jka_7's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced


thedailymartin's review

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Interesting approach to nutrition. I love the workouts because they're intense and short.

novel_natasha's review against another edition

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This was a really interesting perspective on nutrition and health. The nutrition portion was good and offered an interesting plan on maintaining weight or losing weight. The exercise section was also good and featured Crossfit-inspired movements and workout sequences. However, it was Christmas Abbott's perspective on mindset and being a "badass" that was more interesting and valuable. She provided measurable steps for getting your mind in order to build your best body, and ultimately, your best life. This was absolutely a worthwhile read and, because the mindset portion was so good, I purchased her other book The Badass Life: 30 Amazing Days to A Lifetime of Great Habits.

jdixon22's review against another edition

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It's the whole package

I went to her seminar before buying the book and the book really goes into depth about her program. I love that she added in recipes and short workouts. This book can be used by a beginner or a seasoned athlete. Although the book is geared more towards women, she does break the diet down for men and their body types too.

left_unsupervised's review against another edition

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Great platform to get ya started!

abookwormwithwine's review against another edition

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While I enjoyed reading this book and learning about Christmas and her approach to food, I definitely wouldn't follow this "diet" plan. The brick thing just isn't for me, and I would rather track macros in MFP.

meghan_is_reading's review against another edition

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Grumble, I'm not sure why I read this in the first place.

HIIT style bodyweight workouts you can do anywhere, zone/paleo diet. It restricts carbs pretty severely so you'd lose weight pretty easy I'd guess and high fat/protein so you don't feel deprived.

Lots of pic of Christmas looking fantastic if, uh, you're into that.

ctorretta's review against another edition

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Well, I purchased this baby on Sept 29, 2016! Nearly two years ago.

And I know I read it because I had highlights throughout the entire book. THE ENTIRE BOOK.

Sadly, I didn’t remember anything, so I just started over. There is a lot to dig into with this one. And I’m not going to lie, it’s intense. Which is probably why I set it down and didn’t review it. AND didn’t do the diet or exercise routine.

To be honest though, I don’t think I was ready for it. It’s a lot to take in. A lot to understand, and a lot to commit to.

I think this time may be different because the last few times I’ve gotten into an exercise kick, the hubby has been ho-hum. This time we’re both cheering each other on and working together to figure out goals and how to reach them.

What I love about this book is that there are multiple ways to take this on. My body is different from my husband’s and Christmas takes that into account. Unlike many diet books that just throw the diet at you and hope you know if you’re taller, you should probably eat more. She spells it out. While it’s not completely east to understand, there is also a diet that just says to work on proportions and not figure out the grams of everything you put in your mouth. I was tempted to go with that first option, but to be honest, I really want to give this my all, which means learning how to either weigh my food, or at least figuring out the right portions for me and the hubster.

The diets don’t stop there either. There are multiple diets on the different phases for life. Like if you want to put on weight, for instance or if you’re in the maintain part of your lifestyle.

The first 21 days are supposed to be the most difficult part of this. And while I don’t see myself ever exercising the way she does, so far the hubby and I have done and appreciated the exercises she added in. They’re doable and for two people that are just starting to try to get back into shape, exercises that are doable is the first thing we need.

I think I put this down the first time because I truly wasn’t ready. With the hubster’s help, I know the two of us can attack this plan, pretty much how she laid it out. Actually, I am going to have to work on how much eat, because this is more than what I’m used to. So, that’s going to be different, but I think it’s going to be a good change.

The one thing that is going to be hard for me, well everything is going to be tough, but the one major obstacle is my addiction to sugar. She doesn’t use sugar in anything. I use sugar in everything. I think I’m going to start slow with the sugar. I’ve already cut soda out of my daily lunch, so now it’s just cutting down the amount of coffee I drink, and then the amount of sugar I put into that coffee. I know what I put into this is going to equal what I get out of it, but I also don’t want to kill my customers.

So, while reading this, I realized I have a few changes to make, but Christmas has a great plan set out. I know it’ll be a tough plan to follow, but so far (other than that pesky sugar thing), it seems doable!

If you’re looking for a diet book, I think this has quite a bit of interesting information. They way she looks at foods and what should be eaten, especially compared to what the average American does it, is amazing. It’s also extremely helpful for creating a grocery list. The plan for exercise is laid out and easy to follow. I definitely recommend this, and if you’re a bit older, like me, and not prepared to jump in head first, get started on small things, and then plunge in! I’m sure this is going to be worth it.