
Extinction Point by Paul Antony Jones

moniquemct's review against another edition

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley

I thought this series had a cool premise however it just wasn't for me

wenturner's review against another edition

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Resourceful and strong female lead. Weird manifestation of alien invasion, but definitely interesting. Look forward to next installment.

mountainblue's review against another edition

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3.5 stars!

I wanted to try something different and [b:Extinction Point|13509631|Extinction Point (Extinction Point, #1)|Paul Antony Jones||19062478] was surprisingly good and had me hooked from the first page. My only issue with it is the mystery went on for far too long and by the end, nothing was explained or revealed. It was annoying not to get answers to the question of what is the red mist? And what are those creatures?

The first half of the book was a solid 4 stars but the second half was 2 to 3 stars. The ending felt like we were still in the middle of the book with very little progress. The author really wanted to stretch this one out to fit several books and I kind of lost interest in the mystery at the end.

paulabellman's review against another edition

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This book was one of the most poorly written apocalyptic novel I think I've ever read. It was even worse than some of the self published freebie kindle books I pick up sometimes just for the heck of it. The main character is so unbelievable. Some of the things she does or says are really just stupid. It's the end of the world and there are no people left alive in the world and she won't take 1/2 a day to teach herself to drive? What? You're going to cross the Canadian Rockies on a bike? In the winter? What the heck are you going to do with the dog you found? You gonna make the poor thing run all day long, every day, in all sorts of weather? Stop packing your backpack full of CANNED GOODS. OMG, why are you filling up a pack you're wearing on your back with CANNED GOODS? Have you even thought about how much boxed/canned foods will be just sitting in people's houses and in stores? There are no other people to fight for the resources. Take what you need when you need it and carry only a few things. Same thing with clothing. EVERYONE IS DEAD. Take what you need from stores/homes. No need to carry anything but a little water and the SAT phone. Emily has got to be the stupidest lone survivor I think I've ever had the misfortune to read.

This is one of the few books where I was begging the author to kill the protagonist. Just kill her. End this book. Put me out of my misery of having to finish this atrocity.

Don't read this book. Don't read the next two in the trilogy. Why do authors think their work is good enough for a trilogy? ? I don't care what happens enough to find out. Such a waste of 2 weeks that I spent listening to this on Audible.

evolvemind's review against another edition

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A strange global storm changes everything for those who survive. This is the audio version of the first part of an apocalyptic trilogy. It's based on an interesting concept I won't give away. It is competently written. The narration is good. I enjoyed the story and found it sufficiently compelling to complete the set. There are a few minor rough spots with logic, and a some places where the pace dragged, but--overall--a very engaging story. It was a great selection to listen to during my fitness sessions and commutes.

oneandonlywm3's review against another edition

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One of the shortest yet most disappointing reads I've ever had. This had such an interesting premise, but the delivery was terrible. The writing felt like I was reading a YA novel. The main character was really annoying. Let me quote some annoying or contradicting or stupid things that happened.

"Okay, big boy," she said, when she was finished and confident that was the only wound the dog had received during the fight. "How about I fix us some dinner?

The mention of food seemed to get Thor's attention

She didn't fucking mention the word food. All she said was dinner. The author could've said "The mention of dinner seemed to get Thor's attention " But no, the author seemingly concluded that dinner and food for dogs are the same thing.

"She picked up the bowl, opened a second can for the dog

She's probably the only one left in the place and the food in the grocery(even the canned goods) might get spoiled soon, but she fed her last few remaining food to the freakin' dog. Wait, there's fucking more.

Emily opened the final can of corned beef and fed it to Thor.

She fed her last fucking can of corned beef to the dog. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but this is not practical. You should consider your life first before the dog's.

A couple of energy bars satisfied her own hunger

There is no way that a couple of energy bars really satisfied her hunger. This book is full of lies.

Now let's talk about that terrible ending. He didn't explain what the freakin' red rain is. He just ended with Emily and the dog. Sure we get the new alien thing, but he didn't explain it well enough. The book is so short, that's quite good, but short enough to be inadequate. This novel is mediocre as hell, but I don't even know why I liked it. I guess I like post apocalyptic shit even though almost all are the same. 3 stars at most, and guess what, I'm planning to read the sequel soon. The author better explain the main premise or his next book's going to receive not more than 1 star from me.

eviljosh's review against another edition

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This wasn't a bad book, but I did not find it notable either.

World building was relatively limited, mostly along the lines of setting the stage for a greater mystery (the source of the extinction event and the reasons behind it) in the future. There was only a single character, for all intents and purposes, and for the most part it was a saga of her actions rather than a saga about her. It's difficult to judge how well she was developed since she did not have another character to act as a foil.

The engaging strand of the book was the mystery: what exactly is happening, and why? Why is she immune? If this is further developed in later books, then the series as a whole may be worth reading.

kromcakes's review against another edition

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Not a lot really happens in the whole book.

I did get interested when the red dust came. Wondering what might happen, was it nano bots or? Who knows...Seems a virus is the best guess of the characters. But an intelligent one that moves like a sentient being? Then grows into Aliens from the dead bodies of humans.

New York has a sh#tload of people who all died and turned into aliens but she is able to just ride her bike around without seeing aliens most of the time. They should be EVERYWHERE.


Since halfway through the book she has been preparing to go to Alaska. Wait, wait, wait. Nope not there yet. Getting ready to ride a bike there cause figuring out how to drive would be too hard... Check reviews of the next book and it seems the next one is all about the journey to get there! This one is about discovering the new world then planning for the journey. Geez. Too slow for me.

archergal's review against another edition

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Book was ok. It started off better than it ended.

capellan's review against another edition

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This is the first entry in another of the bajillion "surviving the apocalypse" series that can be found on kindle. Its virtues are that the apocalypse in question is a little less routine than many of the others, and that it's a quick and easy read (I knocked it off in the course of a couple of hours). On the other hand, the prose is flat, and the characters (or character, since 95% of the book is just one person) are even flatter.