
Elements of Chemistry: Capture by Penny Reid

beeppeep's review against another edition

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Loved this book. LO V E D I T! An excellent continuation from the previous book and a brilliant path to an ending I couldn't have imagined better. Happy Mother's Day to me! This book was a wonderful gift. Thank you, Penny. Can't wait to read more of your talent!

bridgetteramirez's review

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This was actually a good ending to a quick and enjoyable series.

bianca89279's review

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5 stars

The release of Capture on Mothers' Day was the perfect present! Thank you, Penny! I was so frustrated about having to wait to find out what happens next ... Of course, once I realised my pre-order was ready for download, I quickly stopped what I was doing and started reading. And I had to finish it in one sitting, so now I'm tired and grumpy as I didn't get much sleep last night, but I'm also happy I've finished the novel.

I have to say that while I thought Kaitlyn was magnificently awesome, I wasn't a big fan of Martin, as I wasn't that keen on his entitled, domineering personality, but his interest in Kaitlyn sure redeemed him somewhat.

But in Capture, he becomes (almost) a new man, a better man, which let's face it, it doesn't happen in reality, but I guess that's why we read these books. What is it they say: women dream men will change, and men hope that women never will? :-) But Kaitlyn changes a bit as well, she becomes less sheltered and makes important decisions based on what's good for her and not on what everyone expects of her. In the process, she becomes happier and more self assured and she's got Martin's bluntness to thank for that.

So yes, this was the perfect love story, where two perfectly imperfect people come together, and by being together they become the best versions of themselves. Big sigh...

Thank you, Penny Reid for yet another wonderful love story. But PLEAAASSEEE no more books split in 2-3 volumes! With all due respect, I hate this practice! I understand the marketing/financial reasoning for it, but still, I am not a big fan! I don't even like it in movies, but it could also be because most movies that have 2, 3, 4 after them are ludicrous and hurt my intelligence (I noticed the Europeans and other non-Hollywood film makers never indulge in the practice).

So, to conclude my review/drivel: I love Penny Reid's writing style and the female characters she creates so much, I even endured the excruciating wait for each volume to be released. Also, Kaitlyn is now officially my favourite female character of all Penny Reid books!!!

I can't wait for the next Penny Reid novel!

Recommended:: To everyone who enjoys reading books with strong, quirky female characters.
Cover: 5 stars

jro14x's review

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Wow! What an amazing end to a fabulous story! Below will have spoilers for the previous books so read with caution.

I really liked that Kaitlyn stuck to her guns after her decisions to break up with Martin. Were there mistakes on both side of the relationship? Yes, but it's so refreshing to see a NA where the girl doesn't fold at the first sign of conflict with the hero. I loved the continued exploration of personal fulfillment vs. the good of the whole. I think this an important issue facing the 20-30 somethings, and I really liked how that conversation happened between Martin and Kaitlyn. I loved seeing Kaitlyn and her mother come to a new understanding of their relationship. Parent-child relationships can often become cartoonish, either sickeningly perfect or horrifyingly terrible and the cause for some emotional defect in a main character. Kaitlyn and her mother had to work to understand each other, but it was obvious that the love on both sides would carry them through. Finally, the grovel. Ohhhhhh, what good grovel this book has! Martin has a lot to make up for, but by the end of this book, I believed he was ready to change and own up to his mistakes.

Despite my caution with the NA genre as a whole, I 110% recommend this series! It's smart, it's witty, it's sexy, and it touches your heart. What else could you want?

s3c0ndbreakfast's review

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This series is my least favorite of Penny's. It is still a good read!

vickyyyy's review

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Beautiful ending and (for me) the best part of the series <3

sammishgirl's review

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Once again a Penny Reid book took over my life, and I completely ignored my family until it was finished. So, so good. I loved the way the characters changed and grew, and that the breakup was useful, and not just a misunderstanding that led to wasted time when they could have been together (as it so often is in romance novels).

I would buy and read Penny Reid's entire body of work, except
1) My family appreciates seeing and interacting with me from time to time
2) Emotionally, I feel like a wrung-out washcloth after so many of her books (in a good way!), and I need time to recover in between.

ladybalbuena's review

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Cute ending but My expectations were not met. And I loved the first 2 books

joyousreads132's review

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Two hours of sleep. Yep. Two hours. This book is crack.

thatashgirl83's review

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I liked this series. The nerd humor worked for me. The whole Sam and Frodo discussion was fun