was going to be able to top Austin’s book when it came to heartache and angst. But holy shit, Zee Kennedy’s story shattered my heart into millions of little pieces. This book wrecked me, completely wrecked me. I wanted to curl up into a little ball and hide under my covers. But alas life goes on and I had to pull up my big girl panties. Thankfully, Jackson put my shattered pieces back together.

Zachary “Zee” Kennedy is broken, living two lives, and as loyal as they come. Stepping into his brother’s shoes, he joined the Sunder family but never fully healed. Alexis is naïve, pure, and golden. She’s one of those rare people that the light just shines out of her. And when their paths cross, fate takes over. Their connection was spectacular. And their chemistry…I felt like I needed a cold shower. Jackson is a master storyteller and I love her characters. They are so multi-layered and complex that they feel incredibly real and genuine. I think that’s why her books are so impactful. Even though you’re reading about a rockstar, they could be any Joe or Jane that you pass on the street.

This book is definitely high angst. It should come with a tissue warning. I seriously looked like a mess after reading it. Puffy eyes, red face, and snotty nose. Lovely picture I’m painting eh? But oh my goodness, it is all worth it. This book is stunning. And I loved the glimpses we saw of the other Sunder boys. But I have to say, out of the entire Bleeding Stars novels, this has to be my favorite. Zee stole my heart and I doubt he’ll ever give it back.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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bookmarkbelles's review

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It's been three weeks since I've finished Stand and I still cant wrap my mind around the fact that this amazing series is over! I want to curl up in a ball and cry!!! A.L Jackson is my favorite author so it comes at no surprise that I absolutely loved this book!!! Ive fallen in love with every single Sunder member and have enjoyed every blissful moment that came along while reading this series. Its so hard to chose my favorite guy out of the bunch.... But if I was forced to chose than it would definitely be a toss up between Ash and Zee. There's no doubt in mind that I WILL re read this series time and time again!!!!! thank you so much A.L Jackson for delivering a fantastic series that will forever live im my heart!

bookaddict_fanatic's review against another edition

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Emotional 5 Star Goodbye

I knew this final book would be an emotional goodbye to one amazing series! I normally finish a book in one day but I just couldn't do it with Stand, I needed to savor every word, paragraph and chapter of this book! AL Jackson's stunning words that made Zee and Alexis' story destroyed me in a heartbreakingly beautiful way with such raw emotions. I couldn't put this book down and inhaled every page like a lyrical masterpiece. You will not be able to read this story without feeling like you are losing a piece of yourself but knowing you are closing the book on a phenomenal story!

dreamer4ever's review against another edition

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Zee was Sunders last story and damn it was a freaking doosey. The quiet, unassuming ones often have a boatload of secrets in the closet, and his closet was jammed full. What a story. You know, you look at some people living in the spotlight looking like they have it all but unfortunately that is not the case, very far from it. Money buys many things but it does not buy the stuff that is most important nor does it fill the hole deep within the heart. I'm glad he found Alexis, she had been through her own hell dealing with a drug addicted sister. I loved all these books, I'm sad to see them end, I loved living in their world for awhile. I hear the author has some new Bleeding Stars spin off coming and I'm thrilled, I can't wait to see what she's gonna hit us with.

readingwithlt's review against another edition

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I freaking love Zee!!! And what an ending to the series!!!

amandakoz's review against another edition

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I have been super excited to get to read more about Zee since the beginning. He is so unlike the other guys, I was anxious to be in his head. He is always looking out for others and is really protective. I live that Alexis is similar to Zee in that way. She is a good girl who is looking out for her sister, which makes her connection to Zee even stronger.
I love the dynamic of the two of them and how their book was unlike the others. Their build up was so good and their connection so strong. I just adored them!
I liked their storyline a lot, especially it's differences from the rest. I liked their added drama to the storyline and I enjoyed the mystery surrounding Zee. It had a great flow and balance to it!
I am so happy that I read this series. Fantastic angst, drama, and romance. I am sad to leave the Sunder world, but excited to read more A.L. Jackson!