
Heritage by S.M. Boyce

acas29's review

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Everything that I may have had a problem with in Treason went out the window with Heritage. I LOVED Heritage. Right from the start it hooked it claws into me and I was drawn right into the story.

Heritage picks up right after Treason. Kara and Braeden are once again apart, but somehow it works where in the last book it just frustrated me. Kara is training in the Vagabond village with Stone, an ancient isen, and we finally meet the Vagabonds that Twin made and see how they react to her secret. While Kara is away, Braeden is plotting the attack on the Stele and doing reconnaissance missions to prep for the war. I think why their separation worked in this book compared to the last is that both have their goals and know what they needed to accomplish before they could reunited with each other.

Stone, an ancient Isen, was the perfect trainer for Kara. He pushed and pushed her for her own good. At times she despised him, but he knew the kind of power that she holds and didn’t want her to become her grandfather, Agneon. Stone wanted Kara to learn from her family’s mistakes.

Kara cursed under her breath. Her mentor threw a brick through her window to wake her up. That dramatic son of a –

Stone takes her to her grandfather’s home to relive Agneon’s memories. This was definitely a turning point with Kara. Kara saw both the destruction and guilt Agneon faced and the happy memories. After that she knew she had to be able to control her power, so Kara learned to trust Stone and devoted herself to her training. Kara definitely kicked some serious ass in this book. She was scary taking on Carden. Even he feared her, which made the battle in Kirelm so intense!

Braeden contemplates a lot during this book about his future with Kara. And Oh. My. Gosh. It is adorable. I loved seeing him sweat and get all nervous, because that is not the Braeden we have all come to know and love. Right? Every time he thinks is the right time to ask Kara he worries that asking for forever will only push her away. But when the proposal finally happens! Eeek!! It was adorable messy and perfect.

brokebybooks's review

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In three words: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Yes, Heritage is so worth reading. I loved it all: characters, plot, romance, and setting. I can’t go into it without spoilers but damn. I’m a huge fan of this couple, especially how they’re growing together.

Kara keeps stepping up and impressing me. There’s more than just one woman representing as well so there’s no Token Girl problems either. I find Aurora quite compelling among the standout supporting characters.

Finding out more about Carden was just what I wanted. However, there was this one moment that I know was supposed to give surprise depth but it didn’t come off as believable. I was left puzzled and unmoved by something that felt like a bait and switch rather than seeing more sides to a well-rounded character. Everything else is spot-on.

I’ve also been dying for more information about their races. There’s some in Heritage but it’s minor and only relevant to the romance aspect. I’m disappointed with not finding out the history and explanation behind Braedon’s people. But, Illusion is still forthcoming so there’s hope yet.
Rating: 4 stars.

miztrebor's review

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Holy sh….yea, this book was amazing, just like the two previous books from S.M. Boyce in this saga. After devouring Lichgates early in 2012, I soon fell in love with the fantasy world of Ourea. Then came book two of this saga, Treason. That book surpassed my expectations greatly. Now that I was able to get an ARC of Heritage, I can confidently say that fans of Boyce’s writing will probably fall in love with this series of books even more.

I don’t take to series well. It’s mainly because I like when a story can wrap up at the end of one novel, at most two. Sometimes there just isn’t enough in a storyline to need more than one or two books or my attention goes to something more interesting and I don’t come back to a series. Heritage is proof, to me, that these books are worth sticking around for.

Like the previous installments, this one follows a young woman named Kara, who has been thrown into the world of Ourea. It’s even more perilous and complex than when she first entered through a lichgate (magical portal) months before. Boyce does a great job of getting her readers immersed in the world she’s created, early on and it only continues to expand. Her characters become more and more complex as well. There’s nothing simple about the agendas of the Bloods (royalty). With each turn of the page, a new motivation reveals itself; a new plan is made; twists and turns are abundant.

I can’t say too much about the actual events in this book. It’d be too difficult to avoid spoiling it for those who haven’t read the previous books. As a fan of this series, I feel that it’s moving in a great direction. Book four can’t come soon enough. So much happened in Heritage to make it near impossible to tell how this war to unite (or destroy) Ourea will end. With Boyce’s writing getting better and better with each book, I only know it’s going to be epic.

karlou's review

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I've been properly won over to The Grimoire Saga with this, the third book in the series. I enjoyed the first, Lichgates but found it didn't always keep my attention and it took me a while to read it. Treason, the second book was more gripping, I liked its darker feel and therefore started this one immediately after finishing it. And this became the book where the story properly clicked for me. I love the world of Ourea with its complicated, bickering kingdoms, beautiful yet riddled with treachery and intrigue. The characters now feel fully imagined, even lesser characters. We learn more about their histories and their abilities. Kara and Braeden remain the main protagonists of course and the romance between the two heats up in this (while remaining fairly innocent, this is YA after all). I do enjoy books with a strong female lead character and refreshingly while she often relies on Braeden, the same is true in reverse. He needs her to rescue him too.
As I said at the start of this review, Lichgates took me a few weeks to read, Treason I finished in a few days, Heritage though I devoured in a day. It was a messy house, dinner burning sort of a book that I couldn't get down.
And now on to the final book in the sage, Illusion...

ayanamifaerudo's review

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This is good. This series is good.

Kara may be more powerful than ever because of her newfound heritage but she's still as vulnerable as the weakest of them. Her power is her curse and if she can't control it properly then everything she fought for will be all for naught. The one thing that keeps her grounded is Braeden and she is his reason for being. I love it when a series sticks to one couple, with no love triangles and swapping of partners, and read that couple mature together throughout the series.

The plot thickens and everything is in place for the final showdown in Illusion. Can't wait.

littlesundae's review

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Once again this story is beautifully written with great pacing. I’ve realised now how much I really love the chapter sizing, which may seem like a weird thing to pick up on, but it’s important if you’re the sort of reader who doesn’t have a whole hour to spend on a book at a time.

I feel there was a lot of character development going on in this book and I really enjoyed it. Every main cast character seemed to be expanding in terms of personality, motives and goals. I can’t explain enough how important character development is to me in a story. Kara and Braedon are continuing to grow both individually and as a couple. I also like how Boyce gives us a few snippets about the ‘evil’ characters. As a reader we learn more than our protagonists and yet we’re helpless to warn them, it really helps induce a thrilling sense of tension and dread.

There wasn’t anything I disliked about this book. It had everything I want in a good book and so much more. I’m excited for the release of the fourth book!

(Read my full review on my blog)

niebieskie2's review

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The third book in the saga piles on more problems and Kara is forced to deal with them. I just want to say that I enjoyed those books so very much so far. Can't wait to see how it turns out
Protagonist: kick ass girl, makes mistakes, owns them, not whiny
Other characters: developed, and not black and white. Like as life is gray
World: awesome, original ( with as much as I read it's hard to find original) no fairies even though it's fantasy
Plot: was 5, my favorite out of the 3 so far