
Shadow Days by Andrea Cremer

blz22's review

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I really love Shay as character. This book was very well written and I did really enjoyed it. First I read Nightschade 1, 2 and 3. I really hate #3, the end was horrible. But this story ( #0.5 ) was very very good.

zinokato's review

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What did I just read?
I'm not very intrigued to read th series. The beginning was really good and then it got to a weird level and then things just rushed on in the end.
One thing I want to know is
Spoiler did Shay die at the end of the book?

alexandriatp's review

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I think this definitely could have been a full novel. Things moved a little too fast and so much was happening!

I knew Nightshade was about werewolves but this seemed to be about ghosts, or even witches. Shay was finding creepy noises and strange occurences throughout his new mansion of a home.

I wasn't really expecting any answers because it's just a novella but I was hoping to get more from this. Maybe after I read Nightshade I will understand some of the things that happened in here a bit better, but I am sad I didn't like this very much.

The suspense was good, and there was plenty happening to keep my attention. But I couldn't quit picture certain things Shay was doing because of the descriptions, or lack of.

Overall, interesting read.

reading_cat's review

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I have to admit that this was an excellent prequel to a series I've waited to read for quite a long time! And, I'd never read before a work of Andrea Cremer, so I must admit I'm quite excited I did.
I enjoyed her writing style very much, and now I'm even more anxious to start reading Nightshade.
Actually, I can't wait. I regret having to study and not being able to begin right now!

philyra91's review

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Shadow Days will probably be the only reason why I'm not giving up on the Nightshade series just yet. While I don't exactly see the point of this novella, what with it not really giving us more information about the mystery of the series, at least I have found a character that I don't mind investing my emotions in. (In case you're wondering, I care about Ren too.)

This novella covers Shay's time from him in previous home to moving to Vail to his meeting with the bear. He seems to have an easy-going nature and charm and he certainly is a likable character. It would have been nice if this novella had given us a bit more substance in terms of the mysteries of the series but overall, it's not a bad novella per se.

If you're interested in seeing Shay uncover a mystery and yet, find no answers for it, this one's for you. :D

nica2006's review

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Interesting story told from Shay's point of view upon first coming to Vail.

kindlecollie's review

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Loved how Andrea included her fans and mentioned Walking Dead and Katniss Everdeen. :)

amberinpieces's review

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Have you read Nightshade? Well, now it is time to read Shadow Days! It is a novella that is the prequel to Nightshade.

The really cool and special thing about Shadow Days is that it was interactive. In the novella, Shay reaches out to the friends he has made in all of the places he has lived through Facebook and his new blog to help him figure out some of the mysteries of Rowan Estate, especially those that exist in the library. He notices that many of the books he finds in the library have strange, black ink patterns across the pages and unable to solve the puzzle alone, he sends many of the books out to his friends to look at. This is where the fans came in. Six weeks before Nightshade was released (which, awesomely, was about the same amount of time Shay was stuck in Vail without school, but with the mysteries), an email address was set up and some lucky fans who emailed later received packages in the mail of old books with these strange patterns in them so that they could help Shay figure out what they meant. Even better, these fans’s names were used in the novella as Shay’s friends (they also received a special thank you at the end of the novella). A Facebook page was also set up for Shay just like in the book and he had his own blog posts and webisodes. As readers read Shadow Days, they not only get the sense of Shay’s first few weeks trying to solve mysteries in Vail, but also get the sense of “realness” interwoven into the story because of fan participation. How cool is that? It really got fans involved. More on fan involvement here.

Read the full review here.

spongebobbiii's review

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Shadows Days (Nightshade 0.5) by Andrea Cremer follows main character, Shay, as he moves into Rowan Estate. It takes place before the first book Nightshade gives the back story to Shay’s life.

Overall this was a very nice novella to read and was well written, but that's no surprise for those who enjoyed the Nightshade Series and the authors style of writing :]. Shay was my favorite character (actually he is one of my top guy characters period) in the Nightshade series and i'm really glad the author wrote the back-story leading to Shay moving to Rowan Estate. I do wish this particular story had been made into a novel instead of a very short novella or 79 pages. 

The story is filled with fantastic, laugh out loud lines that sum up Shay’s character in a nutshell. There are also great references to the other 3 books from the series, not including the two prequels that have come out in the last year. The author also makes references to popular culture. At one point Shay references The Hunger Games and Katniss. It was great! To see the author include those references because after all the setting is in present day.

I guarantee that if you love the Nightshade series, Shadow Days will on enhance your passion for the series. Definitely a must read if your a fan of Shay. :] 

casreads's review

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Shay Doran has spent his whole life moving from town to town, trailing after his high roller uncle as he chases each new business deal. So when his uncle announces it's time to move "home" to the family estate, Shay is stunned - not least of all because he didn't know there was a family estate. Shay's excitement is short-lived, however, when he discovers that Rowan Estate is a monstrous old mansion in the sleepy mountain town of Vail, Colorado - and he'll be living there alone. There's something creepy about Rowan Estate, and when things start going bump in the night, Shay is determined to find out what it is. But what he discovers will have consequences that reach far beyond the walls of the ancient mansion.
 Shadow Days tells the prequel story of Shay's days leading up to his first encounter with Calla at the beginning of Nightshade. This novella was a terrific addition to the Nightshade world, giving readers the chance to get to know Shay firsthand. He is an incredibly realistic character, beautifully written in a balanced and believable way. Shay is, at heart, just a typical teenage guy. He has typical teenage guy thoughts, but he tries his best to be decent - which is incredibly endearing. The way this novella collides with the reality of the Nightshade promo further brings Shay to life and makes the reader feel like they might meet him walking down the street. Shadow Days maintains the intelligent references that were such a great addition to Nightshade, and the allusions to the longer novel are a playful wink at anyone who's already read the book. Andrea Cremer deepens the mystery surrounding Shay's uncle and the Rowan Estate, while simultaneously clarifying Shay's own personality. The novella maintains and even intensifies the spooky atmosphere that pervades Nightshade and serves as a great segue into the novel. While this novella was clearly written for the promo, the beautiful descriptions and added character depth it presents are enjoyable and fascinating - a great way to stay in the Nightshade world while awaiting the sequel, Wolfsbane.