
That Night in Paris by Sandy Barker

kimberlycarrington's review

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Serían 2'5 estrellitas realmente.
Este es otro de estos Netgalleycitos que pido yo siguiendo mi teoría de los colorinchis. Muy rana no me ha salido pero tampoco me ha parecido gran cosa.
Este libro es más bien una guía del Lonely Planet con amistad y un poquito de amor por medio. Que, oye, como guía turística es fantástica, porque ya me dirás tú si no es interesante ver lugares preciosos de Italia o de Suiza con un melofó como el de este libro, que más maravillosamente perfecto no te vas a encontrar tú uno en la vida. Lo que pasa es que la historia de amor queda en un segundo (muy segundo) plano comparado con el viaje de Cat y con la amistad que desarrolla con el grupo que conoce. No es una mala premisa y la verdad es que he pasado un rato muy agradable, pero claro, ahí falta profundidad y desarrollo por todos lados, todo lo interesante es superficial. Con menos viaje y más desarrollo de la historia de amor le habría puesto menos nota.
De todos modos, lo he leído a gusto y he pasado un buen rato, pero claro, más nota no le puedo dar porque como historia de amor/amistad se me queda coja.
[Thanks Netgalley for the ebook. This review is my honest opinion but just another opinion, you should read this book and judge it by yourself]
A sweet and light travel guide with a little bit of romance and a lot of friendship.
I had a lovely time reading That Night in Paris but to me this book is a travel guide and not a romance/chick lit novel. The premise is great but I think the writer waste too much time in the tourist part and too little in the romance area (even the frienship is more important!). Not that I mind it, I love a bunch of girl friends, but the love story is so sweet that I felt disappointed when I couldn't see it well developed.
The characters are great but I found them too simple. I know they all have a great and complex story behind but we tiptoe over almost every one of them. But I must say I really loved Jean Luc and he made my day everytime we could see (well, imagine XD) his lovely face.
Overall, it's a well-writen, light and sweet story with too little love and too much sightseeing.

jamielibrary's review

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced copy of “That Night in Paris” by Sandy Barker. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

This story was a fun travel romp through some of Europe’s most notable cities. I enjoyed the travel aspect of the book especially since I haven’t been to a majority of the places Cat visited. I also found the tour’s packed schedule relatable as I had a France and England two week trip in college so I can only imagine the frenzy of fitting even more countries into such a short time frame.

The story starts with Cat running from a one night stand with her roommate and ending up on a two week tour she books last minute. On the tour, she meets a set of interesting new friends and learns more about their lives and the things they’re also running from. I found all these side characters to be very intriguing and so felt a little let down when they’re sort of ditched at the end with no resolution to all the things they were going through. I don’t know if the author has plans to explore these stories in later books but I would have liked some closure there.

There were some technical things that bothered me. With so many characters, I wanted more dialogue tags to indicate who was speaking particularly in group scenes. It got confusing to follow along especially early in the story when the reader is just getting to know the characters.

Jean-Luc made the whole book for me honestly. He was so Swoony and I adored him. Once he was introduced, I was just constantly waiting for him to be back on the page again. My one complaint (and this is largely a personal preference) was that the sex scene felt like a let down. It was very minimal when I was prepared to keep swooning over Jean-Luc. But truly that is a personal preference of heat level as some readers like more or less steaminess in their sex scenes.

While Cat was the main character, I often found myself struggling to root for her. For starters, she kept constantly using the phrase “lady parts” which got annoying after the second time. Heroines definitely don’t need to be perfect, but I felt like Cat needed something more to her character. There were glimpses of who she could be as she got to know and befriend the other tourists, but those moments were lost in Cat’s often selfish behaviors. As much as I adored Jean-Luc, I struggled at times to root for him and Cat ending up together as he just seemed too good for her.

3/5 stars

helenwhite83's review

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Running away from the flatmate she shared a one night stand with, 30-something English teacher Catherine ‘Cat’ Parsons embarks on a European coach tour. Whilst exploring Paris with newfound friends Dani, Jae and Lou, Cat bumps into long-lost best friend Jean-Luc Caron. Despite her protestations, Cat find herself developing feelings for Jean-Luc, and it takes a cross-country cat and mouse chase for her to realise her heart.

Having read One Summer in Santorini I was greatly anticipating That Night in Paris. Although it was a really enjoyable read - and just the escapism needed at this time - it didn’t hook my quite as much as One Summer in Santorini. I loved the fact that the characters were familiar - Cat was briefly introduced in the previous novel, which centres on her sister Sarah’s travels - but I didn’t warm to her as much as her sister! I found her superficial, caught up in her own problems when her friends needed her, and she was frustrating at times! The description of the places that the group visit had me checking Google Maps to see for myself - I especially enjoyed Barker’s description of Italy. I’m looking forward to the next instalment of the series.

meg728's review

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Yet again Sandy Barker took me on a trip of a lifetime!
This book is fun and funny to start! The details of the countries Cat visits on her tour are just divine and I just added a few more cities to my bu hey list. I love that Barker writes about real stuff that happens in real life! She doesn’t dress things up to look nice, she writes her characters to say it like it is and it makes you just fall in love with her books and you get to enjoy several moment of laughter throughout.

fionaaaaaa's review

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A whistle stop tour of Europe, on a bus trip . This is a story of friendship old and new, with a little bit of romance makes the perfect book to curl up with. I loved reading about all the different cities and tourist highlights in this story, makes me want to travel to see them too. Just a great book to escape life for a little while.

bookmadjo's review

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As a staunch Francophile, I am always immediately tempted by books set at least partially in France, and this book really did not disappoint. Admittedly the time spent in France was limited but as a whistle-stop coach tour, that was what I expected.

The accommodation left a lot to be desired, and although I would never go on another coach trip in my life, the tourist side of the story appealed even though the travel did not. To be fair, I went on a coach trip when I was 19 to Italy, which left me with a broken nose (fell down a flight of stairs on the ferry on the way back, totally sober too!), and badly blistered shoulders (from swimming in an Italian lake), and I have to say it put me off coach trips for life. Having said all that, as an armchair reader stuck at home at the moment, I loved the travel, and found the descriptions so vivid that I could picture every beautiful location.

When Cat literally bumps into her old friend Jean-Luc in Paris it seemed like such a serendipitous moment. and wow, what a sexy Frenchman! Their romance was sheer perfection, and a joy to read. However, I do think this book was more about friendships and the guidance friends can give. Cat relied on her new travel friends to point her in the right direction, and I loved that each of her new friends brought a new and very different dimension to their friendship.

I was new to Sandy Barker’s books, having found her on Twitter first, but she really did not disappoint with this book which is book two in the series, but works perfectly as a standalone. I will definitely be seeking out book one, and waiting impatiently for book three!

I also really enjoyed the video chats Cat had with her sister who had previously been a guide on the coach tour. It really gave a useful insight into the highs and lows of coach tours, not that it changed my mind about them!

ratetheromance's review

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THAT NIGHT IN PARIS is a sweet novel with a very swoony French love interested and lots of girl squad goodness.

I was slightly disappointed as this book is 85% girl gang and only 15% romance. The romance portion was so brief that there was almost no conflict so it felt a bit unrealistic. The only conflict is the female lead overcoming her fear of heartbreak.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

ellie_a's review

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Cute beach read; we can all use a little fluff during this season.

vikkiew87's review

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Gorgeous cover ✅

Fantastic author ✅

So happy to have an advanced copy of this one from Netgalley. Absolutely loved this gorgeous book, set in a beautiful place with characters that are easy to love and a superb plot. I have devoured this book in just one sitting ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

svlaw97's review

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3.46 out of 5 Stars
~ Thank you to One More Chapter and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. ~

No Spoilers :)

That Night in Paris was such a cute little break. It's essentially a road trip, but it's a road trip across Europe and there was an adorable romance that I had fun reading.

We follow Catherine on this last-minute trek on an organized bus tour to places including Paris (lol duh), Venice, Rome, Amstersdam, etc., etc. She and the small group of friends that she forms each have their own romance troubles but in a low-key adorable re-meet cute, Catherine runs into an old childhood friend who has had a serious glow-up since they've last talked. All of the characters are a little cliche, but Jean Luc was a literal dream and the romance between him and Catherine was very charming.

My favorite part of this was the romance element to it. If I were to break down the book into two plots, there would be the romantic plot, and the traveling plot. The romance part was the part of the book that I really enjoyed. It was sweet and relatively simple and made the book something that I could totally see me reading on vacation somewhere. There was just enough of a bump in the road to happiness to make me want to pick the book back up, but it wasn't so gripping that I was on the edge of my seat. It had a nice relaxed tone around it.

Maybe surprisingly, I didn't really love the traveling plot of the book. There is something that is almost compellingly interesting about a random group of strangers bonding and spending so much time together, but it wasn't carrying the day for me. Also, while the descriptions of the different locations were beautiful (I definitely added some to Pinterest), I just got to the point where I wanted less of that and more of the romance between Catherine and Jean Luc.

This would for real be a great vacation book for anyone. It's more than because the characters are all on vacation; there's a lightness to the atmosphere and sweetness to it that is refreshing. The series is perfectly titled as "Holiday Romance Books."

Thanks for reading!