
Wake by Amanda Hocking

madeklein's review against another edition

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This book is a little on the weird side. I read Amanda hocking's trylle trilogy and it was literally the best set of books ever, but wake is a whole other story.

Wake is a good book but the story line is so messed up!- who has mermaids which turn into scary birds which eat humans to survive???

I have to say this book is very original and different from so much of the teenage rubbish I read. I would recommend this book but all I'll say is its weird on a whole new scale.

I give it 3.5 stars

smokedbones's review against another edition

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Recuerdo que fue de las primeras novelas juveniles que leí, me dejó inquieta con su final, honestamente preferí mil veces a Harper que a Gemma.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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Sirenen! Eindelijk weer eens een boek over sirenen! Al vanaf mijn twaalfde ben ik verliefd op de Griekse mythologie. Ik kende elk verhaal van buiten en als eindexamenproject op de middelbare school heb ik zelfs een Triviant-versie gemaakt waar alle vragen te maken hadden met de Griekse mythologie. De sirenen zijn met afstand mijn favoriete wezens uit die Griekse mythologie. Ik was dan ook heel benieuwd naar deze serie.

Deze serie is alles wat ik ervan verwacht en gehoopt had en dan nog net een beetje meer. Zo had ik de echte link met de Griekse mythologie niet zien aankomen en ik was ook erg blij met hoe ver dit boek durfde te gaan als het gaat om geweld. Sirenes zijn geen lieve vrolijke wezens. Het zijn monsters die een volwassen man zonder dat hij het zelf door heeft om zeep helpen. En dat wordt in dit boek heel beeldend duidelijk gemaakt.

Daarnaast is de opbouw van het verhaal ongelooflijk goed gelukt. Het begint als een vrij typisch YA verhaal, maar langzaamaan beginnen we door te krijgen dat er iets gaat gebeuren en dat het niet heel leuk gaat worden. En omdat ik de personages eerst goed kon leren kennen en me aan ze kon hechten, deed het einde van het boek ook echt pijn. Ik wilde zo graag dat het goed af zou lopen, maar ja, dan zouden er niet nog drie delen zijn.

Ik moest in het begin wel wennen aan het wisselen van perspectief dat de auteur doet. Soms is heel duidelijk dat we van perspectief gewisseld zijn, omdat er een nieuw hoofdstuk begonnen is, maar soms gebeurt het ook middenin een hoofdstuk. Toen ik daar echter helemaal aan gewend was, vond ik het ergens ook wel wat toevoegen. Daardoor krijg je van ieder personage net wat meer informatie, zodat het voelt alsof je ze nog wat beter leert kennen.

Ik heb nu al zin in het volgende deel!

rjdenney's review against another edition

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"Sirens exist, Mermaids don't." - Penn "Wake".

Thanks to St. Martin's Griffin for sending me an ARC of "Wake" by Amanda Hocking! I was wary on reading another Amanda Hocking book because I really didn't like Switched, but I didn't request Wake. St. Martin's sent it because I'm on their reviewer list, so I was surprised to see it in my mailbox last week. After looking over the synopsis and reading the prologue, I decided to go on another Hocking adventure and this adventure I truly enjoyed. If you enjoy books that are mythology reboots, then pick up Wake when it comes out 8/7/12.

Now on to my book thoughts!

I dived right into "Wake" expecting a love triangle, a bitchy protagonist, and over caked romance. I was pleasantly surprised. There is no love triangle, Gemma is a likable protagonist, and the romance was set at the perfect amount. I loved the writing style! Amanda needs to write more books in third person POV. The book starts off with Gemma at the bay, swimming. You get to know her right away and then you are introduced to her sister Harper who is an overprotective, motherly gush-bear. The sisters's mother is in a home with mental issues and their father works on the docks of the town. Alex is our love interest for Gemma and I loved him. Daniel is Harper's love interest and I was drooling over him. Then we are introduced to the new girls in town. Penn, Thea, and Lexi. The boys in town can't get enough of them, so much so that some even begin to go missing. Let me tell you now, I hated these three girls. I wanted to smack Penn so bad. They reminded me of the plastics in Mean Girls, except these girls can rip your head off and can breathe underwater. Things begin to grow tremendously intense once Gemma decides to hang with the girls for one night... and wakes up the next morning feeling too different. From there the story takes off and I enjoyed every bit of it.

That is where I will leave off, spoiler free! So I hope you pick this book up when it comes out and I can't wait to read the second in the Watersong series. Thank you to St. Martin's Griffin for this ARC and I will gladly accept more in the future ;)


fai_aka's review against another edition

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I really like how awkward and real some of the scenes in this book. It made the characters more real and relatable

zeova's review against another edition

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bammarissa's review against another edition

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The writing isn’t great and the characters are weirdly written.

alyssaindira's review against another edition

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Hey guys, so I just finished Wake by Amanda Hocking, I have read another series by this author and thought to try this one out. It was okay. Glad I read it, okay storyline. Not to much detail, it was an easy read. Didnt really have to read between the lines. Those qualities can make for a good novel. I liked how the author roped in some greek mythology, since they were technically "sirens", but come on, everyone just calls them mermaids. But more the harry potter kind, not the Disney kind. The storyline has two main perspectives, Harper's and Gemma's. Not sure which one I liked better.... I think the character's I liked the most were Daniel and Alex, lol believe it or not. Or maybe even the overprotective father Brian, his overbearing talk with Gemma after he found her kissing Alex just had me laughing so much I had to tell my mom why I was cracking up so badly over a much. That might have been my favorite part in the entire novel. EVerything else was good, but that, heh....ANyway, I probably wont read the second in the series Lullaby, even though the book ended in a cliff hanger. The third book is called Tidal, and the fourth ELegy, in case you guys wanted to know.

kaitybelle93's review against another edition

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The first part of this trilogy was intense. I was prepared for what was to happen, but that doesn't mean I couldn't wait to get my hands on the second book.

bookishmadness's review against another edition

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What it's about: Secrets abound and a group of sirens are wreaking havoc on a little beach-side town. Gemma accidentally gets caught up in the middle of things.

What I thought: While sirens/mermaids aren't exactly a fresh concept these days, Hocking has given us something that tries to scream different. Sure, the story line intrigued me, but the fact that I disliked all the characters so much, just kind of blinded me to everything else. Harper has had to take over the 'mum' role after her own mother gets sent away for special care. She studies too hard, she doesn't play enough and to be honest, she was down-right boring. Especially when there is a hot piece of man-candy trying to get her attention and she keeps blowing him off. More than once. Gemma, on the other hand, was all about swimming, more into the boys and less into the caring. While it wasn't her fault she got caught up in the action, you think she'd have been less oblivious.

Despite all this, the story line was interesting enough to hold my attention through-out the whole book.

The Good: Got to give props to Daniel. He was the one part of the book I actually liked and was interested in!

The Bad: Well, I pretty much said it all above.

Rating: 3 Bookstacks