
Deadly Dorian by Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott

jacqueleenthereadingqueen's review

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Oh Royce you beautiful broken hearted man. I knew there was more to you than meets the eye ever since Quinn's book. I couldn't wait to get to the bottom of that indifferent sneer. It was not disappointed.

Royce has been chosen to be bodyguard to artist and art enthusiast Marc Foster. Of all Rowe's employees at Ward Security, Royce is probably to least likely choice to be chosen to play the part of fake boyfriend. Except he was, and it was perfect. We all know from previous books what happens to the hunky men of Ward Security when they get a client that interests them. Rowe's dating service is back in action. And there is plenty of action wink wink to be had on top of someone trying to kill Marc.

I didn't really care for Marc at first, but like Royce I started to see his layers and ended up falling for him too. Also like Royce, he wears a mask for the world. Unlike Royce, he can't seem to keep it in place when they are alone together. Royce can read him like a book. I liked the dynamic between them. Royce was smaller in stature than Marc, but bigger in presence. Marc picked up on this from the start. He not only understood, but embraced Royce's assertiveness. And Royce understood exactly what Marc needed too.

There is just as much action/drama as the previous novels, this time mobsters are the big bad. I like the way this series throws their action in, but it NEVER takes away from the romance. This series stays firmly in that category. I also liked the little glimpse of Andrei and Lucas we got at the beginning. They are and will most likely stay my favorite pairing in this particular world. Something about Lucas's cold exterior. But I digress. Another enjoyable read in this series. I will definitely be continuing onto the next when it comes out.

haletostilinski1's review

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4.5 stars!

Man, after the last book that wasn't up to these author's usual standard for me, this one got back to form, so to speak.

I loved it. I was wondering who it was going to be who would get pasts Royce's very thick walls, and Marc was the perfect man to do it.

Their chemistry leapt off the page for me, and their first kiss was DAMN, and then their first time! Whew *fansself*

Plus, there was only like a tiny bit of slowness near the beginning for me, but nothing that dragged, and it wasn't for very long. This picked up quickly for me.

Marc, after he almost dies after his break lines are cut, has to concede that one of his 3 siblings is probably trying to kill him. And this is after he was almost killed twice before. And Still Marc was reluctant to seek help, reluctant to ask for a bodyguard. Because this is his family, and as much as they can treat him badly, they're still his siblings, they wouldn't try to kill him, right?

But, they're the only ones with easy access to where he lives, so it is the only conclusion he can draw. With his sister living in his guest house after a nasty divorce and his two brothers both having keys to his house. He has a housekeeper but she's old and married and he doesn't think it could be her. So they turn their focus on the siblings.

And before Marc doesn't want his siblings to know that he's getting protection, his bodyguard has to act like his boyfriend so they won't get suspicious.

Enter in Royce, and of course not long after the "fake" part of their "fake boyfriend" routine doesn't last for long. But Royce is dealing with his own shit from his own past that he hasn't let go of, that he still has to deal with in this book. And Royce letting others in to help or talk to about his problems? Its like pulling teeth. It's only when the shit hits the fan that Royce actually realizes that he can trust his friends around him and get their help.

But with Marc...with Marc, its different. And Royce finds himself telling Marc things he's never told anyone before.

And Marc is only hesitant for a little bit because of his past - he likes being submissive in the bedroom, but for awhile a few years back he liked being hurt during sex (more like, he was in pain and let others hurt him because he thought he deserved it. Not a healthy approach to sex like that, because he didn't truly like it, it was just an outlet for him.) and Royce could definitely dominate him. But Royce isn't one to hurt his partner, and while he's somewhat rough or dominate with Marc, he never hurts Marc and always makes sure he's okay and taken care of.

Royce doesn't think he's a good man, but it's shit like that that shows that he is. And it's usually the good men who are always scared that they aren't. Actual bad men don't give a shit, and don't war with themselves over it.

It felt like, near the end when Royce was dealing with some shit from his past that dragged Marc into it, and they were still dealing with whichever sibling was trying to kill Marc, that it might have been a tad much. I ultimately didn't mind because both plot lines were intriguing and held my interest until the end, but Royce's thing became so big that it felt like Marc's whole, ya know, someone trying to kill him! was almost an afterthought.

Not quite, because it is still taken seriously by Royce and everyone, but more like the writing felt like it focused a lot of energy on Royce's thing. Because when Marc's thing comes to a head, it felt like it was a fast climax that was over fairly quickly. Like the thing happens, Royce freaks out over what happened on his side of things because of course he does, and pushes Marc away, too scared that he and his life will kill Marc one day
Spoilerbecause he thinks it was all his fault that the man he loved 5 years ago, Michael, died.
but we only get a description, really, of when Royce leaves Marc.

And then apparently almost 2 months go by before Royce pulls his head out of his ass. There was a good scene in there before he fights to get Marc back, but I thought it would be like a few weeks at most, not almost two months. What was he doing in all that time? Even after he had a conversation with Rowe that helped him pull his head out of his ass? Idk.

But anyway, in the end it wasn't bad or anything like that, just maybe a tad rushed, the climax at least. But we get a very sold HFN at the end of this, and I loved these two together so overall I loved this book. DEFINITELY recommend! :D

Can't wait for the next one! I hope it's about Dominic because I've been waiting for his book.

EDIT: I forgot to mention how they had Lucas and Andrei marry off screen! I'm really annoyed about that, because I felt like we were waiting forever for their wedding! I hope we get some extra about their wedding or I'll be so mad because like really? Off page? UGH!

ilyarozanov123's review

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This is my favorite book in the Ward Security series, mainly because Marc and Royce were the couple that gave me the most feels out of them all. Marc with his worldly suaveness and hidden insecurity, and Royce with his darkness. The bodyguard/client trope was a treat, along with the fake boyfriend one.

I could have done with a different climax and build up to the end, as well as a better (longer) ending though.

jessilwow12's review

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Another wild ride.

If you are a Drake and Elliott fan I don't have to tell you that this book is a scorcher. I don't have to tell you that the suspense will kill you and keep you turning pages till late in the night. Book after book these two continue to up the stakes in regards to the action of the plot and the heat between their characters. They write complex and intriguing men and are clearly invested in the development of both the characters and the series as a whole. This installment hits the ground running from chapter one and doesn't let up till The End. This book is not a sprint but a marathon of endurance that feels over too quick in a great way. The pace and overall feel reminded me of Book 3 Torch in the Unbreakable Bonds. Lots of action and snark balanced with endearing men who deserve the greatest love possible. The added literary touch of tying the title to threads in the story have been fun to look for and a great addition that makes this series unique.

We have had little glimpses of Royce in all the books so far in the series and each time it has left me wanting more and boy do they pay that off. The introduction of Marc as his balance is beyond fitting. Royce was able to shine in this novel. His tight control and absolute nature compliments Marc's artistic and almost nurturing personality and blend so well together. These two together were just dynamite. It's a wild ride from start to finish with unforgettable men and some great appearances of all the men we have come to love in this series and favorites from the UB books. I can't wait to see what they come up with next and what they have in store for the rest of Ward Security.

karlijnmerle's review against another edition

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****** 4.5 stars ******

Marc: a gallery owner , young millionnaire (through hard work and dedication), three siblings, parents are dead, no friends.

Royce: bodyguard, hard past, silent and broody.

Marc is in need of a bodyguard because it seems one of his siblings is trying to murder him. He ends up at Ward Security and Royce is assigned as his bodyguard. But with an added function, playing boyfriends so nobody knows Marc is protected. But while playing boyfriends they discover their chemistry, their bond and simular feelings. They both lost loved ones, the both feel like outsiders and they are both not letting others in. But in each other they see the same, they match. Marc is willing to try a ‘real’ relationship but Royce is more hesistant. He is scared his past will come back and his love life will once again be destroyed.
His fear comes true. While the two are trying to figure out who is trying to kill Marc, someone from Royce’s past comes back and tries to blackmail Royce. Marc won’t let Royce go and helps him. But what if that’s not enough?

In the previous books we got some snippets of Royce and I honestly couldn’t wait to read his story. Why was he so stand offisch, what happened to him?
We sure get our answers. And not alone that, the pages were bursting with his feelings. Feelings of guilt, of love, of dedication and fear of being broken. Not only from Royce but also from Marc. I was rooting hard for their relationship because from the beginning it was obvious that they fitted. I know it is corny, but they fit together like puzzle pieces. Rough edges, maybe some broken pieces, but together they can build a solid and happy life together. They both can live without each other I’m sure, but together they are stronger.

And how I love how we see our old favorites back. They all play a litte side roll and they gave the story just that little extra.

I was provided an ARC of Deadly Dorian by the authors in exchange for a fair and honest review.

josy's review

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This was my favorite book of the Ward Security series.
Sure, you need to suspend disbelief because really, some things happening here are rather far-fetched and too easily resolved. Also, some behavior of the men previously introduced, namely Rowe and his team, seemed to be out of character and too convenient - modified only for the story to work.

Still, the things I didn't like in the previous book [b:Dantès Unglued|37923033|Dantès Unglued (Ward Security, #2)|Jocelynn Drake||59637291] - not feeling the connection between the MCs and too much sex ~gasps~ instead of talking to each other - were much better in this book. Yes, there was sex (and it was much more to my liking) but there were also conversations and time to get to know each other.

The attraction between the MCs was sudden - insta-lust comes to mind - and encouraged because of the pretend-boyfriend-trope but it wasn't insta-love IMO. Royce especially fought much too hard against his feelings for Marc to call it an easy and immediate HEA. In fact, he pissed me off towards the end, but fortunately, Marc called him out on his BS and made him understand that he's very well capable of making his own decisions, thank you very much. I did understand his hesitancy to open himself up again to another relationship and deep feelings because of his dark past but one scene, in particular, was cruel and unnecessary IMO.
Marc, too, battled some demons of his own - different from Royce's - but their shared painful past also gave them a connection and a better understanding of each other that, combined with their mutual attraction and compatibility in the bedroom, made for a believable HEA.

I was very surprised to learn about Lucas and Andrei's off-page
and I really hope the authors will give us this story very soon!

Overall, this was a very enjoyable book and reading it with my amazing BR partners Karen, Christelle, Simone, and Anne made it all the better. Thank you, ladies, for some very entertaining hours!

amandarriley's review against another edition

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Deadly Dorian is the 3rd installment in the Ward Security series. Royce and Marc are some of my favorite people we've met thus far and I think that they are absolutely perfect for each other. This book was a really solid read with cute moments and some steamy scenes, but it was a little more intense in terms of plot when compared to the first two books.

The main plot line follows the reason Royce has been hired to watch over Marc, which I think was really intriguing and well done. I had no idea who the bad guy was and overall it was a lot of fun!

The second plot line follows part of Royce's background and his family which brings us into some
Spoiler mafia
issues. I felt like I really had to suspend my disbelief during these moments and I felt like it took away from the main plot and a lot of what Ward Security stands for. Had this not existed, I think Deadly Dorian would have been my favorite installment in the series at this time.

sabrinainbookland's review against another edition

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4 this series is so good stars.

"The food is nice, Marc. But you…you make me hungry.” He rubbed his thumb over Marc’s bottom lip. “Especially your mouth.”
“Then taste it,” he whispered."

Damn! This series is just a big fucking

This and the [b:Unbreakable Bond Series|26695561|Shiver (Unbreakable Bonds, #1)|Jocelynn Drake||46723077] just have my heart.

I always was curious about Royce, he was always this mysterious man that you knew was hiding somethings about his past, so when I discovered that this book would be about him, I was really excited to read it.

I can't say much because if I do it will take the fun out of it. But the one thing that I can say was that the secret was not what I was expecting.

Just like the previous books in this series, some characters from the Unbreakable Bond series appeared and we discovered new things and well, let's just say that one of the reasons to why I wanted to read this series was so I could read more about them, because they are just that good, and all of them have my heart.

okay, so this book was hot, like fuck me outdoors in Italy kinda hot.

"He’s not worth it?”
"His lip curled. “He’s worth everything"

I absolutely love this couple. The relationship took time to happen (slow-burn) and it had a lot of development.
I love couples that are passionate and love each other so much that they just feel like the world became a brighter and better place.

And just like the UB series, this one had friendships goal too. Is great to read about friends that are supportive and are willing to do everything for you, even if that means putting their lives at risks.

I can't recommend this and the UB series enough.
They will ask for your soul and you will give it to them with a smile on your face.
Maybe I can be a bit biased about this, mostly because these two series have become my life these past months, but I assure you, you will not regret if you pick it up and read it.

the_novel_approach's review

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Royce Karras is a bodyguard on assignment for Ward Security. He gives his all to his assignments, but he has secrets and pain from a sordid past that follow him. His past also has him living in fear for others, so he keeps his distance and his heart protected. The only Ward Security member he’s made a substantial friendship with is Quinn.

Marc Foster also has a sordid past, but he has turned his life around and is now a wealthy art gallery owner. He has a talent that he neglects because of his own self-confidence. When he finds himself the object of too many ‘accidents’, he concludes someone is trying to murder him and seeks out Ward Security—even though he’s had a very shaky past with Snow, Rowe and Lucas.

Marc and Royce get caught up in each other, but is it all just part of the job? Marc realizes a family member is out to murder him, and Royce’s ugly family past brings danger to everyone around him. Marc’s character was fairly good. It was impressive when he stood up to Royce, but it also led me to wonder if they could really have a HEA. It was great to have Royce’s story brought to the forefront. There are secrets revealed and circumstances that cause him to make wrong decisions. I also found his background story involving the mafia a surprise, which really turned the plot around. Since he’s been mentioned throughout the Ward Security series, it never crossed my mind that the mafia was involved.

I still like the solid friendship that steadily grows between Royce and Quinn. It’s especially interesting to watch Quinn lose his temper, but also being somewhat of a mother hen to other members of Ward Security. Royce has to learn a lesson the hard way—that Rowe and the team of Ward Security want him to be part of their family.

What really made this a page-turner for me was Drake and Elliott offering up lots of action, suspense, and danger. There’s no holding back once the line is crossed. In the words of Rowe Ward, “Just making sure you and everyone is ready to take lives.”

Reviewed by Maryann for The Novel Approach

leslie_kent's review against another edition

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⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 Stars