
Black Dawn by Rachel Caine

ravenjones's review against another edition

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The thing I don't like about the sea vampires is that they're more like bacteria than sirens or anything cool. 

With the exception of the Shane chapter where he's being eaten by the Draug and he's constructed a fantasy world that gets less and less real as people keep telling him to wake up because he's being eaten which was sick af this was a long hard slog and I hated it. 

Richard Morrel deserved the world and he got this. Fuming. 

I'm glad Jason got to be a vampire I'm still hoping for a redemption arc.

I'm glad that Miranda isn't totally gone.

I think that these books would be much better from Jason or Mirandas point of view. 


ria_mhrj's review against another edition

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I love Rachel Caine but I think I'll have to give up on Morganville, there's just no new ground being trod here. As fun as the world is, it just doesn't boast the kind of mileage required to power twelve books and counting, without any major game changing arcs, which have been lacking in the last few entries.

fareehuh's review against another edition

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4.5 stars! Spoooooilers ahead.

I'm not gonna lie, the beginning was just so... Ugh, shut up! But then it finally picked up & I'm just like.... Gaaaaah *must hide nononononono* I won't say anymore but just... I'm glad that the draug are freakin done with. I hated their story because it just seemed so stupid lol. But... Too many feels...... WAY TOO MANY FEELS. #BrbDying

bibliofiendlm's review against another edition

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Wow! This series never gets old. Good end to the arc with more drama to come. It's about time Amelie was scary again.

annelives's review against another edition

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A nice installment in the series, though by no means the best. For me it hovered between 3.5 and 3.75 (I round up so officially a 4).

Lots of action, some serious introspection and a lot of mayhem. Some real surprise and even a few tears.

I do think the series is slowly reaching its conclusion and as much as I love the series it needs to end before the quality of plot decreases. It can't go on indefinitely. Of course I always hope for happy endings so fingers crossed that when the series does end it does so happily.

bluuejeans's review against another edition

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Book thirtyfive/fiftytwo;
I have waited for this book for what seems like forever. I don't know what to say, it was su intense! With everything. Not only did it have the action and adventure of Morganville but this time it seemed, that there was so much more. With Amelie almost dying, and then the short abbandonment of Shane (which broke my heart!!). And the rescue, and how far away he was all the time.
I think because of all the psychological pressures this book caused that all the other fighting stuff were sort of simpler. Than before I mean. They did have to fight for what they wanted, but it seemed that they managed everytime. Exept the time Shane got left behind.
I cannot even begin on that subject.
I knew Eve/Micheal would figure their shit out.

But I did not expect the death of Richard, that was very sad indeed, and then Miranda, but then she turned into the house ghost, (that ought to turn wierd later on).

But all in all, it was a great book, I really admire R.C.'s tallent, and knowing how to not make the books boring, or dragging out the plot just because.
The next one comes out in November, and then there's going to be atleast two more. CANNOT WAIT! *Building up exciment*

Before they found a solution to conquered the awful draugh, I was having the wildest of fantasies of mashines Myrnin could build, it was fun indeed, rarely happens that a book makes me think in ways to help the characters.

R.C. you are great!

calicokaels's review against another edition

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Yet another great book from this series. And as always, leaves you NEEDING to get your hands on the next book. :)

julaliciousbookparadise's review against another edition

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review to come.

thebooksareeverywhere's review against another edition

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For the first time in the Morganville books, this one carries on with the same plotline as the book before it. Usually, the books kind of wrap up at the end of each, and just leave a small something for the next one to continue with. Here, we have two books taking up one plotline, but it really works. The story Caine started in Last Breath definitely needs time to finish!

There was a very emotional aspect of this book that is possibly one of my favourites, if not my absolute favourite part of the whole series. Shane is a big focus in this (trying not to give giant spoilers here!), and I felt so deeply connected to the characters because of it.

‘”News flash, lady. There are no queens anymore,” Shane said. He loaded shells in a shotgun and snapped it shut, then searched for a place to strap it on that didn’t interfere with the flamethrower.’

This plotline is just epic, and I was once again kept guessing and on the edge of my seat. I think it’s just getting predictable again, and then Caine will throw me a massive twist that makes me react out loud. What a feat. And alongside this, we had numerous subplots (romantic, political, etc) that kept me interested.

These books might be fun and I do love them so much, but they’re not without their problems. Sometimes I struggle to find the things that keep the group tied to Morganville, especially in the middle of chaos like this. Like why not just leave? Even though my niggles have explanations, it doesn’t stop the annoyances sometimes.

‘”No queens, no kings, no emperors. Not in America. Only CEOs. Same thing, but not so many crowns.”’

I think it’s because this series is so long that despite my small annoyances, Morganville always feels like coming home. I can’t quite believe I only have a few books left, because I’ll definitely be sad to leave it behind completely!

4 out of 5 stars


May your shelves forever overflow with books! ☽

kba76's review against another edition

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I’m sorry, I’ve reached my limit and it’s been on it’s way for a while.
I started reading this series as part of a book group challenge, and because some students had raved about the first few books, and I think it’s painfully obvious that this is not a series I’ll recommend to people. Life is too short to wade through the other three books so I’ll have to reconcile myself to never finding out about the new order...
Initially, it is quite dramatic (if totally far-fetched) but at this stage it is simply dull. The supposed drama of the war against the draug felt dull beyond belief and the characters acted in such a way that made little sense.
Enough is enough!